I barely watch anime anymore, but this feels like something special

I barely watch anime anymore, but this feels like something special.

Attached: Eizouken_ni_wa_Te_o_Dasu_na!_volume_1_cover.png (265x376, 203.65K)

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>I barely watch anime anymore
then your opinion doesn't matter

Cringe westerncuck

I watch tons of anime and dropped it

it's the best thing around but it's not something that can persist.

Attached: spazusaki_run_fore.webm (1280x720, 1.66M)

Why so much hate?

left himself open on that shit with his dumb opinions and stupid pointless details. It's obligatory.

are you an Yas Forums expert?

>I barely watch anime
>post reddit garbage
It shows

theres just so many rookie mistakes, newfriend
>posting promotional work instead of obscure fanart
>compliments and narcissism instead of bait comment
>letting anyone on Yas Forums reply to you instead of posting cute girls

Attached: probably.png (1280x720, 1.2M)

sorry man

Because your post is fucking shit and retarded. You admit you know fuck all about current anime, and mention one of the most popular current shows as if you're sharing a fucking secret.


i like this ED

soundtrack's all pretty good, mostly hate anything by chelmico though. Can't wait for real OST.

And this thread feels like a falseflag.

whatever, i dont care. eizokuen is a good ass anime, so was ping pong. so was tatami galaxy. suck a dick.

>Someone expressing genuine enthusiasm for a show is suspicious and seen as false flagging
This site really does rot people's brains

The issue is being an outsider and doing it wrong. Respect must be earned.

Attached: notaproblem.png (1280x720, 526.7K)

>I barely watch anime anymore
Pretty much sums up the kind of people that would enjoy this.

Lurk more. You don't come in on your first day get a pat on the head with a cookie.

It's niche. The meta shit is interesting and the 'tism is deeper than say a Shirobako but it's got solid characters and really great pacing for what its packing story-wise. Masturbatory and referential but also manages to simplify the technical stuff down to dramatic plot devices.

Attached: spazusaki_robot.webm (1280x720, 2.96M)

It's nice but it's not even the best anime this season.

Everyone who says it's bad just an underage newfag who only watch shounen and secretly redditor. It's honestly good. It has a bit too many black people for me but anyway I really like it. It's like a love letter to the animation.

Stop using words you don't understand. It's got no characters at all, only plot devices, literally nothing happens save for monster-of-the-week sakuga moments, it's pretentious fake-artsy, and all-in-all it's a vapid "I fucking love anime" normalfag bait.

i think you need to watch the coexistence episode

Not just animation either, the idea of the producer and sound autist being best girls is kind of mind blowing. I think as frog grows as a director she will maybe reach best girl rival tier but not yet.

>it's got no characters at all
jesus christ how wrong could you possibly be, speed watcher? There's tons of layers to the imagination jerkoff sequences and even there everything is individually characterized and textural. In 11 episodes they've completed 2.8~ full projects with commentary on what was possible and how, including how the characters act and grow and change their workflow to compensate. It's literal artsy "i love anime but this isn't good enough and here's why" serious autism bait.

There's a growing set of great characters outside of the club, too, of course.

Attached: doumekino_full2.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

>It has a bit too many black people
cringe redditor

>>Someone expressing genuine enthusiasm for a show is suspicious and seen as false flagging
I never said that. Who are you quoting?

>Everyone who says it's bad just an underage newfag who only watch shounen and secretly redditor
Whatever makes you sleep at night, sub 5k anime watched newfag.

>characters grow
Retard, I'll repeat it slower for you: there. are. no. characters. in. this. show. I realize you've never read a book in your entire life, so you've never seen an actual character, or an example of character grow, and your brain literally can't comprehend it, but that's how it is. The "characters" of Eizoken is on the Tom & Jerry level - they have exactly a single trait each and just keeps getting smashed against each other in a single interaction.
You need to seriously shut the fuck up.

