
What's the worst possible ending for this show? What ending could be so shitty that it would undo all the goodwill this show built?

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The ending won't be great. It can be decent at best. I can't see how it can have a worst possible ending. If all of them in the building die, then you can basically just jot it down as an unsolved mystery, which is a clean way to just end the story then and there.

I mean i suspect Narihisago will die, dude's bleeding out in his seat.
Tomatsu will probably stay dead as well.
That leaves with the fresh faced rookie being the sole survivor which is pretty typical in this sort of series desu nothing really surprising there.
The real question is for the well side investigation crew, Momoki seems to know more than he probably should, he's probably going to kill Kiki or kidnap her to some other place...... Matsuota probably won't do anything.... Pi guy will die.

Momoki saved Kiki from the Challenger but doesn't remember her after seeing Kaeru. He's hiding something, right?
Or maybe he does and believe that the end justifies the mean like the director?

Well it still hasn't been explicitly stated who killed the creator of the Mizuhanome.

Maybe it's Togo?
>Momoki hasn't killed and therefore know that desert isn't his
>director hasn't killed, and therefore needed to kill Narihisago and himself to enter a well

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Also another thing about Togo.
>goes to his bedroom
>everyone thinks she's there getting banged
>actually there to help him bury the body

i still dont get the mizuhanome. Like is it a psychic central hub where only killers are connected to it?

I believe so. Kiki did say that only people who to kill her enters her dream. Narihisago probably got in because he killed the Challenger before, or because his meitantei status was carried over.

he did not need to kill nari at all, suicide counts as murder, he also did not kill either, but just shot them. Which could indeed kill them like 15 minutes later to bleeding, but he went inside the machine instantly.

They have a psychic battle against John Walker, they win, roll credits, nothing further gets explained.

You need to kill two or more to enter a well. It's also why Hondomachi can't go in after only just her suicide. She was only approved after killing Kazuta.

What's the point in stopping john walker? He already committed the crimes, and all that's left is for him to start saving the world and puting an end to all future killers. If you stop him, that actually would mean you're committing more harm than good in stopping him.

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funny because the dude with the hole in his head, he never killed kiki, yet she was in his fractured well.

Maybe have an intent to kill? His first time was after drilling himself.

i dont think that is his end goal. I think it is simply controling people is the issue.

Isn't that what the police do to begin with

The ending is almost impossibpe to fuck up now. Narihisago will die but he gets to stay in the well with his family after taking care of john walker, hondomachi becomes the main detective and Fukuda is dead/in a coma since he died in the well. As long as they do these things the rest is almost impossible to fuck up.

>The ending won't be great.
Care to share what you saw in your crystal ball Nostradamus-kun?

It was all just a dream, everything resets. Nobody dies, none of the events ever happened. It was all kiki's dream.

>but doesn't remember her after seeing Kaeru.
Wouldn't be so sure about that.

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not to the extent where you are forcing people into a coma like state and controling their minds. Once Kiki got out everyone seemed to fall into a coma that is creating a well, thus the mask room. Essentially you got a big brother watching your everythought

If the main cast all live, but they're stuck in prison for the rest of their youth, that's a very depressing ending. They saved the world but they're now rotting in a cell with no hope for the future. When this case ends, they will no longer have a use for them so they are stuck eating prison food and shitting in front of prison guards for decades while the moe bitch gets off scot free.

yeah they get fucked

>What's the point in stopping john walker? He already committed the crimes, and all that's left is for him to start saving the world and puting an end to all future killers.
To serve justice
Do you really believe words of some faggot that gladly sacrificed 50+ people for his career and now has access to machine that can mess with people's brains with global reach?
Fuck him.

Christ almighty this anime is so well planned out.
This reminded me why I fucking hate light novel anime so much.

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>You need to kill two or more to enter a well.
You need to kill one to dive, two+ to be granted meitantei status.

I had completely forgotten about the number room until it came up again in episode 11.

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trying to kill yourself counts?

If we considered that they planned to use MIYAVI's music, and his album came out about 8 months ago, does that mean production started that far back?

>If you stop him, that actually would mean you're committing more harm than good in stopping him.
Why? Mizuhanome won't stop working because he isn't inside.
It worked ok without him so far.

Sure - see Hondo and Hayaseura.

The ends do not justify the means.


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sorry i am not getting the significance.

Why would Hondomachi be in prison? And Fukuda dies and Narihisago bleeds out and stays in the well. You can't hope for any better ending for them since they are undeniably criminals.

>Id, ego, and super ego...

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thats not how you use a hammer

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Isn't that just Uraido's well?


>thats just a legend

>Narihisago will die but he gets to stay in the well with his family
Won't happen, that's the whole point of ep.9 + 10. He finally accepted his loss, see his reaction in ep.12 when he noticed them in lightning well.
If his body dies and he's forced to stay inside Mizuhanome, he'll likely stay with mind wiped Kiki / Kaeru.
>Fukuda is dead/in a coma since he died in the well.
See picture.

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Christ why is she so bottom heavy?

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she is an adult woman

>What's the worst possible ending for this show?
Nothing is resolve. No S2.

Imagine Hondomachi sitting on your face
you braindead retard

Don't tempt fate.

>not imagine her ride you and her butt does slapping noises

Missing reading comprehension or just pretending?

Look at this 3

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still no catching it

>counting all the people
>counting all the tiles
>finding patterns
Every well must be horrible for him.

I'm used to being disappointed.

It's easier to be pessimistic about these things.

Dumb Akko

>When he was talking about "making sense of the numbers on the tiles is impossible for any human being" it was a coping mechanism to try and convince himself.
>He had figured out the sequence and walked straight into the next lightning bolt.

>A Moriarty calling himself a brilliant detective
The irony is palpable.

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The easiest way to solve a crime is to perform the crime yourself.

Felt like they were going there a few episodes back.

I don't get this part. Someone explain what he's talking about?

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Search archive for couple of previous threads.
Moon experts were arguing about it for some time.

I think in the end what you need to take away from it is that Hondo made a pretty bad joke to make the situation less serious.