Bokuben 152

Got 2 new pictures
text spoiler:


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Old pics from the previous thread

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good stuff, i love rizu

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This is all for now, and of course
I love Rizu

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>hands obscuring sawako's butt
i hate it

on the other side
>rizu and nariyuki holding pinkies
i love it

is there Sawako in a bikini or not?

>That was a game
>Ever since christmas we have been playing a game
>Just the two of us

>alternate route has more cute and romantic moments than the "true route"

I don't know WTF is 22i going with this.

Wait what the fuck does this mean the ghost child will follow sawako everywhere she goes now?

Truth be told I find this really really really forced.

Nothing can be more forced than Uruka end though.

I don't know what it is but I just can't find Rizu sexy.

Fanservice like love route next please

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I want to see maternal Sawako soon

I'm sorry but this is just false. Uruka had a build up that had been going steadily since chapter 128 while Rizu is just... I don't know basically the most she got was that chapter where she went full on but honestly Nariyuki looked mostly confused rather than in love with her. And now he goes "what do I feel for Rizu, let me grab her hand casually along the way". Basically nothing in story justifies him acting like this.

The Rizu relationship is the most one sided of the five with her arc barely having anything romantic in it. The main issue is that there is absolutely no conflict in any of the relationships except Sensei. It's just waiting for Nariyuki to decide he loves x girl all of a sudden then that's it. He did everything best with Sensei though it could be accidental.

honestly I was expecting more early developments instead of epilogue like chapters

the whole point is seeing how the relationship was initiated and the respective drama resolution

And how was it initiated exactly? Nariyuki starts thinking he loves Rizu because she has big boobs and hold his hand?

>Ghost loli again

It's cute but I rather see more Sawako.

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yeah that's what's missing, if it goes on like this with only lovey dovey scenes with no exploration of how they got there then it will feel hollow

Wake me up when we get to the Asumi route

The ghost is now a regular.

Do you have a non-terrible version of this gif?

This is the comedy route, isn't it?

>The non canon routes will definitely have more than 2 rushed chapters guys


1/5fags will complain about everything.

There is no true route.


22i run out of flashbacks after the Uruka route.

That’s how Bokuben used to be before we got into the drama filled garbage that was Uruka’s route.

Reminder that liking Rizu is a sign of mental illness.

Uruka is a healthy and social girl. Liking her is to be expected.

Sensei is a career woman with ripe birthing hips. Also acceptable.

Fumino is the most popular girl in school, and highly desirable.

Asumi is an aspiring doctor with significant future potential.

Rizu is a canon autist, and preferring her over any of the healthy 4 women above requires some measure of mental defect that warrants attention from a trained professional. Rizufags seek medical attention.

ANd nothing in Uruka's route justified him loving her all along, so 22i went the flashback route to try.
This, at least, feels a tad more natural because they do stuff together while being conscious of each other.

You want another repeat of those horrific 2.5 months we have to endure?

Not necessarily flashbacks but a reason other than just because and some plausible Nariyuki partecipation in romanticism during the non-route story would have been of help. God forbid we criticised anything other than Uruka.

well You'd call bokuben a romcom wouldn't you?
I still think Fumino's will be the joke route. This one will be the middle ground will have both comedy and romance.

Rizu's tits are too big.

Hazards of wanting a dramatic revelation and conclusion. Nariyuki struggling to come to the conclusion he likes Uruka, then needing to chase her to the airport to respond to her feelings before she goes to study abroad, largely precludes having much in the way of cute and romantic moments.

By contrast, Rizu's route appears to be going in a direction that's an extension of her New Year's date with Nariyuki. The two spend time together for various reasons while Rizu flirts with him under the guise of "a game". Eventually either Rizu confesses, or Nariyuki realizes her feelings, and realizes he feels the same. Much more room for lovey dovey stuff.

The flashback wasn't out of the blue tho. We already knew she helped him. The flashback may be a narratively disliked stratagem because it sets what's important before the story but thing stays that it wasn't something thrown just there random. It was just given utmost importance but we already knew about the past. It's still a more realistic reason for feeling affection and bonding with someone. This Rizu thing is what really feels forced and thrown there just because.

It's honestly kinda nice.
Rizu is into him.
Nariyuki is kind of too.
They behave like a couple more or less.
It's fun. and basically what bokuben usually is, instead of retarded drama and flashbacks galore.

Sawako joining the action when?

>Not necessarily flashbacks but a reason
Well Rizu was very close to confessing before Fumino and Uruka thought about doing it.

>It's still a more realistic reason for feeling affection and bonding with someone
No, it was extremely cheap and the very definition of forced, because the flashbacks exist solely to tell you how much Nariyuki loves Uruka.
They were as lazy and forced as they get and Nariyuki and Uruka had zero romantic development those chapters before he went to the airport.
With Rizu, it's what a relationship would actually look like, instead of Uruka's retarded garbage.


Just fuck already

Rizu is trying, Nariyuki is a bit obtuse.

is ok user, but that sound like a you problem
i agree with what you wrote about the other girls but the thing about rizu is that she is the one with the most intense feelings, also to a degree all the girls are autistic as fuck.
can you believe this homo

Next chapter.

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Hug Kawase

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keep dreaming IFfag

I disagree. Uruka and Nariyuki had evident romantic tension on both sides during the course of the story and we already knew that Nariyuki strongly admired Uruka and making it he reason he loves her is in no way cheap. It's a simple reason and a comprehensible and expectable one. It's natural. In Rizu's case it's all so completely out of the blue. Nariyuki's interest stems out of matters completely irrelevant, it feels like Rizu is really getting a route just because everyone gets it. You call it a realistic relationship but honestly that's what I actually think it's lazy. Love just because. They meet, u cute, they fuck. Meh.

Sawako will be a working man, while Nariyuki and Rizu will be housewives.


I'm totally sane
>too big
No such a thing

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I'll eternally laugh at fuminokeks

>Uruka and Nariyuki had evident romantic tension on both sides
Complete lie unless you count that one university panel as Nariyuki bieng super into her.
>Nariyuki strongly admired Uruka and making it he reason he loves her is in no way cheap
It IS cheap, especially how it was conveyed.
The romance in Uruka's route was absolute shit because we needed to be TOLD that he loved her without ever seeing it.

So I think we're locked in for at least four chapters I think. it could theoretically wrap up next chapter, but that seem unlikely.

enjoy your flashbacks and ghost dad 1/5

Rizu needs to confess.
Nariyuki needs to think about it.
An epilogue needs to happen.
I still think we're getting a volume per heroine, even if it's just nothing but fluff like Rizu's.

guys guys, this is only the spoilers of the second chapter, calm down, it is still too soon to tell if the romance is forced or not however consider the following
everygirl already had their foundation to be in love with nariyuki but tsutsui doesn't seem to care about why nariyuki is in love with the girls, there are hinst of feeling for all of them but is not really surprising that tsutsui would skip that specially considering the timeskip, i know that is a bad point for all the routes but tsutsui only seems to care about why the girls love nariyuki, not he loves them, my point is that saying that it doesn't make sense for nariyuki to be in love with any of the girls is a flawed statement because there wasn't an attempt to explain why is he in love with them to begin with, so even if its a bad point for all the routes that critiscism is pretty much a default flaw in the whole story, maybe he will learn and fix it in the future but for now is not the most important point to focus since tsutsui doesn't even care about it.

i love how this IF shit proofs that Uruka is the main route because 22i focused on every character unllike this shit where none of the other character appears

>because 22i focused on every character
>said characters become props who keep pushing the MC and the heroine
Not appearing is the better ending.