Holy buzzwords, batman

I'm sorry you need things spelled out e x t r a s l o w l y for you but that's completely wrong. Have you ever heard Peter and the Wolf? The characterization is shown across multiple levels in multiple forms, not just dialogue. Every one of them has their own design and stylistic quirks and choreographic quirks. Mizusaki has become kind of a meme in how much of a fucking spastic uncoordinated dork she is vs. her focus on fluid extreme choreographed animation. Her imagination sequences are character based and you can tell because they're dynamic. The characters look identical to "real life" models but the scene transparently shifts into high-motion where she's not acting like a spaz. This imagination style ALSO evolves with her throughout the projects. When more than one single character is imagining at the same time these styles are blended together in subtle ways. This specific skirt imagination scene is referenced way forwards when they get to the procedural part.

Attached: skirt2.webm (1280x720, 2.45M)

The best way to know anime shitters and people with poor taste in anime is checking these threads and seeing how they shit on this great show but Yas Forums having shit taste is nothing new.

>literally nothing happens
Nothing has to happen, i like the characters, the setting and the art

Check Kanamori's imagination, it's all the bare bones cheapest static pan shots & trashy 3d. Also if you never noticed, listen to the ONOMATOPOEIA during the imagination sequences. Doumeki's the only one with actual sound but zero imagination art.

Attached: kanamemori.webm (1280x720, 2.92M)

>The "characters" of Eizoken is on the Tom & Jerry level - they have exactly a single trait each and just keeps getting smashed against each other in a single interaction.
So youre admitting you haven’t watched the show

>barely watch anime
I can tell

Attached: spazusaki_chopsticks.png (1280x720, 661.13K)

I don't think it's bad but it's not special, shirobako also went into anime production but is from an actual realistic standpoint. It's also better

She's such a fucking weirdo, I love her

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Eizouken ni wa Te wo Dasu na! - 08 [720p]-[12.23.326-12.25.286].webm (1280x720, 539.29K)

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Eizouken ni wa Te wo Dasu na! - 08 [720p].mkv_snapshot_05.28_[2020.02.23_20.25.35].jpg (1280x720, 146.89K)

its so boring though, office themed melodrama with a tiny splash of anime flavor. zero creativity. zero expression of that art they melodrama over. zero autism.

normal people like it so of course theyll hate it to feel special

Why did her parents train her to be a such a weirdo when it comes to common things?

She was given ultimate freedom and she chose dork life.

Attached: spazusaki_run_rear.webm (1280x720, 1.64M)

Why does rich girl run like a sperg

Rich people are always fucking weird, they're never taught how to do anything normally

the absolute state of eizouken niggers

I cringe at the imagination scenes, they are so self masterbatory and pointless. They completely take me out of what would be a decent make an anime anime.

Once this season is over, I don't think I'll watch seasonals anymore.


t. moeshitter & shonencuck

The western art for this anime is way better than most other anime, it's weird

Attached: ESv-lGGXQAIX3Ip.jfif.jpg (1712x1838, 171.34K)

There are not 5k anime worth watching. Don't take pride in watching a great quantity of shit.
We're all weebs here but there's no reason not to have standards, watch some western stuff or read a fucking book during dry seasons.

Because the character design is very ugly and western "artists" specialize in ugliness.

>We're all weebs
You are 100% an ironic weeaboo. Which youtuber are you subscribed to?

Nothing has really recaptured the 'magic' the first episode presented, but it's still a good series. I doubt it'll have any longevity though.

>I doubt it'll have any longevity though

No shit fool, there's only one episode left

I am neither a weeb nor do I want to be associated with weebs. I am a fan animation, not some cuck who hates their own culture. I first and foremost watch movies, not shitty seasonals. 5k seasonals are too much for anyone to handle.

It's kinda boring. blah, blah, blah and walls of text everywhere with shitty typesetting.

dropped on episode 1. it was trying too hard