Why is ID:Invaded so much more popular than Pet when they have similar premises?

Why is ID:Invaded so much more popular than Pet when they have similar premises?

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The homo mind-tricks filtered everyone, unfortunately.

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It's time to stop, user.

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ID: cool scifi machine detectives
Pet: let's find the worst traumas in this fragile psyche

ep 1's gay collarbone licking filtered a lot of people who thought it was a fujo show.
they missed out on the chink criminal's wild ride of mindfuckery.

They're not remotely similar.

ID:Invaded is crime investigation while Pet is a original concept

I like Pet but it's really nowhere near ID:Invaded.

Thread is bad and OP should feel bad.

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That's a cursed edit if I ever saw one

Just post the original screencaps.

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Luck? Both were equally popular at the beginning but ID Invaded catched fire after the mid season, only difference I can think of is Pet being way too "homoerotic", fun thing is that the "homoerotic" aspect is actualyl part of the plot and no just there for fanservice,

I'm sure the author looks at it like "what the fuck" too now, the end card shows she has a sense of humor.

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The manga art is just plain hideous

It's fucking great tho

Pet is too homo so that might scare some people away.

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The chinese and the deteriorating art make it really hard to sit through each episode.

pet is shit

still watching it tho


Pet scared away people by virtue of being a BL.

You know why

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Pet was postponed a season, so many anons who scoped it out early probably lowered their expectations.
Pet airs on Monday mornings or afternoons in Western timezones, so the threads were doomed to be stagnant, which means it didn't appear on the radar for many anons who might otherwise have hopped on the hype bandwagon later (like many did with ID.)
Pet has an all male main cast without shounen powers, gay subtext in the first few eps, and spent the first few eps switching perspectives so often that it wasn't even clear which characters were going to be the MCs. That probably filtered most casual viewers.
ID:Invaded pre-released the first two eps, so it had a headstart.
ID:Invaded's first episodes were more eventful and more straightforward, the plot picked up the pace quickly, and it kept adding new mysteries at regular intervals, so practically everyone who started it stayed hooked.
ID:Invaded has stronger visual direction, more thematic variety thanks to the id wells, catchy insert songs, and the qt grill factor:

Please don't compare the shows because of a vaguely similar concept. We don't need another pissing contest. I like both but I prefer Pet, and do think it deserves more attention than it is getting

Yeah, we're getting spoiled with two great mystery shows this season, but it's a real shame that Pet is getting less attention as a result than it otherwise would.

Welp, I would've dropped it here too if I ever started watching it.

but it's pretty good, anime designs on the other hand are shit

Low IQ honestly Pet is for big brain people. ID invaded is for people who want to feel smart.

Big brain by Yas Forums standards maybe. Both are pretty straightforward as long as you haven't got ADHD and don't expect everything laboriously explained upfront.

I'm not even smart, you just have to be familiar with a lot of anime and general fiction bullshit and see where the show is different.

I actually find ID harder to follow just because of how contrived everything is. I'm also constantly distracted by the way they can go to worlds within worlds within dreams within worlds. Are the inhabitants of these worlds sentient? Are they alternate realities? It all just seemed too far fetched even for a sci-fi or fantasy. The rules of Pet are more straightforward and the characters are far more realistic rather than cartoonish heroes and villains. The part where the girl shot a bullet through the hole in that guy's head also made me roll my eyes

Sounds like your problem is autism.

user hasn't Kiki taught you anything, reality is a dream.

The dream part was the easiest thing to follow. The real mind fuckery for me was putting 50 characters names to the generic same face and 10 seconds of screentime most of them get. Why does this show have so many god damn characters when most of them have zero development or purpose besides tossing out a one liner here or there.

what? are you not confident enough of your heterosexuality that some homoerotism scares you?

What? What's wrong with ID characters, it's just like any other show, you don't have to make every single person in a story irreplaceable and essential to it. Background characters have the right to have names too you know.

This is such an odd take, not every character has to be extremely plot relevant, some exist just to make the world more believable. All the Kura people don't need development or crazy characterization, they're needed just to be workers who handle all the tech and whatnot.

One is infinitely better

That one is Pet

>Why is ID:Invaded so much more popular than Pet when they have similar premises?

Better girls

Do you even watch anime for the plot? Don't bother answering I am too smart that you would think no

ok I'll bite. whats the explanation for this scene? and whats the basic premise? I'll check it out but if it ends up being a joke like Babylon was I'll be annoyed

they were manipulating his mind to make him trip out and hallucinate so that they can alter his brain like hypnosis.

Pet is not a good show to watch weekly. The authors failed to create enough tension and cliffhangers, so it would receive much better feedback if someone watch it at his own pace.
ID:Invaded is just an unexpected fantastic show that catches you every episode with desire to discuss it. And not having spoilers helped discussions to get enough popularity.

pet is AOTS

It's really going to depend on how both Pet and ID Invaded endings, if both suck Bofuri can take the title.


Because ID is better.

ID:INVADED isn't gay as fuck. hell, it's even got an very engaging girl.

Turtle of truth. Otherwise wave motion turtle beam.

Your dreaming it seems.

Really your confused by dream magic? It is pretty clear the worlds are based off the people minds. They are not alternate realities its basically dream space and a dream within a dream is readily possible. The whole central premise is the magical mind space well so you can't say its far fetched when its the main premise. That is like saying FTL travel in sci-fi is far fetched because in reality it is (negative mass, time travel, infinite energy, ....)

Even in real life I've had dreams were I wake up from bed, do a bunch of stuff, and then suddenly I wake up again do a bunch of stuff, and then I wake up again. Finally I wake up and go woah that was a crazy dream. Strangely it is never really a problem telling what is dream space and what is not but fictional writers rightly point out what happens if it isn't so easy to tell your in a dream.

ID is not that complex and it knows when to have fun and often the quality of the execution is why people are jumping on the hype train along with the crazy characters that inhabit the show. The bullet time hole shot was movie physics were the improbable always happens so that isn't really a problem.

bullet hole was just general hole circlejerking the show has going on

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i think u can enjoy both. personally i prefer id invaded more but i keep up with Pet whenever a new episode airs

HOLE Power

If you drill a hole in your head then you would understand it as well.

You could answer that for yourself but instead you choose to make a thread that will consequentially end up making people dislike the show

I wanted to like Pet since I liked Kokkoku (same studio) but the gay shit turned me off first episode.
But I've heard good things about everything else from it so I might give it another chance in the future.

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If you think either are convoluted or big brained you have no right to talk about low IQ. They are simple shows about diving into peoples heads, all that is needed to understand them is the attention span to actually watch the show.

It's a little gay if you strap goggles on, but it's mostly about mindfuckery and power struggles within a criminal organization. There's way more suffering and gore than homo.

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Why are straight guys so fragile?