MHA Ending!

No! This can't be happening!
Hero Bros!

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Good riddance

Tic toc Horifags

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Will All Might finally die?

Yeah, thought so. What a rushed story.

>Two More Arcs
That means at least three more years, what's the big deal?

Seems fair, doesn't seem like there's a whole lot more to do for the manga

Well Gentle better return

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this is a shoop. i checked the author. no trace of this article.

>My Hero Academia ends
>Time skip
>Announcement of my hero career beings

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I mean I don't like BnHA but a thread died for this obvious lie, sage and report.

>one day ago
These type of bait threads should be ban worthy

OP edited text to create this fake image. deku still has 7 quirks

>Source: bro trust me
What website is this?

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If only it was true OP, if only it was true

Id rather a series end on a high note, than get stuck in eternal release purgatory like the big three.

Has Deku finally gave in to being Kacchan's sissy boy?

Fucking finally, won't have to see this garbage spammed everywhere.

What went so fucking wrong Herobros?

Hahahaha good riddance. Animation has become terrible and somehow the MC has become a bigger fag than when the series started

I wish this was true. There's no way hori doesn't drag his audience for another 200 chapters minimum. There's no reason for him to rush if it makes money. Hell it's been 6 years and time had barely passed in the manga no plot development at all. I'm really not sure what keeps this manga alive. I used to read it weekly but nothing dramatic happens in the manga where people aren't healed next chapter. What the fuck is the point of reading when all situations end the same?

Based Kubo

>not happy about the author ending it on his own terms
fucking pleb. Well I think the manga went downhill a long time ago anyway

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>Sam 8 cancelled
>BC barely limping past 10 million sales despite 220 chapters
>KnY sold more in the last two months than BnHA has since it began six years ago
>Bleach coming back
Is WSJ shaking things up?

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He is everyone's cumdump now

Seems legit.

>demon slayer on track to hit 100 million this year
>sells more in one year than BnHA has since it began

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herobros... I thought we were the one piece killer

>manga never shuts the fuck about how important it is to be #1
>is constantly side lined by other manga and anime

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I wish KnY and BnHA would die out already. It's actually pathetic people have such dogshit taste why is it always the most generic stories that sell the most?

Herobros..... I thought it was going to be black clover that got the axe not us bro’s.........

>>Jump editorials allowing Hori to end BnHA
You clearly have no idea who Shueisha are and what they do.

>>Generic stories appeal best to consumers in general
Answered your own question there user.

I was gonna say "I could not care less" but then I remembered there will be more threads after those 2 arcs

>this is my story on becoming the greatest hero!
>ends in two more arcs and most likely still in highschool

Thank God. BnHtards are even more obnoxious than Narutards were a 15 years ago.

Don't get me wrong i agree it's shit but i'd never call it generic

Gentle is the natural enemy of Shiggy

DEATH WAVE gets bounced back by inviisble shield with the properties of bothrubber and gum

Final Arc will be Deku, Gentle and Stain vs Death God Shigaraki.

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So Deku is coming to become no1 and master 7 quirks at insane speed?

Endevaour was considered a freak for attaining no2 at 20, and he had 1 quirk and a LOT more time to practice with it.

based i'm into it
Deku Shippuden

it's honestly hard to think of a more generic premise for a WSJ manga than generic samurai/ninjas killing demons

Samurais and demons is the blandest setting ever. Doesn't help that the art isn't that good

>generic premise for a WSJ manga than generic samurai/ninjas killing demons
Name 10 other WSJ manga with the same premise then?


Well, the only not generic thing in KnY is large amount of character deaths. Aside from that it's pretty generic shonen.


Don't worry, Kubo will hire hori as backgrounds assistant..........oh

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B-but people told me BC would be cancelled, not MHA!

We win again.

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They need to euthanize the subhuman fans too

That's literally the plan, though. Hori said he wants to do a Pro-Hero series after the academia one.

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I was just reading previous chapters and i found the villain of the new movie, nice foreshadowing

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I actually kek'd out loud

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>Oda dying from corona
>Kishi gets the axe
>Boku no Pico Academia ends
>pissfag slayer is ending
>Bleach returns
It truly is a sign of the end times.

The Black Clover anime is getting canned to make room for Bleach

>Bleach is coming back
Yeah no, you lost. Hard. After the anime is over BC will get axed.

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> it a premiere that being done before
> That mean it's generic
Are people so stupid that they considerate anything have vague similar premiere as generic? By that standard every single work is generic cause every premiere have been done before in other older works.

C-CLOVERBROS?! T-This can't be true...

If the sales are decreasing with a currently running anime, I wonder how it will fair with the anime gone

Nigger Clover(Anime) is ending in October with Bleach's return

Axe soon


> Originality good
> Stuffs being done before bad
So I guess the only good story in human history is the first story told by caveman.

Based. My Fujo Academia fags btfo


and to be followed by "My Hero Career" sequel series

Wish this was true

That's what they said about Narto 12 years ago and it's still ongoing...

Well the manga is coming to an end but the anime has only just begun

Go back to r*ddit

>manga is going to end already
>still no story
Lol, what a nothing burger

Because it well told. Because it resonate with people.

This powerful spiritual pressure is too much! Kubo stop, they don’t deserve it!


Fucking finally
What fucking trash and terrible character design

YES! Hopefully Black Clover, Promise Neverland and Demon Slayer are next end before they become more Seven Deadly Sins and Soma

I'd be very happy with that. I love this story, characters, setting and lore. It's the only good capeshit in existence.

and nothing of value was lost