Overlord guess threads only live when theres TLd content

hopefully hitori will post some content today or tomorrow.....

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Fuck undead.

humies man get over it

In the final stages of proofreading this part, expect it to be posted in 10 minutes


Calm down Albedo

Chapter 1 part 5
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Thanks Hitori

Thanks man :)

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>closer and closer to complete dead threads

Hey maybe there's S4.

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>The image of the Sorcerous Kingdom’s flag being defiled with dirt filled his heart with excitement. This wasn’t something anyone else in the Kingdom could accomplish.
>That’s right, Philip had accomplished what no other man could.
Outsmarted the enemy just by his presence alone, no other men could have accomplished that indeed.
Praise Philip!

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Thanks Hitori!

Sasuga Philip! As expected of a noble genius!

>Philip beat the sorcerer kingdom with his mere presence

>Took quite a while
It didn't. You were on break for like 2 days. That's not nearly as long as I had thought.

A genius has risen!
The flag that represent Ainz Friends trampled!
next time on Overlord
Beg for Mercy

>ainz is the 19th player in the world
>all players before him are long dead
is ainz seriously the only undead player that got sent?

>On the other hand, that which now rests underneath Philip’s foot, the dirt ridden flag of the Sorcerous Kingdom, was a representation of that country’s eventual downfall.
Ok now THIS is interesting unless the phrasing was wrong.

Did you forget about guerrillas?

What now?

Sasuga hitori-sama

Ainz reminisced about one of his guildmates mentioning guerrillas appearing in conquered lands, common turn-based strategy games mechanic. Ainz was distracted from that line of thought with some other matters at the time.

Could be nothing, like gazillion of other subplots and chekhov guns author is axing.

Surshana was undead but killed by the 8GKs if I'm not mistaken.

Probably nothing honestly. He's a paranoid man.

>dead thread


Guerrilla shit does't work with this power gap.
irl it worked because traps and guns still hurt the superpower unlike in overlord.

Nazarick is invulnerable, yes.
But not the Utopia or SKAOG.
Ainz undead are under very simple orders and those can be abused.
Reputation can be ruined, public order - disrupted.
Bureacracy DDoS attacks like what People of Earth did in Log Horizon.
A dedicated enough force can sabotage Utopia even with powergap.

That's Philip's thoughts, look at the two lines before it

hilma boned scene when

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That was addressed with albedo, she has aura looking for resistance as well, plus the humans themselves sneaking into the groups looking for anti nazarick sentiment.
Philip is a special case.

since yggdrasil shut down is ainz the last player?

He guaranteed not to be the only one waiting for servers shutdown, with game that popular it was bound to be full of autists who stayed until the end.
This is probably the pool of Players that ended up World Connecting into New World, courtesy of Dragon Emperror.
Those who were in contact with WCI anyway.

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This would be very hard to gain any ground man.
Neia is creating a religion of fanatics that will betray your revolution at the first sight.
Demiurge is creating a CIA and sleeper agents with his power.
Ainz is loved by most of the people he interacts with and if you go near a dwarf or other people you would be linched.
Good luck finding a team within the sorcerer kingdom and good luck getting supplies.
Guerrilas are totally dependant of population.

They have NW-unique magic like 3 question expiration spell.
There could be sleepers entering SKAOG as refugees right now.

Those would be spies.
Not a guerrila. And according to the new volume there already a few.
Those are accounted for and feed with false information.
A guerrila would have no ground to form and spies would be something awesome for the SK. A opportunity for more Casus belis for more conquest.

Ah, that makes sense.
I thought it was the narrator's perspective. This just proves that he is the ultimate retard.

This whole part of Phillip seems like a nightmare. Everyone involve has practically sign their own death warrant. Even that idiotic merchant.

Seems like nobody actually could believe there is such a dumb person in the world.

Those could be saboteurs or terrorists. Sleepers doesn't automatically mean spies and active spies that are "accounted for" cannot be sleepers. Do you even know the definition of it?
Those are agents that stay completely dormant in enemy territory, living regular lives, until they are activated.

thanks man

The fact that the original country think that they are unaccounted for don´t mean that the host country doesn´t know about them.
Specially considering the level of contact that must be made in order to create those agents.
Those actions are accounted for user. It´s not a feasible plan.

Kuso OP.

Trampling the flag probably was the final nail hammer on the kingdom coffin.

>Specially considering the level of contact that must be made in order to create those agents.
Bullshit memory magic and counter-interrogation magic exist.
There's nothing that stops powerful nations like Agrande republic, City-State alliance or Slane Theocracy from creating perfect oblivious sleeper agents that wouldn't even know who they truly are before being activated.

IRL this is achieved to a degree with brainwashing combination of hypnosis, drugs and torture.

You fucking bet isekai spooks with magic at their disposal can do much better.

Imagine if any of the Guardians saw this happen.

