ITT acceptable English anime dubs

(both versions)

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back when Funi was good...

Attached: yu yu hakusho.jpg (1280x720, 131.56K)

I guess just those two

Cowboy Bebop
Death Note
Excel Saga


this. yu yu hakusho dubbed is absolute cocks and doesn't fit at all.

Fuck off Yas Forumsmblr piece of shit

i remember watching dubs when i was a kid and knew they were garbage without even hearing the original

This thread is a trap to capture dubfags. There is no good dub unless they get rid of the anime.

>Ed voiced by a fired court-jobbing crybaby
Fuck no. FMA dub is garbage.

This, dubs are pretty much their own thing with all the censorship and re-writes added in and dub voice acting is shit

Space Dandy and Big O are acceptable, given that they were expressly made for Americlaps

I liked the nip version better

Dragon Ball
Dragonball Z (not kai)
Dragonball GT
Hero academy
One Piece
Digimon Adventure 2
Digimon Tamers
Digimon Data Squad
Gundam Zeta
Gundam ZZ (animax)
Index/Railgun (maybe, I don't fully remember)
Demon king Daimyo (maybe, I don't fully remember)
Norigami (I personally can't stand it, but the voices feel fitting, it's just the director was a faggot and ruined it)
nichijou (Believe it or not, the humor still works - and yes it got an official dub)
Conan/Case Closed
Akira (the japanese dub is garbage)
Every miyazaki/ghibli movie
FMA 2003

Believe it

>english dub
choose one


Don't bump this shit

Death note (L is bad though)
SAO (??? I don't remember if I watched it dubbed or subbed, and I've rewatched the series multiple times)
Haibane renmei (The dialogue translates horribly (meaning the dialogue is accurate), but the performance is acceptable)
Every which way (It's got a stupid japanese name that is impossible to remember, and this isn't the proper english name)
Kaze no Stigma
Is This a Zombie?
Overlord (Borderline. The casting for most characters other than Ainz is fairly bad though compared to the jap dub)
Ninja Nonsense
Origin: Spirits of the Past
One Punch Man
Kemono Michi
Boy and the Beast (the dialogue is cringe in parts, but the performance and casting are good)
Tanya the Evil (sub VA'ing is better, but if you can get past Tanya being Lt. Tashigi, then it's fine)
Food Wars
Jojo (don't know about part Italy or part Duwang because I haven't watched them dubbed, but parts 1-3 are good dubbed)

Going through things and comparing to my memories has made me realize again that anti-localization faggots are massive faggots and are the reason why most dubs are horrible. When you insist on things being unchanged, you get abnormally high pitched VA's for every role, and horribly cringy and unnatural dialogue.

But I included Nardo.

Yeah and I'm saying it is shit, so is the rest of the stuff posted here they all suck compared to the original script and voice acting; apart from the Dragon ball dubs which sound better with Goku's more masculine voice but has inaccurate translation so it still sucks as well
Fuck dubs

a few gundam shows
Garo: Vanishing Line
Shokugeki no Souma (literally so good it's baffling, my only complaint was Isami's weird "fat person" voice)

Hey faggot, try reading >ITT acceptable English anime dubs

No one gives a shit about your elitist faggotry. There are bad english dubs and there are bad japanese dubs. You're just a faggot no matter what though.

Just how low is your level of acceptable?

>Just how low is your level of acceptable?
The character's voice doesn't contradict the character's characteristics. The characters sound like humans and not (high pitched) radio DJ's.
A localized (actual localized, not funimation leftist woke localization) script is a bonus, but not required. Nine times out of ten when a character's voice matches their characteristics however, the dub will be good, even if it has non-localized cringe dialogue. Hell, most japanese dubs don't even bother to match the VA voice to the character beyond child and adult.

I don't like the sound of the Japanese race. Downvote away.

Is it that you dislike how nips sound, or how the nip language sounds?
Because I can agree that 90% of nip VA's are terrible matches for their characters, but I have no problem with the sound of the language itself.

That is BS. Japanese Seiyuu are trained, they sing character songs, they do drama cds and events in-character; their portrayal is always spot on, localizing kills characterization and sometimes makes plot elements sound off
Why the hell would you want to watch an inferior version?
What you wrote is using anime as background noise to just tick away an other anime off your list without actually paying proper attention to it

Quite enjoyed the dub desu

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>Japanese Seiyuu are trained
I don't care. This has zero impact on their performance.

>they sing character songs
I don't care. This has zero impact on their performance.

>they do drama cds and events in-character
I don't care. This has zero impact on their performance.

