Made in Abyss ch. 54


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I haven't read this since they got to value village. Why is that moth so angery?

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Read the previous chapters.

>15 minutes later
>no fucking translation

Bros... is the manga dead...?

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Here we fucking go

Yes, thread in abyss and all that. Now shut up or fuck off.

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Bless you OP

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It's the least I can do without movie 3 raws being available

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i cant wait to see her face and eyes drawn in beautiful color. The raw unbridled rage is beautiful and terrifying to stare into.

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And oh yeah, major spoilers ahead

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>Nothing happend:The Chapter

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At least we had a panel of reg feeling the bun fluffiness being back

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>Let's pace this manga at the speed of light: The retard.

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>implying having Nanachi see Mitty die again is nothing

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Is it just me or does the chapter seem rushed?


Did we really need another whole chapter of something we already saw?

They're really gonna make me feel these feels again?

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The whole thing was fucking idiotic in the first place and it threw away her entire character and development in the previous arc. Feels like the author just couldn't think of a plot for her on this one and shoved her on a timeout

>had to see Mitty die twice
Fucking hell

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Did you know people with problems don't always 100% get over their issues after trying to move past them? Nanachi relapsed.

I wouldn't say rushed but short considering how long we've had to wait for it.

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Quality of the first half of the chapter seems to dip but it picks back up towards the end.

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very cute rabbit

The problem is that Mitty went into relapse from having her existence erased in order to show it.

>taking their sweet time showing scenery with minimum dialogue

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What's that white spaghetti on Belafu's eyesocket?

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that is what he drank mitty through.

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Jesus christ

That is one angry moth.

Nuclear moth engaged

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>Chapter name: All we collect.
>"All this..."
>"It's that girl."
>"She has come back."
>"What are... These memories...?"
>"You have *absorbed*((Breathed?)) my experiences."
>"Memories are smells."
>"They easily fade, just like dreams, however,
>"I wished to pass them on."
>"What did you say...?"
>"All the memories I should have given away have come back."
>"Of the girl who was Human once before..."
>"It was in *reaction* to Faputa's return."
>"I must go."
>"And so I entrust my value,"
>"My memories,"
>"To you."
>"I like you two."
>"You who are different from me."
>"That's the reason why."
>"Those two!!"
>"Where's Reg!?"
>"They still remain,"
>"Faputa will not stop until she tears everything down."
>"You may go."
>"I have already released you,"
>"You can go anywhere."
>"Is it fine...?"
>"No... I'll take you up on it before you change your mind."
>"And also... Thanks for everything."
>"Over there."
>"That's the boundary line."
>"Past that,"
>"Mitty will disappear."
>"Wai... what are you saying...?"
>"I mean, mitty is immortal..."
>"You said so yourself too..."
>"So long as the cradle exists."
>"That is."
>"Everybody made by the village,"
>"Can only exist within the village."
>"I, due to being made as the limbs of the village,"
>"Can just barely endure it."
>"There are no exceptions."
>"The village's protection dissolves after there."
>"Even here won't last long."
>"The forcefield... is it seeping inside...!"

Don't forget it's not too late to pre-order fishing Nanachi

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Jesus. That’s horrifying

Did she kill everyone while Reg was asleep?

Moth literally too angry to die.

Faputa forma Oscura

What's the matter MiAtards? I thought your manga was supposed to be super hype and awesome.
Where's all the excitement?

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no, he watched.

Can I suck your dick?

I love my wife Nanachi!

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Please more abominations.

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