I normally would never take the "Bakugo would be a better MC" posts seriously...

I normally would never take the "Bakugo would be a better MC" posts seriously, but I thought about it and it's not such a bad idea. Seeing your typical arrogant rival as the protagonist would be an interesting twist. Midoriya as the rival could also an improvement, granted he isn't given OP power but instead tries to persevere with a weak one, forcing the protagonist to acknowledge his own faults and weaknesses as well as the virtues and strengths of others. Perhaps even Uraraka wouldn't fall to the wayside and instead make a great female rival for Bakugo.

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yes mods this man right here

>I normally would never take the "Bakugo would be a better MC" posts seriously
Because that won't be the case because you already have the MC determined.
>but I thought about it and it's not such a bad idea
You've decided to abandon reality. Pointless exercise. Grats, you're a bonafide faggot.

>seeing the arrogant rival as the mc would be intresting
maybe, depends on the execution but not bakugo, he is the exact same character as deku so nothing much would change

He can't carry the manga. He works as eye candy for women and a rival character for someone. It had to be Deku because Hori couldn't think of someone better. however, he only works because he's shit on and the best parts of the manga only feature him lightly to not at all.

Deku as an MC is way more fixable and someone like Bakugo.

You're suggesting a character with major personal flaws directly related to the story's premise would have more difficulty carrying the story than a character who has all the right mental characteristics from the start and just needs to learn how to punch better?

decuck babble

>Arrogant hothead getting humbled and learning to be productive part of society

It's almost like that's the plot to a classic manga

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I'm suggesting fixing deku is easier than fixing bakugo. Multiple full chapters of an unlikable character getting his way is something people don't like to read about. If the character was completely different and not completely hostile and assholish it could work. At this point, I'm much more interested in Mirio, Ishida or Uraraka as main characters. Pretty much anyone over those two. But deku with a few more tweaks could be fixed compared to Bakugo who needs a near complete rewrite.

I've not seen or read My Hero Academia. I'm simply telling you that the author has settled on a Main Character for the story, and you're a massive faggot for dreaming up a parallel universe where your 2d is different from the actual 2d.

>Seeing your typical arrogant rival as the protagonist would be an interesting twist.

Agreed. Following the antics of a talented, overachieving douche with anger issues would actually be refreshing. Deku's boy scout act is every bit as boring as it is generic.


>Multiple full chapters of an unlikable character getting his way is something people don't like to read about.
People love Bakugou. Incels hate him.

>they don't remember

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>the best parts of the manga are the parts where they don’t show the main characters at all
How do you fuck up this bad.

It's almost like an under-explored twist on generic shonen would be more compelling then following an insipid goody two shoes as he learns to smash things harder and use his legs to kick. Plus, Bakugo's unique characteristics are enough to it fresh. Unlike Deku's story that has been done to death.

>enough to keep it fresh

Because deku was interesting at first and then got too much. Tokudori is just there and bland without any personality. Bakugo is unlikable and exhausting in too many doses.

Based boys

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It's not fresh.

kill urself

>He can't carry the manga.
Most popular character
Episode focused on him gets 1 million spike in the ratings

The difference in their arrogance is they were not bullies of the weak. If Bakugou was a delinquent bullying other punks that pick on the weak it'd be a different story. Bakugou treats everyone else as underlings who are belief him. He is your atypical douchbag. A Logan Paul as the zoomies would put it.

Bakugou is the author's favorite character. Hori himself considers Bakugou's character design to be his magnum opus. Meanwhile, he's publicly questioned why he made Deku so boring. There's just so much more interest in Bakugou, you can ignore the popularity polls if you want, yet his merch is always sold out for a reason.

Yes, it is.

It works because we don't have 200+ chapters of just him.

>atypical douchbag
Your typo gives away the lie. Bakugou isn't your typical bully or douchebag. The concept of someone who is extremely talented getting swept up in his own arrogance is actually interesting. There are a lot of elements that distinguish him from the generic jerk antagonist.


Bakugo is the most popular character, he’s literally carrying the manga and the sales decline whenever he isn’t there. He would be a better protagonist and only fags with no personality think otherwise

The manga only attracts shit people. Especially bakugo. If you think we want you tumblr shipping cucks here you are mistaken

Great point. He IS an outright douche. That's why he's not very well fleshed-out : Deku learned to stand up to him, he has relations with every other characters developped, a power for the story's drive, a lore directly in line with his motives... I don't know, Bakugo might be very far off the grid compared to the slimey, gooey and innocent fags that infest protagonists, but at least he depends on a universe as well as a narrative structure that has been developped FOR him. If you took Bakugo for the MC, you'd have to scratch everything off and start again, from absolute 0, to make a new, fully potential-wise rich story. In order to do that, the author of MHA would most likely not scrap his current manga and instead hire some spinoff mildlings that wouldn't get the original philosophy of the author. What could be possible would be pulling off a JoJo move and killing Deku/completely flip the narrative in order to make stuff interesting. Maybe if Deku went on a training to hype the fuck up the audience and finally master his fucking power, we'd have time to actually pan out and then zoom on someone less "bland" indeed.
That's what I think, at least.

