Kengan Omega


Kenganfags, I swear.

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It's still a good series too me

No one said this.
It was obviously Ohma, but yes we'll have to see where it goes from here.
Pretty realistic all things considered.
Based ESL. The only "bullshits" that happened were Ohma coming back from death, and that was fully explained in the prior chapter and this one. Whether you like the explanation or the character isn't my problem.
Mokichi was in a stable condition back in Ashura, and spent 2 years recovering.
Hanafusa and Bando were explained in Ashura.
Read slower.

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>No one said this.
I did.

>No one said this.
That is factually incorrect as you can see from pic related.

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I want Karla to rape me!

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Didn't bother with the scans dump thread, how shit was it?

Actually not terrible this time, but I got there after the dump ended so there might have been stuff deleted

That's surprising, maybe the one week break gave people time to cooldown their autism.

It looks like some of the people that said they were dropping it actually did, thank god they are gone

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The chapter was pretty bad.

It was the long overdue setup to the Purgatory roster, adding that the tournament plot isn't separate from the Worm one.
It also shed light on why did the Worms who could use the Advance in Asura wanted to take an almost dead Ohma.

And the Kure didn't job, which was nice. All the setting up will probably pay off soon.

I'm still legitimately shocked that Hollis didn't job, and even managed to block one of the ultimate Niko techniques.

>Those are all me
Oh god, am I turning into a denialfag? At any rate, I need to stop using that panel, as much as I love it.

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Apparently there's still shitposters about, but the mods cleaned up the thread before the dump even ended, thankfully.

Monkey Face is /our/ guy.

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man there's a guy whose muscle fibers are twice the density of a normal human, and another dude that has bone blades in his goddamn arms and you're surprised that ohma got a heart transplant

Honestly, this plot is getting kind of stupid, clones? Really? Not enough they had to insert the shadow behind the scenes group that's been around for 9 gorillion years trope


Based. Yumigahama has done literally nothing wrong.

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Wait, so why isn't Cosmo competing, again?

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Tournament soon fellow reader!

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How will Gaolang do in purgatory

he his going to job against a powerful enemy once again

I hate spoilers so I wait for translations before reading the chapter and by the time I've read it the threads are gone and I have no one to discuss it with.
Sounds like I'm only missing shitposting though.

I usually just discuss the last chapter in the pre-spoilers thread

But who wants to wait a whole week to discuss a chapter?

He will beat the strongest gladiator.

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cant wait to see this jim henson reject go apeshit in the tournament

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That's true, sometimes there's a second thread like this at least that's decent. If this last dump is the new norm, that'd be good too though

I'm still waiting for the feeling of asura's ending being ruined to blow over desu

I just sent [REDACTED] Yen to one of the Kure clans accounts. I specifically asked them to sent Carla after you. The rape will happen. Your welcome buddy.

He'll job to this guy. He has boxing gloves on.

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The eternal debate continues.
Speed vs Strength
Guy's body shape is maybe like this?

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>got his arm fucked up by a pro wrestler
And they made him Fang? Imagine Agito losing an arm to Sekibayashi.
Either he has some batshit zero-defense style or he's not that hot.

>shooting dressed like that
Is she participating in a pentathlon?

What is El Cabron's power level now?

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Lost his spot to himuro.

I'm sniffing a samefag.

Ohma's resurection is bullshit and not the kind that can be cleared away by a good explanation.
No explanation will undo the destructionl of all the emotionnal value his death had.

Seeing as how the emotional ending of asura is retroactively ruined, threads looking to be complete crap, anyone still waiting to see our two boys ship last?

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I’m glad he’s back. There was no clean way to do it, but I’m glad it happened

how big is difference in STR between those 2


Koga may close the gap one day. One day. He'll need tips from OHMA, THE RESSURECTED.

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>Didn't like Ohma all that much for most of the story
>The "inside/Niko/Tiger" drama no doubt the weakest part of the manga to me.
>Last fight, finally come to like the guy when his let's fight becomes let's fight together.
>Legitimatelly close to tears when he dies
>Ohma returns, bringing with him the focus back on all the bullshit I dislike
>Still happy to see him again.

I understand and share with you all the reasons you have to dislike Ohma's return, but I can't make myself unhappy about it.

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The asura died, not ohma

Ohma is fucking based im not even 1% mad about his return

based I ate taco bell for midnight meal and now tummy hurts

I can, honestly, Seki is underrated. Especially if he just went all in trying to do some big damage at any cost in return like Jose might have

Good point, never thought about it that way.
Agito never really took any kind of damage from anyone though, he was absurdly tanky.
Much more so than Seki.

The one thing I'll give sandwich for is kazzies reaction after his initial shock.
If he had been completely fine with ohma being alive for the past 2 years no questions asked I might of dropped the series

Clones exist. Hmmm I believe it’s dead Ohma. Sending the doctor A cloned ohma with a damaged heart as well as a new heart gets them to worm Ohmas way into the group.

You watch someone is going to flip the switch that kills this Ohma at the tournament. That’s when Koga is going to have to step up into his spot.

i'm just in it for purgatory at this point and hoping the tourney is good again. ohma coming back has completely ruined my enjoyment since it tarnished the kino ashura ending.

It's out of left field sure but it always made more sense than this clone bullshit and it was purposely ambiguous that he died.

He still failed. Even his best still wasn't good enough. He still took the risk to basically kill himself. The emotional is less but still present and ultimately, it all works together.

Haven't been keeping up with this manga since months, what killed the hype? Why do so many anons suddeny turn their backs on this series when it was praised back then?

>it was purposely ambiguous that he died.
Ending a teary goodbye scene in the penultimate chapter with an Ashita no Joe reference is not ambiguous.

Sandrovich brought Ohma back. This was a very controversial decision and many people have expressed unhappiness about this.

>Sandrovich brought Ohma back.
But I thought he was dead?


So did everyone else. It's pretty hackery to do a Joe homage but then bring back the character anyway.

>a reference means it must be true
Yes, ambiguous. It's reflective of how Kazzy felt at the time but the author went out of his way to not have Ohma declared dead on screen, have multiple test his pulse, show his brain activity go flat or any other number of clear ways he killed him off.

People were saying Ohma wasn't really dead from before we even knew what Omega was about.

I was actually wiling to pick this manga up solely because the "MC dies against the big bad" trope is hype and rarely happens. Fuck this

>The emotional is less but still present and ultimately
It's still there in the same sense that a tree is still there even after the fire burned away 70% of it.
All the imagery of moving on, all the sadness that people felt about Ohma's death is gone.