Everyone is talking about Maple from Bofuri, but neko Maple is the better Maple this season, don't you agree?
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No. That's why everyone is talking about Maple from Bofuri.
Also cute, but no.
Including today's episode, only 2 left.
No nekopara is trash
What about Cacao?
I actually agree.
VN Nekopara Maple > Bofuri Maple > Nekopara anime Maple
Maple's sense of style is fucking sexy
Subs when?
Why isn't Nekopara popular in Japan?
I love both Maples anyway. Best girls of their franchises/series.
6:00 AM PST because of daylight savings.
Why can't my cat be this cute and attractive?
Are there any ragdoll cats in Nekopara?
Cutest show starting nyow!
This show is amazing if you like SoL/light comedy.
You said that last time.
I bet subs are there within 1 hour.
Why are they so cute together
It is.
Fanservice is the salt of SoL. Too much, and it's oversalted. Not enough, and it's bland.
This episode is pure cuteness.
Is that what Kurumi is?
As for Nekopara:
>Azuki = Munchkin
>Cinnamon = Scottish Fold
>Coconut = Maine Coon (best girl and best cat)
>Maple = American Curl
Everyone else is some kind of mutt.
No subs?
Too much for little Cacao.
So peaceful.
Yes, please.
Stupid cat.
Why are there never male customers?
Not complaining.
>another loli bath scene
>another non-loli bath scene
Much to imagine.
>putting house on fire
Stupid lewd cat.
Isn't she a bit too smug here?
Wholesome episode.
tkmiz should draw an end card for this show.
Last episode next week.
I want to pet cacao and hand feed her dried fish from my hand
Every day.
Based OP
I always knew Cacao was a squirter.
As annoying as plots where preparing a surprise present means treating the target of it like shit can be at least this bit was really cute.
>they nearly smoked cacao out just to get her out of the box
dumb cats