N-next time my keekio-nichimunji is sure to connect, I think I'll be 1 step short of the shintentatsu-tenken

N-next time my keekio-nichimunji is sure to connect, I think I'll be 1 step short of the shintentatsu-tenken

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H-here I go!


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good thread

Best boy, also stronger than Shishio.

By this time tomorrow Kyoto-ani will be nothing more than a pile of ash.

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prrrt prrrrrtt

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N-not bad Mr. Himoura, m-my next attack is sure to finish you off though

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>Warrior Suite 4 intensifies

*H-he's fast!*

L-looks like I've won, Mr. Himoura

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Kenshin had to disguise nerfs as life advice to beat this guy, literally tricking himself into making himself worse. I always found that interesting, and it added an element of amoral desperation to the battle.

He's the only one who would fight an uphill battle like that, Kenshin Himoura is just that kind of guy!

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He actively made it not uphill through his false advice though.

that comment was an exact quote of something Sanosuke said during kenshins fight with sojiro --- in the eng dub at least

Sorry, I couldn't recall any exact lines or their full context. I figured you might be trying something like that, but the image made me think any line was from a different point in the series.

This fucking guy made me feel weird things in my heart and groin as a kid. It took me years to understand.

The weak die and the strong survive, that's the reality. Not killing people, it doesn't make any sense. That's what he says.

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Which I thought was a fucked up way of handling a shounen where each enemy should be progressively stronger. Soujiro was probably stronger than Enishi as well.

Actually his breakdown just made me horny and awakened my fetish for broken boys.

Homo's must die, that's the reality

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>not wanting to take advantage of his daddy issues and fuck him broken
>or heal him from those issues, sexually

I don't know. Enishi was on a whole other level with his determination to achieve his goal. His anger and spite literally made him go super saiyan lite and become super sensitive to the actions of other people. At that point, Sojiro's poker face power becomes useless and like in his battle with Kenshin would be forced into a stand off that Enishi would win.

Was Enishi the little brother of Kenshins love interest in the trust/betrayal OVAs? Did he become stronger / more relevant after the shishio arc or something? I've been wanting to read post-Shishio arc manga chapters for a while now but no one ever tells me what chapter to start on for canon/post anime material

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oh wow, so Shishio arc ends at around chapter 150, and the actual series is up to 250+ chapters? I always knew there was more material after the Kyoto arc but I always thought it was maybe a few dozen chapters and an LN or two, I never imagined there was actually over 100 chapters. Please tell me there's actually 100 chapters of Kenshin I've yet to see

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Is the series still ongoing...? I'm reading that chapter 255 came out in 2005 or 2006 but I always read people say that the series is still on-going, just very infrequent release schedules...Is that chapter just an "open ended" ending to the series and the author still releases stuff for the series occasionally? I do figure the pedo stuff slowed him down but I've had not much success in acquiring information about post-Kyoto arc Kenshin material in the limited amount of research I've done

legitimately the only reason I'm checking in on the new Kenshin manga arc.

>tfw Misao was favorite girl back then
>only appeared in a relative handful of episodes
>not nearly enough porn of

It is a sequel.

So pretty...

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>so vanilla*

Still good

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>kenshin managed to pump babies inside THIS

>kenshin managed to get her infected with his coof
>codependent jappu waifu culture interprets this as a great act of selfless devotion

she is

disgusting movies made for and by women

At least it didn't have an implication that Kenshin committed marital rape in their nuptials or something.

Has one of the best endings to any manga or anime I've seen.

After the Shishio arc. Enishi shows up in Japan to to get his revenge on Kenshin. Some shit happens and Kenshin decide to tell his friends about his past. The entire Trust and Betrayal story is in the manga as a flashback. After that, the Enishi arc continues and once it's finished, the story ends.

I love him so much bros.

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Did he seriously bring back Sojiro? This completely kills his character arc in my mind.

Have you forgiven him yet, Yas Forums?

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The whole Hokkaido arc started promising, but instead the stakes were upped, the villains make no goddamn sense and the whole thing is Rurouni Kenshin Super.

I don't think it really ruins anything yet. He brought back everyone and the only real retconning was Yahiko giving Kenshin the sakabato back. All the characters reference what they were doing in the five years since the Enishi arc and Kenshin's body is still falling apart. I'm not really invested in it but it might become passable. Its only 20 chapters in so far.

Friendly reminder that this is the true end of Kenshin and the Hokkaido arc is fanfiction.

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>kenshin dying of an illness
Fuck that. Kenshin deserves happiness after all the shit he went through.

>Kenshin deserves happiness
No. Death is the only astonishment for his sins.

I meant atonement, fuck autocorrect

Tomoe >>> Misao >>> Megumi >>> Sojiro >>> dog shit >>>>>>>>>>> Kaoru

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What's there to forgive? He's a kino writer/entertainer and has kino tastes

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I blame society, not him

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For the child porn? No, we of Yas Forums cancelled him

>For the child porn? No, we of Yas Forums cancelled him
You have to go back.

Ahahahahahahaha get the fuck out of here nigger

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Hello, based department??

Is his other series, Buso Renkin, any good? Reading the description for it makes it sound almost exactly like Full Metal Alchemist and it came out during the same time period

Don't really like the OP or character designs/anime art style desu