Thank you Yas Forums for showing me this masterpiece. For me, there was manga Before Fire Punch, and After Fire Punch. I fear I'll never be able to read something as masterful as this ever again. I truly thought it was all just shitposts. Little did I realize what I was about to read was the very personification of kino itself
Fire Punch
Not sure if serious or bait.
I am the anti-trainwreck guy, my presence in these threads nullifies the trainwreck guy.
Daily reminder to fuck your sister.
Dead serious. Fire Punch is a masterpiece
>The same fucking panel again
Seek mental help.
It's the best panel of the series.
>Tfw I was the only user posting agniface and Kinoposting way back when Fire Punch was almost universally hated on Yas Forums and now everyone loves it now
Only pic related can describe how I am feeling at this moment.
Literally plebbit shitting in Yas Forums.
Good job, you have ruined any semblance of anyone being able to use this image as an experession of earnest pain by making everyone thinking its the same group of autistic spammers posting the funny meme face again. Are you happy now?
This but unironically
I actually feel this way, but way to look like a shitposter dude
I personally separate my life to pre-Fire Punch and post-Fire Punch periods, as reading it has completely changed how I view the world. It taught me to appreciate life much more (or rather in a different way) than I used to and also be more honest with myself. It may have a similar effect on you, or it may do nothing if it’s not your kind of thing, but one thing is clear — you’ve got to read it even if it’s the last thing you do.
My life has been an ongoing quest to discover life-changing works of fiction, and despite having gone through thousands of books, movies, games and the like, I have yet to find anything to even rival Fire Punch. I’m honestly getting goosebumps just remembering it.
These guys are the new huntertards.
it truly is Reddit Punch
Read it today
Bretty good
I love Fire Punch and have the whole series, but this is ridiculous.
They're copying off Yas Forums, not the other way around. Until very recently, they mostly hated FP.
>t. Redditor who posted it
So, how did you like the last Star Wars movie?
What's with all these Fire Punch threads recently?
An user storytimed the entire manga.
A week ago somebody started a daily readthrough thread of each volume. This attracted more fans, for better or worse.
Schools are closed due to corona-chan
I feel like I would have reacted to Fire Punch like you did if I had read it 10 years ago. But it didn't affect me like that, mainly because I was already affected by something else I read a couple of years ago.
What was the other work you read?
That's fair, user. What was the thing you read that affected you?
It's fun but not that good, Chainsaw man is better. Fire Punch was a bit boring after the tranny died.
What was it?
>Fire Punch comes out
>Cult following raving about it being rad as hell
>Contrarianism kicks in and people shit on it until people stop talking about it
>user dumps fire punch
>New cult following raving about it being rad as hell
>Contrarianism kicks in and people shit on it until people stop talking about it
There's something Fire Punch-esque about this whole cycle.
i fucking just finished it now and I can only think about how it goes back and forth and sideways and holy shit it's a fucking trip of a manga what the fuck
also the ending/second half felt rushed ngl still a unique reading experience
I'm not typing this shit into my browser.
Does it count as contrarianism when you don't have an opinion on it and are just sick of seeing the same manga panel get spammed over and over
>Fairy Tail ost
Sometimes there are works of fiction where you feel that the author has honed his skills for his entire life just to bring that story to reality. I felt it with Tolstoy’s “War & Peace”, got a glimpse of it in Dostoevsky’s “Crime & Punishment” and got completely overwhelmed by it in Fire Punch.
You simply can’t make a story so vast and this profound unless you sacrifice majority of your life researching and contemplating the subject matter. Fire Punch is a masterpiece, and it sends shivers down my spine just imagining what Fujimoto Tatsuki, a certified master of Japanese art and by no means a professional writer, had to go through to bring this grand work to life
The main themes of Fire Punch are the natures of evil, justice and vengeance; all pointing down to the self-destructive human behavior. It is an anti-thesis to all light-hearted stories where a righteous hero fights evil, so common in games, anime and movies nowadays. It takes Fire Punch almost a hundred hours to explain its not so self-evident mind-blowing concepts as it takes you through a journey where you are forced to strike down as much good, loving people as you do evil. You won’t be able to watch superman, or any other self-righteous concept,with the same eyes ever again after you finish reading this piece.
Based hunterbro
Imagine being so unable to feed yourself that you require anons to physically shove links into your mouth rather than just having the songs open in a bunch of tabs and clicking through when appropriate. Most of them in the second half already lead to others anyway because enough people were following the dump that YouTube's algorithm caught on
>websites will never have individual identities anymore
Why do zoomers need to actively be on so many sites with their precious time instead of having just one or two? It's going to be weird seeing 30 year olds with mostly shitposts for memories of their youth.
