Why didn't HE BANG HER? SHE GOT INTO THE BED ON PURPOSE, WTF. He could've solved her self esteem problems
Why didn't HE BANG HER? SHE GOT INTO THE BED ON PURPOSE, WTF. He could've solved her self esteem problems
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he was thinking about rei.
Alright picture yourself, 14yrs old, full of insecurities, could you make a move ? Be honest.
Add to that whole bunch of consent issues as well. Neither Asuka nor Shinji were ready to open up to each other anyway.
23 years old and I couldn't. That's why I hate Shinji so much, he reminds me of my own self-hatred.
alright im gonna be honest, If asuka let me that close to her at night, in HER FUTON, id just start kissing her.
I like to think that on top of that, they see the relation forced on themselves because of their status. Something like the cutest girl in school MUST be with the cutest boy
Shit, I don't think I could do the part where he followed Rei and kept trying to talk to her after he fell on her. Rei's apathy has to be magic to make him think she didn't care enough to tell on him.
>putting your dick in crazy
They're not even married.
Same here.
Go for a hug at least
At 14 fuck no. Even now the most I could probably do is a gropey hug.
I feel like my retnas have just been sodomized.
Literally best episode in the series, prove me wrong
isnt he supposed to be a faggot?
>when you try to make the girl call you daddy but she calls for mommy instead
I wouldn't be able to get it up after that.
No. Israfel is literally the worst angel. 10 and 24 were the best.
Probably, if I was a fucking mech pilot. Shinji had a lot of opportunities for radical growth, it's not realistic that he would remain such a wet blanket
I'll agree, but only on account of the sudden use of smears.
>could you make a move
I don't know, I've never had a girl in my bed. The point is he should have taken advantage of the opportunity I never got.
Maybe, if I was feeling really horny
The entire point is that he is so caught up in his self-loathing that he can't see, let alone take advantage of, those opportunities
It's a kids show, user.
You bet your fucking ass I would
You'd think he'd figure something out when Asuka thinks he did it anyway, he doesn't really get in any trouble for it, and she doesn't want to move out after the mission is over.
no one here believes you, so why are you lying to yourself like this?
Whether or not it would be realistic, the smarter idea would be to keep visiting Rei after that around the same time.
Not even Kazuma was crazy enough to fuck Darkness, what makes you think Shinji would do that with Asuka? He doesn't even love her.
I'd honestly think she was being a weirdo. Probably wouldn't consider banging in that situation til later
>It's ANOTHER THIRSTY incel asukashipper thread
DO some GOOGLEing
>You can die any day because you're piloting a giant robot in order to save the world
>Suddenly the hottest girl in your entourage slips into your bed
>Hummmmm yeah but I have anxiety though...
Fuck off there's a threshold to being a pussy that should not be stepped over.
And I wasn't a Chad at 14 by any mean
Yeah I'm sure you would have banged every girl in the school and beat all the angels with your own fists eh champ.
There is literally nothing in the world which could stop 14 year old me from not making some horribly clumsy attempt at quelling the raging boner that propels me
About 80% of my ability to socially interact despite my shyness comes from my sheer horniness
Ah yes, user shouldn't have pretended to be something so unbelievable as...
someone who got horny when he was fourteen.
Alright be honest with me, are you in a relationship right now ? Because if you are, your lust is 100% a medical condition. If not, you're just projecting your need for sex.
I am and yes, hypersexuality is one of the theorised symptoms of my condition. It doesn't help that my medication causes arousal too.
Either way, I genuinely am grappling to understand why so many people wouldn't make a move as a fourteen year old in this situation. Don't get me wrong, 14 year old me would never have GOT into this situation, but if you were in that situation what would be stopping you from at least making a move?
good point but i would hold her when kissing
i would.
but then again, i'm not shinji, so probably not.
Rumor says Shinji and Asuka did it before coma
I would have kissed her or felt her up or something, I was doing that at 14. I would've been too nervous for sex though.
>what would be stopping you from at least making a move?
Overthinking, same reason I'm still a kissless virgin on the path to wizardhood.
At 10? No, I wouldn't.
But at 14? If she laid in my bed, on purpose or not, i would AT LEAST grope a feel until morning.
This is the only correct answer.
We would, but we're not Shinji. Shinji did what Shinji would do.
What do you mean by overthinking, exactly? Like convincing yourself there's some other reason she's in your bed?
Don't forget that we're talking about Shinji here, you have to larp as him and see if you would go or it. OP do not understand why, hence my question. In this situation, Shinji is confronting 2 emotions, his need to be someone that you can trust (having confidence in yourself, no hesitation when taking choices) and his hedgehog complex. This scene is explicitly showing you his struggle, staying close enough while never going for it.
desu I read user as saying "imagine you're in shinji's place, as a 14 year old with insecurities" rather than "imagine you're in shinji's place, as that specific 14 year old with his specific insecurities". I don't think it's unbelievable for shinji to act like shinji.
Because the reward for the successful attempt is seemingly much lower that the penalty for the failed attempt?
What penalty lmao nobody's gonna hold it against you for mistaking someone's meaning if they get into bed with you
>Literally best episode in the series, prove me wrong
Not sure that I can.
You don't understand user.
She sleepwalked there.
>are you in a relationship right now ?
>Asking this on Yas Forums of all places
listen here fucking virgin incel, he did try to kiss her but she started crying in her sleep and he lost interest, asuka is a scarred girl due to bigger traumas than an average f/a/g would even begin to imagine or understand, asuka best girl, she is far more complex than most characters but most f/a/gs would say rei is better, fucking your mother is not alright fuckers, kissing or banging her would have not solved anything, they are mentally unstable, I would be scared after doing that for the first time with a girl, it would have worsen the situation for both of them and maybe the angels would have raped humanity faster than predicted