Where's my Cold Steel OVA, you fucking faggots?
>inb4 go back to vee
Don't you dare say that when that garbage Sky got an OVA which was fucking shitty as all hell, but I think it would go over better if they focused on Erebonia and its characters instead.
>inb4 m-muh Crossbell
Fuck off, go suck off Geofront some more you shills.
Where's my Cold Steel OVA, you fucking faggots?
Fuck off to Yas Forums with your shitty game, retard.
both AC and Doom just came out
what the fuck are you still doing on Yas Forums, Yas Forums
Ironic senfagging is still shitposting.
Seethe more
Didn't Geofront finally release their translation?
>Where's my Cold Steel OVA, you fucking faggots?
Falcomfags really are cancer.
Psssh....they just busy making other animes.... It's nothin personnel...kid.
Haha... that's our falcomfags for you!
Well, Rean will starring on certain Harem anime that will air fall this year.
Here some key visual image
Haha...that's our Rean
How many of these do you have
I have a lot
Toubun blanco and rean blanco
Haha.. i loves 5Toubun so much!
The series has an OVA, it's anime
Deal with it haha
Stay mad Skyfag
Your otome shit naruto rip off (complete with runaway sasuke and akatsuki) is old and busted, and Sen is not only better in every way but more well known.
Can't wait for hajim-Sen V
Who the hell is your pic related? Can somebody give me a quick Reandown?
I'm not gay but damn, Rean is so handsome...
haha i totally get why Crow is such a fag now
So are we making all the haha 3 reviews on steam recommended with "haha that's our..." and shit in 3 day time?
I'll look for all my haha user reviews and reply to them with funny/helpful and "haha..."
But sky was better
I genuinely don't understand why you made these or what they have to do with 5toubun, yet I saw them all the time in the threads.
Care to explain? The only thing they have in common is that Sen is a harem and toubun is a...oh wait haha
haha that's our harem protagonist for you all right
>muh sasuke astray running away
>otome muh fee fees NBR incest with female tomboy protag
>evil mysterious ataksuki doing bad stuff
>olivier is such a ecchi hentai
>who could have possibly burned the orphanage down ughhh guys i just don't know...i'm a trained assassin and hyper intelligent at problem solving, but I just can't put my finger on it....maybe it was those delinquents?!?
>bad guy turns up...wait he was just being controlled and was brainwashed haha
>fight enforcer...he leaves after BTFOing you because he was only holding back haha...
>only 10% of players beat the prologue, because it's like watching a SOL anime that goes on for 20 hours with half of it exposition
>meme man the legendary dad somehow is never around or off doing other shit, when he could make the entire plot not matter because he's just THAT strong
"better"...haha that's our salty skyfag boomers
>muh sasuke
>says edgebonian fag
Are you an ironic senfag or an actual senfag 5toubun falcom user?
Ok randy
Sen foreshadowed the edge from the first game, and escalated it over time.
Sky is literally a rehash of Naruto and cures the edge with the power of friendship and love like naruto
I also never said Sen wasn't edgy, just that Joshua's whole edgy arc was literally taken from Nurutu 1:1
Leowe is literally Itachi to Joshua's Sasuke, you cannot deny Sky being a naruto ripoff
Sen = Bleach
Sky = Naruto
Xbell = BNHA
Checkmate, Skyfags
I'd take a literal translation over geofront's "localization" any day.
>I genuinely don't understand why you made these or what they have to do with 5toubun
Just blame that rennefags who actually started all of this.
Also, 5Toubun threads
>Sen = Bleach
Sen is actually 5toubun
Is Sen was 5toubun all girls and crow would have won and the entire thing wouldn't have been a dream
I can finally get into the Trails franchise in three days
Go back to being corrupted by Ishmelga, Quints and Senfag.
>entire zero description
>favorite part was the first 4 chapters and their gripping suspense
>relaxed pace perfect for insomniacs and the elderly
>96 on metacritic
>Alan kinda had a point
kek.. haha...
Trail is trash tier jrpg
Has anyone ever sent this to Falcom? I wonder how they would react.