Made in Abyss - New Chapter Today

Movies are POSTPONED throughout NORTH AMERICA due to the coronavirus outbreak. If you've pre-purchased tickets, they are now being refunded. No word on when the new date is, at least until the virus dies down.

For now, we wait for the new chapter coming out today.

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god fucking damnit
I even got perfect seats by buying out the entire row in front of and behind me
fucking corona

I hate that i enjoy this series enough to overlook the author bein a nonce

God I can't wait.
Don't die on me Tsukushi.

Good this series is only for shills anyway.

Awesome, rich bigot shits like you fucking deserve it.

>buying entire rows of seats

Can I have some money?

What chapter?

I have no expensive hobbies other than anime, not married and have no dependents leeching my income. Being a generic wageslave in a non-fucktarded-overpriced part of burgerland is enough to live comfortably given no ongoing large expenditures.
Maybe you fags should get out of the basement once in a while instead of bitching about how unfair life is.

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>UK shutting down theaters too

What's going on? Thought they wanted herd immunity.

It's been 70 days since chapter 53.

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My theater postponed every movie except MiA. I guess they haven't gotten to it yet.

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>left is 20 years older than right

The boy should be wearing a mask. Japan is fudging a lot of their infected numbers. He should stay safe.

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Fuck off rich fucker, go back to your gacha games or something.

>bein a nonce

What? English please.

How likely is there to be a MiA collaboration between the two?

The 4th movie will be an interactive movie-game.

Why not buy out the seats outward from you? What's the point in having twenty feet of space on your right and left when there's a retard 2 rows behind you?

>we wait for the new chapter coming out today.
nice joke

New chapter confirmed for today. What's wrong?

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do people have fun being literal retards?


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How much is this paperweight?

And yes, I used a FB picture. So plz... you are allowed to insult me

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Tsukushi has really short arms. A normal person's arms should reach halfway down his thighs.

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Bojo pussied out and went with the european approach. Schools have just been closed and all sports and gatherings are banned. Still not in total lockdown yet though but we're getting there

>herd immunity.
They had experts tell them corona might infect you again after a few months.

>gatherings are banned

I think I saw a video of a huge Welsh concert like a day ago.

>google it

Yeah, it's apparently Stereophonics and there's like thousands crowded in a small room. I guess it's more a "warning" rather than anything more than that. In other European countries you get fined like 5k or even jailed for this.

Tsukushi's hands goes down to his hips and Kojima's hands goes down 1/4 of his thighs. Both have pretty short arms, but Tsukushi's arms are way shorter.

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I love my wife Moogie

no more movies

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I'm surprised the movie was originally scheduled just for Vancouver and Calgary.

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The other extreme. Would've been not possible in the US, though.

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What's the point of this? I don't believe this guy went to see it every day.

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Make it happen

I love my wife Tukushi

he seems a lot more social than other mangaka which is surprising

It’s because he’s not a hikkiNEET, tsukushi shows his face on the internet proudly and even let a youtuber give us a tour through his house.

They're going to make a horror game, right?

Too much sodium

He used to hide his presence, but he's been more accepting the past couple of years. I think he just doesn't care anymore after he got extremely popular.

That's not Nobuhiro Watsuki.

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Chapter when?

Looking at a bunch of japanese tweets, it looks like some people are surprised it wasn’t the contents of the movie but the corona virus that got the movie cancelled.
Or maybe they’re just saying it ironically.



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what hour?

5 minutes o' clock

thanks for nothing user

Glad to be of service.

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I love my wife Nanachi!

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I love your wife Nanachi!

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>lying on the internet

don't know but you can only buy it at a convention.

I feel like I should know the other 2 guys, esp thick glasses guy. Help?

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Stop bullying him


Olla olla cazuela

Yeah, I already foogled it.