Muscle girls that could knock your ass out as soon as ride your dick so hard she'd be ensured to have twins are the...

Muscle girls that could knock your ass out as soon as ride your dick so hard she'd be ensured to have twins are the best thing ever and if you don't think so you can get the fuck out of my face.

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>Muscle girls that could knock your ass out
what's the point of having a muscle wife if you aren't strong enough to exert absolute physical dominance?

>that chapter
absolute bullshit

Wow, that's got to be a record for a maledom fag ruining one of these threads.

I don't understand?

what's the point of a muscle wife if she CAN'T be physically dominant.
You can dominate any old girl but if your musclewife can't pin you down then she damn well isn't muscular enough

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It's the struggle that is the ultimate pleasure. At first you will lose hard, but as time goes on you will grow stronger and stronger, getting more and more ground each time you fuck. The pleasure and satisfaction of dicking her into submission after months or even years of slowly climbing to the top inch by strained inch is unimaginable, pleasure that you would have never would have experienced if she just rolled over and you never had to work for it.

Does this have romance or is it just gore
same with that killing bites shit, i saw a giant muscle woman but i don't think there's any love so i might avoid it

user wants friendly competition that develops into mutual love and respect.. You want cringy femdom garbage where she only exists so you can get off to being lazy and pathetic.

did you quote the wrong guy?

MC already fucked one of the female characters and actively trying to get her back. The monkey girl is actively trying to fuck the MC as well and tiger one just rapes him in a way.

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>monkey girl
hot as fuck
i guess i need to read killing bites now

Yeah sorry.

Thats not in killing bites its in from the manga you responded too.

also killing bites isnt really that gory.

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Oh sorry, but still if there's muscle gals and fucking i want in
so i'll definitely ready it

Hitomi is more fit in the anime and shows actual muscles in some places ony recently the manga gave her abs in a panel. THere is a sloth girl in killing bites who is muscled but meets an unfortunate demise in the arc shes introduced. she now lives on as an imagination of the new mc.

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she definitely does look like she can destroy a dick

>absolute physical dominance
>mutual anything
Sounds like it just flops over in the other direction

oh this chic. She basically can as shes revealed to be an engineered near immortal super human. this is just her berserk form in what she used to be.

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You're just scared your femdom fantasy won't hold up.

>tfw all I want is to wife the ass of vajra

>no more chapters of Saotome Girl
The artist need to make another manga and fast.

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I'd like to be in her adult group, ifyouknowwhatimean

I See

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stop making them jobbers

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aight lemme get the sauce on this

Saotome Senshu. Wholesome muscle tomboy love story

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Needs more Noi

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God I wish a muscle girl would overpower and dominate me and mind break me and peg me.

you had me until peg
replace that with forcibly impregnate and i'm down to clown

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Yoh may be right, but they are not real.

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Lucky keith

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Gundam 0083 Rebellion. Manga version of gundam 0083. This is mora whos a minor character and falls for keith.

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this user gets it
it's the big sister dynamic

>big sister who's muscled who has a secret incest fetish and casually jokes about "what, you wanna date your sister? or "what, you wanna fuck your sister?" hoping he'll really do such a thing
i wish

God I wish that were me.

Noi is best girl. Shin is a lucky man.

>minor character
God damn it.

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Yeah and the worst thing is basically this minor couple is better than the main one. The main guy literally gets cucked and then all of it is forgiven in the end. they got the best end of the stick being minor. Also despite being minor shes basically a secondary set that appears often since she helps on the mobile suits. Also manga shows many panels with her and keith.

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Damn that sucks. I wish we had more tall muscle woman and short cute boy pairings in manga/anime.

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Problem is most authors just cant do romance right besides the few ive seen done it right. Not to mention there are usually beat around the bush romances. saotome senshu said fuck that and had saotome confess on the first fucking page and work along her and satoru dating.

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I can't tell if this is her getting horny or not


They're just the best girls, perfect.

Forgot pic.

And Miruko breaks my pelvis again, excellent.

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She's definitely lusting over Satoru.

>tfw no sweaty fit tomboy to watch her practice.

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Miruko is the ultimate queen of cocks.

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From GUMN last order. Battle Angelita sequel thats pretty good. She's a side character but beat the breaks off the main cast until alita came.

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What's this? Was her kissing him a dream or reality?

>She's a side character but beat the breaks off the main cast until alita came.
Is she a cyborg or an android? Does she have a husband?

My all time fave muscle girl

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Tomboys are cute.

The ones that workout are not.

cyborg like most characters in the series. Husband not really. She's basically the psuedo mother along with the others over some orphans.

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This is the ugliest fucking animation

Who dat?

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I love muscle girls but don't want kids am I still allowed here?

thats fine

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Wicked Witch of the West, from Teppu

>heel hook

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rate the cute knight

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