How come Japanese women are actually able to create beautiful and relatable shows that everyone can enjoy? What do they have that western women don't?
How come Japanese women are actually able to create beautiful and relatable shows that everyone can enjoy...
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>What do they have that western women don't?
>What do they have that western women don't?
Japan's bug society is good at putting down narcissism.
You have it the other way around. Western women have something that they don’t, and that’s jewish bosses and gender “““studies”””.
How the fuck can these bug people be humiliating us so much in that regard? How can we fix our situation?
I want to fuck Yamada
>What do they have that western women don't?
Watch the first episode of Tidying Up with Marie Kondo. The answers will be made clear.
Every anime in that picture is awful though
>Japan's bug society is good at putting down narcissism.
This applied to both genders.
Only if you're an ADHD brainlet newfag with no taste. Probably a shonenshitter too
Shonenshitters and moefags are pretty much the same thing.
How do anime shows about girls acting like trophy waifus in any way relatable?
>trophy waifus
What does this even mean, retard?
Those are shit, but Beastars and Houseki no Kuni are great, so I agree.
KyoAnus is the most bland and sterile anime studio there is.
What is this guy doing
>Marie Kondo
post THE webm
Collectively BTFOing white roasties
>How come Japanese people are actually able to create beautiful and relatable shows that everyone can enjoy? What do they have that western people don't?
Progressivism being the state religion of the West, portrayals of youthful femininity as being endearing and desirable is considered "oppressive" insofar as it implicitly makes women's worth conditional on being young, pretty, and adherent to their gender role. Japan, on the other hand, is not as obsessed with progressivism, and so doesn't feel the need to censor this sort of thing.
Is this bait? Kyoani shows are guaranteed to have high quality animation and in all these years Phantom World is the only "bad" anime they made. It's basically one of the most soulful studios
Not that guy but having "high quality animation" isn't much of a selling point if you have no creativity and keep making the same show over and over while not taking any advantage of the medium's strengths. Kyoani is the most entry level shit out there because none of their shows take any risks, do anything interesting or have anything to say. It's just spectacle for brainlets.
I don't think that's true. My loose understanding of why the SEGA Dreamcast was a failure was precisely because of the narcissism of the Japanese department of SEGA.
Regarding videogames today, from my understanding, the core reason why Fighting Game Developers refuse to use Rollback Netcode is because it was designed by foreigners.
In the end, I think the other poster is right in that Japanese women are probably like this because they aren't subjected to the Lefty-koolaid.
If you hate both why are you here?
Go back to plebbit "muh manly anime" fan
Sasuga Yas Forumsirgin not familiar enough with the medium to know anything but the most surface level shit.
The only Kyoani shows that are alike are Free and Tsurune and only beacuse they are sports fujobait
yeah connoisseur tell us about WMT shows
Then name you favorite ones
Arrogance and narcissism are not the same thing
>and keep making the same show over and over
Funny when there seem to be so many anons saying they're mad because they don't.
They're collectively narcissistic against foreigners, but individually loathe narcissism (and also most signs of healthy self love). Kinda like how a salaryman is suppossed to not talk well about himself, but to hype the hell out of his company.
>beautiful and relatable shows
>posts trash
Inb4 buzzwords I'll be more accurate and say these are the weakest KyoAni works recorded.
Isekai for both demographics is narcissism amplified though
>how dare no one treat me like a king/queen! If only I was in another life, everyone would appreciate me and my tastes, my natural skills, and my looks!
Most nips think foreign people are less intelligent than them. It's a collective conception.
Moefags are not underage at least.
Holy fucking based.
Though, in truth, they may had an argument before and this guy is still pissed off, so you never know.
So they are applying it through fiction instead of real life
Japanese women don't hate the fact that they're women, unlike western women. Some of them might loathe certain parts of being a female in a society as repressive as Japan's, but women here in the West came to hate femininity in a way that would honestly be sexist if a man did it.
and not nigger
Well, that's pretty narcissistic of them
Talent and genuine interest in the hobby and industry. They're not fake gamer girls or fake nerds.
I don't think so, considering that they tend to have cheats instead of natural abilities cultivated through their first life.
I absolutely despise roasties
Then why are japanese birthrates as low as the west?
>most cartoons tell you there's a lot of ways to be a girl and most little girl shows have ultra feminine protagonists that aren't bashed for being girly
>very few cartoons at all do anything beyond token "being [a minority] is okay!" messages once
>people still treating japan as a magical fairy land that holds no social ills (beyond working to death)
Moefags are old and bitter.
Japanese society does everything to discount them, so only the strongest arise to the top, basically they have higher standards
Because Japanese men don't pamper women just because they have a vagina unlike white men.
shut the fuck up, braindead retard. kyoani is the most soulful anime studio of the last decade
This thread proves that.
> Trash humans connect with trash shows
>take any risks, do anything interesting or have anything to say.
any example of studios doing that?
They will rise again from the ashes like a phoenix. This experience will either break them or make them stronger. We will get the kind of soulful productions that this industry has never seen before.
real answer?
high IQ
Because they spend so much time working for a shitty pay to keep relationships, and society actually expects them to burn their life to faceless companies so they don't see anything wrong with that.
It means he drank too much Kool-aid.
she is so tiny
is there no lewd webms??????
>most cartoons tell you there's a lot of ways to be a girl and most little girl shows have ultra feminine protagonists that aren't bashed for being girly
>very few cartoons at all do anything beyond token "being [a minority] is okay!" messages once
>people still treating japan as a magical fairy land that holds no social ills (beyond working to death)
You threw three fake statements, not even an example for the first two (I can give you a counter example with Korra), and the third one doesn't even happen in this thread.
>one must be careful when interpreting such information due to muddying values such as nutrition, environment, culture, or poverty.
Watch Iron-Blooded Orphans and say that shit again with a straight face.
>Because they spend so much time working for a shitty pay to keep relationships, and society actually expects them to burn their life to faceless companies so they don't see anything wrong with that.
And by that i mean that Mari Okada disproves OP in every regard.
Because having kids is too damn expensive. Which is why I probably won’t have any. Also, they don’t have third-worlders invading their countries and having ten kids.
>Greece and Mexico on top as most hardworking
I find it ironic that people who accuse asians of being bugs are themselves kind of sociopaths.
Feels good to be lazy fucks
Name 5 cartoons
>muh bug
They look and behave like bugs though.
Is that even made by japanese?
I had the impression greece would be pretty laid back.
This is not an anime or manga thread. Where are the mods?
why can't gaijins just be civilised?
Have you looked at a little girl show? Ladybug, Barbie, any Disney show like Doc McStuffins or Little Einsteins or Tangled, Hasbro stuff like MLP or the Strawberry Shortcake reboot, those have super girly protagonists. And Korra, despite being pretty shitty itself, does have her get her shit pushed in for the latter half of the show
studio pierrot I think
Even if that's the case you don't fucking embarrass your significant other in front of others, let alone international media lmao.
So, you’re telling me Yas Forums lied again and this was all more anti-jap propaganda to stroke the europoors’ tiny cocks?
Just googled it and literally no japanese writers.
If she’s a cunt, then she deserved it. I don’t know her though, so I cannot judge.
>off topic threads about the behavior of 3dpd women still up
Mods are faggots
I thought you meant animation
europoors btfo
>Janitor applications are now closed.