ITT: Characters that Yas Forums never talk about anymore

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best girl

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this doujin makes me diamonds no matter how many times I read it

Mami's wife is so pretty.

Are we gonna go for a third round?

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she's just too good...

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How are we supposed to talk about a blank image

Based TDS is canon

I think Yas Forums still talks about Madoka plenty, and Kyouko goes with that.

I...just can't look at their porn bros. It feels wrong

Yas Forumsa has a really shit policy where everything has to be current and you can't talk about awesome old legacy characters that changed the shape of the fandom....

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How so?

I feel so bad for them. Honestly I really regretted watching that show even when it was amazing. I can't fap to them at all.

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Watch Rebellion if you haven't, they all got a happy ending. Sort of.

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>the most based Meguca character isn't even canon

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What can you say about akari. She was akari.

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Someone Photoshop kyubey on his shoulder

He ruined Germany and made the Jews more powerful despite thinning their ranks. I spit on his grave.

I don't know why I have bunch of images of this thing saved, I don't even know who it is.

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Is she for hugs or fugs?

I can never decide.



I love the doujin where she gets fucked in the church.
Just the thought of manhandling her tiny body in such a sacred place makes me absolutely turgid

you don't visit /g/ anymore

die pedo

I will talk about and remember her for the rest of my life. Her backstory broke my heart.

Her ass is way too big

I heard rebellion wasn't technically canon or something according to the writer?

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Those doujins are so fucking good.

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Well time to fap to Kyouko again

>tfw if only they didn't fuck up the ending; we wouldn't have been scorned so badly, and it would've been hailed as a narrative and a technical achievement.

it's not fair.

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>Sort of.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Sort of.
heh, that's funny. that's actually a funny joke.

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hello there, this is now the third thread i've seen you in. same image every time, huh?

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You mean you don't constantly fap to kyouko?

no, this is canon

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Wish hed make more godamn

Truly and utterly forgotten.

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The only straight man in this thread.

>someone told me on the internet that the direct sequel isn't canon
It could be you were just told a lie from someone trying to cope with the fact that their waifu isn't a flawless sad hero


I don't know where you heard that but Rebellion is officially canon. People who despise it will talk a lot of shit though. Personally I don't get the hate. It was a logical and satisfying continuation, a pleasure to watch.

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thanks for alerting me to this artist

I really hope we watch this for the next Christmas stream

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>Dorothy will never princess carry you to your mech and then sit on your lap while you pilot
Why even live?

>preaches kindness
>kills his family
What the FUCK was his problem?

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Rikka Takarada

He was too devout to fuck his sexy daughter and the list drove him mad