Only one more deep dive left bros

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I won't forget Hondomachi.

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Definitely wouldn't forget that ass, even if i wanted to

Where did her murderous tendencies go? It's like they dropped the whole plotline. Was it just an excuse to get her dive into wells?

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She's a killer killer, and she hasn't exactly met many murderers lately, except the one she wants to fuck.

I think she's just been busy.

It's this show worth watching?

Yes. It's a very enjoyable show. I'd give it a 7/10. The ending will either make it a 8/10 or stay at 7/10.

it's good fun


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It's the AOTY already.

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cute feet

It's time for the real villain

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It's AOTS unless they manage to drop the ball real hard and possibly AOTY if get the ending

>trapped in the lightning well
>all happen in about an hour for her
Where does she get the time to start her murdering spree?

It's a necessary evil.

Imagine having sex with Kiki and experiencing her orgasms too as they echo to you

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Just for the sake of being able to say I called it: The Challenger did not kill Muku.

She is reckless and enjoyed killing, but that doesn't mean she's about to throw a fit and shoot anyone. She's a psychopath, not a nigger.

>Imagine having sex with Kiki and experiencing her orgasms too as they echo to you
Sounds like you're trying to distract us from the reality that having sex with kiki would be like giving yourself a good dicking

I find it cute that she has psycho tendencies but around her serial killer boyfriend she has a lot more empathy

>Imagine having sex with Kiki and experiencing her disappointment

>projecting your micro dick so hard.
3' by 3'?

I dunno, the way she said "oh, he's not really my man" was pretty damn cold.

>being disappointed by your own penis

>boasting about your "big dick"
>on an anonymous mineshaft review site

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cute foot


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I realized that I can name my favorite episode but not the least favorite. It seems like there are only good and very good episodes.

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It's been a fun ride.

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They messed up here. She said that she doesn't have a hole after to Fukuda.

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Because she went up a layer user

subs soon right?

No, she went to talk to Fukuda after Narihisago flew away and he asked about her hole. She said that she misses it.

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My one regret is that we never got a complete set.

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In about 54 minutes

Naruhisago shares the well with her: there is a hole.
Hondomachi is the only cock-pilot: no hole.
Seems legit considering ep. 12 dialogues.

Such a shame

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Today is last episode?

Have you noticed how stupid was translating "ido" as wells? They missed every reference from the original.


i can still hear ido and also they bring the point up in the show

I'm on a mission.

You kinda have to, I'd say "ID wells" is an okay compromise, although it probably needed a note or three.

You guys ready for Momoki to tear shit up?

hat time does it air?

we F.E.A.R. now

what if we get momoki gunshot fade to black

What was your favorite moment?

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About 2 hours

I can't wait for Momoki to finally kill Kiki, like she wanted all those years ago.

Can I choose 2 episodes as my favourite? Everything in Narihisago's well-flashback was just so fucking good, I can't just pick one of them.

Probably the suffering montage after Narihisago tried denying the well² wasn't real

I don't remember the last time I was this excited for an anime episode.

I do, and it was three weeks ago.

I'm retarded, what am i missing here?

He better not shoot my beautiful wife kiki, even if she wants him to.

It seems like a time thing to me. They only show the hole when she's with Narihisago but then it doesn't get shown after they separate with all the close ups of her face

Samurai45 and Butterfly were both great, as was Naharisago confronting his fears. I also have a soft spot for the first episode with the extendo-arm, that was a cool introduction.
Oh and naharisago taking the sniper dude into suicide.
And Anaibro in the desert.
And... Fuck at this rate I'm oing to list something from every episode

井戸 -> いど -> ido -> well

But Narihisago never seen her hole before, and both of them haven't met Fukuda at that point in time for the hole to appear.

It's also a pun on Freud's term for the subconscious, the Id, pronounced in Nip as "ido"
The bridge bunny crew explains it all in the first episode, so if you miss it, it's your own fault.

It's not too late user, you still have time to drill yourself before the last episode airs.

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It was the week of Kemono Friends 1 episode 12 for me.

Will it be necessary to get the ending?

yes, it will make the ending whole

Even if there's a gapping hole?