ITT: Shows that filtered plebs so hard that they feel smart for hating on it when they fail to even understand it.
ITT: Shows that filtered plebs so hard that they feel smart for hating on it when they fail to even understand it
>filtered plebs
Straight out of Yas Forums
Pleb filters happen more often in anime than videogames.
cute and based
Just got around to watching that show, it's great
Ideed is. Reminder that pic related did nothing wrong.
In general whenever someone claims a show that has less than 8/10 on MAL is normalfag bait you know they're a normalfag themselves.
Try it. It literally and unironically never fails.
prove me wrong
But you're right
Normally it's not that people don't understand shows themselves. They don't understand a show's appeal and is why they can almost never talk about a show like a non-retard
>Normally it's not that people don't understand shows themselves
> one of the biggest hits of all times recognizable by the laziest of commoners
> filtered plebs
You might be old enough to post here, but you really aren't smart enough to post here.
The only show which I really despise is Fairy Tail, and I really doubt that it has some kind of hidden message
>one of the biggest hits of all times
That was before endless eight, back when moefags thought the show was for them
There are plebs and there are NPCs who just hate everything by Fukui to fit in.
We're in an era where the word midwit is only ever used by midwits anymore.
I wonder if “how disgusting” is her realizing Shinji masturbated about her
It's likely considering the line wasn't written and the voice actress was just asked to answer the question "what would you say if you found out someone broke into your house at night and didn't rape you when you were asleep but instead just masturbated to your sleeping body?"
the first half of this was great, truly "saving anime" as was foretold in LWA
then the second half happened, and it was a clusterfuck
the entire middle arc could have been cut without losing anything of value, and the number of unresolved plot threads (heh) is astounding
even the sequel OVA left them mostly unanswered
tremendous waste of opportunity
>unresolved plot threads
Which ones?
>Casual watchers thinking it's supposed to be just a "more new forms punching and epic battlez! series"
>In reality it was a well done epilogue for the franchise, focusing on Pan learning about Goku's legacy first-hand before becoming a mentor for future generations herself.
>Haruhi 2009 could have saved anime if the community wasn't so retarded
Feels bad, Yas Forums.
The fact that even on this board there's still threads like filled with bitching about endless eight just goes to show how stupid the average anime fan is even on Yas Forums.
Endless Eight is literally what anime should have been: a medium that tries things. A medium that isn't afraid of putting the viewers through unpleasant things to have them empathize with the characters. Instead all we have now are shitshows that suck the viewer's cock because it doesn't try to be good, just to be enjoyable. And sure, we do need shows like this. But it wouldn't hurt to have a few masterpieces from time to time as well. Plebs could always just go watch something else.
The problem being that the actually smart anime fans are a ridiculous minority and as such, quality isn't the best way to make money now. Fan service is.
Unironically ditf
Based Haruhichad.
The amount of people who shit on it without even trying to look at it properly is sad
Endless Eight was basically a inside contest to see who would direct the movie. They tried to capitalize on this with BD sells of the second season.
Never watched it never will
I only watched 3 eps of endless eight redpill me on why I need to watch them all. It's been a while since I've seen Haruhi so I'm willing to go back and rewatch the whole thing with a new perspective
It had multiple purpose but the main one was to do character development through empathy for Nagato
Your loss not ours user. A masterpiece will stay a masterpiece regardless of weither or not you watched it. I don't even get the point in posting this.
Some people find it enjoyable because of the way all episodes are realized differently, but it wasn't the point. The point wasn't to be enjoyable, it was specifically to be long, repetitive and boring, because that's how it felt to Nagato. The entirety of the 2009 re-airing was supposed to be a setup for Disappearance, with the viewer and Yuki having the same spot as an observer who isn't allowed to take action.
Skipping it completely kills the point.
Okay thank you that makes sense. It seems like if you know it's the endless 8 prior to watching then it kind of ruins it but I can imagine it would've been great while airing
I knew a lot of uncultured brainlet that get filtered by this.
Imagine being so autistic, you like the endless eight.
Yeah, the number being so predictable kind of kills some of the impact, but at the time there was this whole "no way they're actually doing this" mentality. I will say though, the way the resolution at the end of the last episode is handled is entirely worth it and rewarding, with the music etc. It's easily on par with NGE's congratulations ending, and desu I can't imagine it would feel earned after skipping some episodes.
It's objectively good. Weither you like it or not is irrelevant.
What is there in Steins;Gate that would filter uncultured brainlets? I don't think it'd be in MAL's top 3 if it had any kind of pleb filter, and I didn't notice one when I watched it either (and I enjoyed the show a lot).
Imagine not and still thinking you belong here
Yas Forums only likes S;G cuz they saw @channel
>IT'S JUST LIKE Yas Forums
All VN adaptations are shit.
My hero Academia
My Hero was fine until All Might was castrated. The mentor character who was a paragon of courage and righteousness that got Yas Forumsnons Yas Forums wasn't even granted the courtesy of a death and predictably everything goes downhill from there. Now it's not even about Deku anymore and he has 6 million quirks or something it's a travesty.
The Yas Forums culture references in S;G were forced to a point where I was actually screencaping them and sending them to the people who recommended the show to me to make fun of how forced they were.
>"It's another x thread" said irl
Nobody does this
>"What are world lines?" "Inb4 parallel worlds"
That's not how inb4 is used
>"What, you're saying if people make threads about you you'll sage them?"
Nobody mentions saging in this context
Literally feels like a newfag trying too hard to fit in.
I don't dislike Haruhi because of Endless Eight, I dislike Haruhi because she's a bitch
ID: Invaded
>It's not over yes
>It hasn't been a year yet
Fuck off
>he didn't watch s;g with memesubs
your loss
>What is there in Steins;Gate that would filter uncultured brainlets?
Normalfags can't wrap their head around anything sciences, you would be called a nerd for understanding half of the references in S;G and you are not a human if you could understand Lain.
But scientific stuff in Steins;Gate makes no sense. That's not what makes the show good. Would you call BTTF a pleb filter too?
That's more like it.
You ever know a single women that watched S;G?
Any woman with a myanimelist account probably watched it and calls it a masterpiece.
So you don't know.
But it was Haruhi the series that made moe popular, people couldn't go to work without one of your coworkers doing the stupid dance in the middle of the office.
This is the exact opposite of a pleb filter and it require you to be a brainlet to appreaciate it, that's the reason why it's so fucking popular, the fun thing is that if you get into it expecting some hard sci-fi you will end up disappointed, I would even say that it doesn't even count as a sci-fi series for the lack of actual content about it, something funny is how hey shit on the little explanation on how things work which render the entire thing to a joke, literally turn off your brain and enjoy.
Are you seriously implying normalfags don't love Rick & Morty???