Bros there is only one day left before our croc dies, how are you coping?

Bros there is only one day left before our croc dies, how are you coping?

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Seems to shape up to a home freak accident

Place your bets!

oh my god i can't handle the stress

hes gonna get hit by a truck cus japs cant fucking originality

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This is just one big setup for an isekai plot
He will get hit by a truck, quote me on this

Fuck you Loui vittong.

He better fucking die, there is no setup for any death only feelsbait.
No le epic troll with living, no metaphors, no isekais.
Croc dies, comic ends, no afterwords. Only that would make it not a waste of time.

Don't worry, I got this.

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Does anyone else feel nostalgic reading these?

>Day 100
>23 Hours Before Death

Killed by bombs dropped by the authors choice of hostile nation


If ths happens, the author has to make a new comic every hour.

Huh they might actually do that

How will he die?

in 100 days they could have easily made enough pages to do that

Turns out he's SCP-682.

I was all in on seeing how he died originally, but after reading through all the entries I no longer want to see him die ;~;

So what made this popular? Just curiosity on how he dies?

Originally as in what I originally (or intially is probably a better word) wanted.

My desire for his death grew with each day.

mouse why


I'm guessing the series doesn't acknowledge the title in any way so you're probably just seeing a glimpse into the person's life. Now you know a bit more about the person along with the fact that tomorrow, his story will end with his death.

I was flipping through Twitter and saw a day 101 comic where mouse was carrying his dead body. I didn't dig into whether it was real or not but I also saw some other comics that were clearly parodies.

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Nah that's a fake, we're caught up with the raws.

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Didn't read any of this

wow you're so cool kiddo

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Any strip about day 100 you see before tomorrow is fake, and only most of the strips you'll see tomorrow will be
99 is the latest chapter.


This can't be happening, I'm in charge here

It is just going to be a dumb anime crossing joke isn't it

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The author has like 1.69 million followers right now. Did he always have around that many? Or was it just since the croc?

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Any ending that isn't about the croc dying is a massive cope out.

You can make 0 day until death normally without showing a death and then the series ends.

The fake one with the cherry blossoms seems kinda plausible now...

Are you prepared to mourn the croc tomorrow? He didn't deserve the death, he's a good croc

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I don't get it

It is a reference to another popular twitter comic strips called Arai-san mansion
Which is basically Kemono friends x SCP

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it's just going to be a shitty pun or something

if that's the case I will make sure the author is gonna die in 100 days

All of this was a mistranslation.
It's not "This Croc Will Die In 100 Days"
It's "This Croc Will Dine in 100 Days"
the restaurant will reopen

that’s pretty good

I hope whoever translated the croc will translate this next

>This mangaka will get axed in 100 days

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Translator (of This Croc Will Die in 100 Days) here.

Hmmm, I don't know, the gimmick of the original is that it was the first. Which is why it was so interesting. All the rest just the gimmick wore off now. (like what happened with Twitch Plays Pokemon) I don't know if many will be invested with this one.

And now for something completely different.

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the gimmick works only once, and the croc one is going to be disappointing as fuck


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This is the only non-death ending I will accept.

Big rips to croc-kun

Mole is the best, fite me irl

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Picked it up around day 40, I can't believe two months went by that quickly. I feel like I'm croc, just waiting for the sweet release of death.

>croc dies tomorrow
>the day after, a new chapter: This croc has been dead for 1 day

Good idea, show the aftermath