We know ainz is a moron and that his plans always end up in sasuga. Could idiocy be some sort of special skill that defies logic and reason to produce beneficial results? Remember the surprisingly accurate guess from the not so bright fellow next to jircniv. This is clearly a pattern where the dumber the individual the better off he is. [ Ignorance is Bliss ]. Maybe our guy phillip or someone even greater can sasuga his way through everything as well.

Demiurge said himself that actions of a complete fool are harder to predict than intellectual mediocrity thinking himself a genius.

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How can they find anything in a fully hostile population?

Humans hate undead, it's a fact user.
Neia's victims were literally brainwashed by her with a low level spell. It only take a decent priest with mid level power to release them.

We actually know the magic abilities of the new world user. It is based on 3rd edition dungeons and dragons.
But before that you have to understand a point: the ´´spie´´ would have to contact the nation at some point in order to be introduced to their ranks. Important people of the SK all have shadow demons and are therefore riskier.
If he sent people from outside they will be investigated and under constant scrutiny. .
Now if you look at the magic in overlord you would notice that magic above 6th level are unheard of. Not only that those based on enchantment and charm have specific durations.
The target would have to keep contact with the enchanter with regularity for it to work. Unless you are stating that some dragon lord will use his powerful magic to cast a epic level spell. And that´s ignoring the number of spells that can be used to detect those spells on a target.
Sleeper agents in a more tradicional sense (not the IRL that you posted that is more used in fiction) is someone loyal to the cause that acts in a specific way and avoid contact with his original country.
Those can work but it will have limited efficiency.

SKAOG just need a tavern full of dork Vampire Brides who double as prostitutes to fix that situation.

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You can regularly experience this when you're trying to kill people who are absolute idiots in a MMORPG or asymmetrical game, since you might overthink their actions.

The people that interact with Ainz actually likes him a lot.
From the Dwarfs to the adventure leader, from Carne and now E-Rantel.
Most of the people that actually lives under Ainz are starting to support him.

Speak for yourself retard.
>It is based on 3rd edition dungeons and dragons.
I'm not going to take your word on that there are elements of WoW and other systems present.
>If he sent people from outside they will be investigated and under constant scrutiny. .
And they'd be squeaky clean in behavior department.
>number of spells that can be used to detect those spells on a target.
Completely useless for Nazarick against unknown spells: they didn't detect any magic on Sunlit Scripture even when they have started to expire after answering 3 questions.
>But before that you have to understand a point: the ´´spie´´ would have to contact the nation at some point in order to be introduced to their ranks.
No you fucking retard: sleepers don't contact anyone after they are deployed into the enemy territory, they act only when activating.

They even said it last volume, that for as terrifying as it is to work for Nazarick, especially considering the price of failure, they give so much incentive that it wouldn't make sense not to work for them

>I'm not going to take your word on that there are elements of WoW and other systems present.

The tiered magic system is directly take from Dungeons and dragons user. While you can say some shit about Wow and other system, the magic system is actually well understood. You can actually use the description from the spells and see that they match the SRD quite well. But even if you don´t believe the evidence thats still dont change the point below:
>And they'd be squeaky clean in behavior department.
user, like I said they will be under constant scrutiny. That means that if they have a actual influential position they will have a literal demon in their shadows. That´s why I said that it´s useless
> But before that you have to understand a point: the ´´spie´´ would have to contact the nation at some point in order to be introduced to their ranks.
You stated people brainwashed by magic user. Magic of those levels have a duration.
If the caster dont renew the magic it expires.
Even the leader of magician guild was unable to believe of magic that could alter their minds would be below 8th level (what they think is epic level).
Note that below I stated about more tradicional means of using a spie without magic.

>well understood
>OC magic
>Wild Magic
>sharknado spells
>You stated people brainwashed by magic user. Magic of those levels have a duration.
What duration 3 question anit-interrogation magic had? How did Clem disappear from E-Rantel anti-magic morgue lockbox?
You're full of shit.
>That means that if they have a actual influential position they will have a literal demon in their shadows.
Retard, you don't need to be a mayor to poison well or torch foodstock.
Last (you), you're probably some dumb wall-of-text twat from reddit, no point arguing with you.

I don't think I can grasp Phillip's IQ

>tries to calculate Phillip's IQ
Integer overflow.

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The players that were pulled into the new world were all players that were around during the server shutdown, they were all just transported to different points in time.

> >runes
>OC magic
>Wild Magic
>sharknado spells

>You stated people brainwashed by magic user. Magic of those levels have a duration.
>What duration 3 question anit-interrogation magic had? How did Clem disappear from E-Rantel anti-magic morgue lockbox?You're full of shit

“Could it be that I was magically charmed?”

“I’m not confident in completely ruling it out, but I don’t think so. Charm magic is time-limited, and even if the Sorcerer King wanted to sustain it, he probably would not be able to.”

“Then again, it might be possible for His Majesty.”

Overlord volume 10- chapter 1.

Philip or reality slashed lich, who will win in the battle of wits?