Where did this even come from?
Fujimoto cocksuckers really are less entertaining and less funny huntards. You always find some 500 IQ freshman philosophy shit in them.
Average fire punch reader
Nice falseflag faggot
nice falseflag
Yeah, it does. Once you start shitting on the whole manga and the people who enjoyed it rather than specifically shitting on the underage asswipes spamming the page, then yeah, that's pretty contrarian.
Can't really blame you though, I'm a huge fan but the spam is annoying
Nice try asshole. I don't even disagree with everything you said but there's no way someone typed that sincerely.
>Once you start shitting on the whole manga and the people who enjoyed it
Pretty sure that would be having an opinion on it.
For me, Fire Punch started a new geological era.
>pure unadultered kino
Yiikes! I'm taking that off my vocabulary. song on a pretty big list. One fucking song.
I mean, I guess, but it's only an educated opinion if you've read it and still feel that way. People who bring up things they genuinely didn't like about it? Yeah, that's fine, especially if they're not being inflammatory for the sake of it. And it's fine to talk about how the behaviour of the shitposters is annoying and turns people off the manga. But it's not really fair to just go "it sucks and all the fans suck and I'm never reading it because of that."
Shouldn't have been in there in the first place.
You don't get it user, that would be having an opinion on it thus wouldn't fall into
This, kino has always been reddit
A bunch of uncoordinated and independently-operating shitposting autists have caught on to the fact that they can turn Fire Punch into the next new pseudo-intellectual meme manga like they did with HxH by repeatedly spamming Yas Forums with Fire Punch threads.
Oh, I see. Yeah, sorry, I definitely misinterpreted. That's having an opinion on shitposters rather than the manga itself, you're right.
Reddit hates FP, i've looked in that shithole, and they consider it a 6/10 at best, the retard in the reddit post above was after the Yas Forums dumps this week
The dump user brought the manga itself quite a few actual new fans but that also just made it harder to tell the shitposting and new fan hype discussion apart. Can be hard to tell who is cringey but sincere and who is shitposting at the moment. faceposters are all trash though
Maybe I was too hard on you hunterfags
Holy CEO of based
No, it's just been long enough that the worst shitposters have moved on and those remaining are either sincere or more clever. It'll happen with Fire Punch too eventually. It always does.
Can anyone give the unironic take on what makes this manga worth reading?
At least half the faceposters are falseflaggers.
No one with a sane mind would ever enjoy tranny punch
In short: Clever deconstruction of story progression and character roles.
Couple that with great paneling, art and pacing and you have an enjoyable read.
Oh, and bonus SUFFERING
It's just 83 chapters. If you're really interested find out for yourself
there's also a gay couple way before this reveal but okay
a great deconstruction of the genre, takes overused shonen tropes and plays them in a very interesting way, it gets kinds freaky at the end, but the peak of the manga is a really great piece of work, with a lot sub lines conveyed in forms other than the plot, you get most of it by looking at faces, the environment, timing of words, lighting, etc. It's all pretty good and the artwork is really cinematographic, a lot of scenes hit pretty hard when convined with Fujimoto's influencew from films
>tranny learns a new coping word
This buzzword is the tell tale sign of a HRT hack.
unironically the best character in the manga
It's a balls to the wall insane story. You never know what's going to happen next. It's pretty good at making you care about the main character even when he does terrible things without excusing him for the terrible things. The world building is neat and there's a lot of mystery in it to think about. And in the end, it kinda ends up creating an optimistic end out of a pit of nihilism. Idk, it was just very fun, I got really immersed in the experience, and it left me feeling a bit better about my life. And reading along with Yas Forums was a good time, even though I only joined in for the last two threads and had to catch up. The music was very enjoyable.
her whole drama took less than 1 chapter, and her gender shit helped showing both the problems caused by the blessings at a regular level, and it continued the idea of roles given by the people around you that was shown all through the manga
I really like Fire Punch but all this new shitposting is really cringe
BTW it probably got a resurgence because an anime youtuber recommended it, so that's why we got the redditor influx
Not like I started reading it for a better reason (memeface spam got me curious)
>tranny punch
You do realize nobody takes you seriously, right?
Love how you are cherry picking the few panels where this fact is mentioned while cutting out all the thousands where she's an insane badass, and the few in this scene where she's furious that the guy who reads souls even mentioned it, where she rages at anyone who tries to coddle her, and you don't mention that she dies pretty much straight after this after being really happy when MC calls her his big sister