First two words that come to mind?

First two words that come to mind?

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Mad scientist

Steins Gate

juicy karaage

Pretty good.

time travel

Fucking masterpiece

Pretty boring

over rated


Second best series of the decade after Madoka.

Plot holes.

Shit writing

reddit garbage

anime masterpiece

Boy Hole

Makise Kurisu


Darling's Embrace.

not madoka

fat cringe

Good show

These two actually, finally got to watch it and it was a huge disappointed, at least from a sci-fi point of view, I liked how they build the setting at the beginning, but THATS' THE THING, they totally shit on the same setting they build and turn the entire thing into a wishfulfillment scenario, this barely even counts as a sci-fi series, no one should be able to "remember" things from other timelines by the simple fact that there was never something to remember, for starters Okabe also shouldn't remember anything related to the D-Maisl but I was willing to give this a pass since the machine that Kurisu develop LATER ON THE STORY do make sense, but when every character started remembering things that never happened, that's when I made the ultimate eye roll and started thinking in this series as another fantasy harem crappy show.

Overrated shit


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>started remembering things that never happened
I don't remember if it's the original they discuss it in, but everyone has a Reading Steiner. It's just that Okabe's is much stronger.

read the vn

came here to post this

The Zombie

VN's better


Even the animeonly secondaryfags should know this if they paid attention

Steins Gate

As I said, only Okabe should be able to remember things even when the whole thing was just a bunch of bullshit, but then you have every single person being able to remember things out of convenience? That's a big no.

>only Okabe should be able to remember things

tu turu

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Why don't you go die about it, Mayuri.

Holy shit you're a fucking brainlet, you even speedread his post

highly forgettable

Alright, post the moment where everyone is implied to have a Bullshit Steiner.

Utter shit

When Faris, Luka, and finally Kurisu retain some memories from other worldlines

They just fucking do, and thats' the point.

looking for this comment, not disappointed

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kinda bad

Psy Kangroo


Maho best
Christina second

And also: Maho stinky


fucking masterpiece



Don't you dare

In ferior

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Based retard

flat justice

What makes you so sure you know how time works? If our hero can cross timelines, why not the thoughts and memories of others? How would you know if this sort of thing wasn't going on all the time?

cum slut

Endless suffering

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