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The problem with bakugo is that his struggle should be about him growing from being humbled or at least acknowledging he has problems but everyone just sucks his dick
There is no drama. There is nowhere to go for him
There are no repercussions.
As bad as Deku is written bakugo is even worse.
Deku is the biggest problem of people sucking his dick who shouldn't.

>Deku learned to stand up to him
Kek. Deku sucks him off more than anyone.

>The difference in their arrogance is they were not bullies of the weak.
Lmao, Joe beats up Danpei, an old man who uses a cane to walk multiple times over the series.

Deku realizes this, even though it is a slow process, since he is the MC.
That's the whole point. There is a dynamic between Deku's problems. Whilst Bakugo is a "rival pawn".

Iron Wok Jan did something like this. Cooking manga with a talented Chef who is also a raging asshole. Honestly the guy was insufferable most of the time. Didn't really change much by the time the series ended.

Honestly, following a character whose bad behavior is enabled by society due to a misguided fixation on meritocracy would be compelling. That is why Bakugou got to be the way he is now.

>bad behavior
It simply isn't
The only people who think it is are expressively shown to be wrong.
Monoma and Shishikura.

Really I think the way to go to making these raging asshole types of characters work is to have more heroic or optimistic characters to bounce off of. Gives them a chance for introspection and ability to take actions more Heroic characters wouldn't. This is one of the reasons I think characters like Johnny and Gyro from Jojo part 7 work so well. For those familiar with Batman comics I personally hated Damian Wayne until he was bouncing off characters like Nightwing and Jonathan Kent (Superboy).


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>Deku realizes this, even though it is a slow process, since he is the MC.
Deku realizes his relationship with Bakugou is messed up and yet he chooses Bakugou time and again. It's like the more interaction Deku gets to have with Bakugou, the more he attaches himself to his bully.

>Why, yes, I do self-insert as Bakugo since I have blonde hair and anger-issues while liking fire powers. I do want him to cuck Deku and be the main character since he's my self-insert, what gave it away?

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Kacchan is cuter.

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>do want him to cuck Deku and be the main character since he's my self-insert, what gave it away?
Dude, Deku wants Bakugo to cuck him and be the MC.

This is exactly it
Bakugo has crazy potential for character development but instead of getting people to make him realize the error everyone just praises him for it
Its kinda stupid.

Deku and Bakugou's relationship is just Coby x Helmeppo done very very very wrong, written by garbage author with legit cuckold fetish.
Deku and Bakugou
>Bully and victim where the bully just keeps getting more arrogant while the victim turns into a beta orbiter bootlicker
Coby and Helmeppo
>Bully and victim where they both strive to improve together and learn to respect each other

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You might be onto something. Deku does seem like a guy to like watching without being forced into it.

The original scrapped ending was him giving OfA to Bakugo and failing to be a hero
We haven't even properly started cuckolding

Can't really argue furthermore with that. It's kinda pathetic that the series goes on and on whilst not really changing stuff around. I mean, it feels as if MHA is developping its story in a slowed down time-pocket to me. That's why I dropped it around vol. 18.
Pic related is the alpha male Bakugo should've been. Hell, the poorfag doesn't have an excuse for his shitty behavior compared to the almighty boi

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HOLY BASED. I hope they retcon back to that ending.

This. Deku's obsession gets worse as the story progresses. Deku in general gets worse.


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Its like they consistently drag each other down
Bakugo is getting worse and thus Deku's praise of Bakugo is making Deku worse and thus Bakugo is getting worse.

I honestly never thought we would get a rivalry worse than Nardo and Saucegay with characters who are just worse.

That's a janitor, son.

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Not fair. You don't get to choose whom you love.

The original idea was to make deku batman. Which would have gotten rid of the shitty obsession with him because it would have been powers versus tech rather than power versus power.

If he was actually gay and in love that would honestly not be as bad as the truth
He isn't gay. That is just fujo retardation a manga like this attracts.

My interest in the series hasn't exactly been consistent these days. I liked Bakugou but I hate what the character does to the people around them from a writing perspective. Almost everybody stops to praise the guy whenever he shows up is one of them, sucking their personalities from them like a black hole. My main gripe is that for all the fanbase and series tell me "he's changed" I feel like his relationships with the people around him is stuck in a strange limbo of praise and little else.

>TFW we'll never get a deconstruction of a shonen where the protagonist is gay and gets off on fighting
>While the main heroine is a slut who fucks everyone because the main hero won't fuck him.

yugioh is the closest you will ever get to that.