>their portrayal is always spot on
I don't care because this is a bald faced lie.

>localizing kills characterization and sometimes makes plot elements sound off
I don't care because you are a faggot that stated that as an absolute. Your argument here is logically identical to "medicine as a whole is bad because sometime there are bad doctors".

>Why the hell would you want to watch an inferior version?
To not have to scan up and down, or not have to rewind and watch scenes again to see the visuals, or to experience a scene without having to watch it through peripheral vision half the time.
Also the english VA's can be better cast or give better performances. For example Brook in one piece is better cast in english, and mumen rider from One Punch Man gives a better performance in english.

Ok, oops!


03, in mexican spanish, brotherhood neither

>To not have to scan up and down, or not have to rewind and watch scenes again to see the visuals, or to experience a scene without having to watch it through peripheral vision half the time.
You are just shit at reading quickly and you are making up excuses to make up for that weakness instead of trying to get better at it
Everything I listed proves that nips work harder on their voice acting skills, and what you wrote tells that you don't care about the original characterization or plot accuracy just to be able to discuss anime faster without actually being on the same page as the people who watched the original version

They're both awful. The language has too many short, similar grunts that get strung together as repetitive phrases. The actors rarely make sounds that could convincingly come from their characters. And no, I'm not going to study Japanese culture for a decade so that I can better appreciate cartoons.

I like this user

>anti-localization faggots are massive faggots and are the reason why most dubs are horrible
Because catering to a piece of the market that wants nothing of it is supposed to bear fruit? If they're doing a bad job in your eyes, don't blame the people who won't consume the stuff - blame the guys localizing it.
>you get abnormally high pitched VA's for every role, and horribly cringy and unnatural dialogue
and do you reckon it sells well and that's the fault of your fellow dubfags?

Kenshin dub had better VA's than the Jap for Kenshin, Saito, and Shishio

Japanese anime if you're not japanese is foreign cringe.
Localized anime is just cringe. You wouldn't see people who speak like you act like the shit you see in anime, so it feels even more distant and weird.

>You are just shit at reading quickly
Nigga, when you take your eyes to read the subtitles, you're also taking your eyes off the scene

Not user btw

>shitposting nonsense
>perceived effort magically impacts the end result because I am an apologist faggot

Kenshin yeah, Shishio and Satou I can go either way.

Panty and Stocking, Hellsing Ultimate, Black Lagoon and FLCL had good English dubs. Konosuba's is pretty decent too. Shin-chan had an amazing gag dub on [as], but Hajimete no Gal had a dub that might as well have been a gag dub.

It's the funniest because the VA for the fat pedo quit halfway because he was voicing a legit kiddyfiddler.

I can see the subs and the full scene just fine

I meant that if you didn't watch the original then you are discussing a different and usually inferior version then what other people watched so you won't be on the same page if the script changes things like Goku telling Gohan to get angry in Z that was altered in the dub, etc

>I can see the subs and the full scene just fine
Not unless you are looking at either a ridiculously small or ridiculously large screen.

>I meant that if you didn't watch the original then you are discussing a different and usually inferior version then what other people watched so you won't be on the same page if the script changes things like Goku telling Gohan to get angry in Z that was altered in the dub, etc
Nips don't use Yas Forums. They use 2chan. Also that is an entirely separate issue to dubbing/localization, it is not inherent.

Lmao, do you dedicate an eye to reading? Quit lying, bro

>Not unless you are looking at either a ridiculously small or ridiculously large screen
>do you dedicate an eye to reading
No, I'm just fast; I've never had any of the reading issues you are talking about
>Nips don't use Yas Forums. They use 2chan
Most of the people on Yas Forums watch subs, dub threads got deleted all the time
>Also that is an entirely separate issue to dubbing/localization, it is not inherent
Localization and censorship shouldn't exist

>No, I'm just fast
Then you're still taking your eyes off the scene whenever you decide to read subtitles. Being fast at reading doesn't stop you from this and let you see the full scene while reading subtitles at the same time. You're still switching between the two


Any anime that primarily takes place in a western country, especially when they give characters their proper accents. People don't speak Japanese in London.

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>Localization shouldn't exist
You do understand that translation is fundamentally localization. The only way around this is to machine translate each word individually and literally, and to just deal with the nonsense that is spit out.

>No, I'm just fast; I've never had any of the reading issues you are talking about
Read the word "No" in the greentext above. Is your eye focused on this word while you are reading the "No" in the greentext? No it is not. You are the only person in this chain who has injected issues regarding speed or reading ability. Unless you have an extra pair of eyes or fucked up lazy eyes, you can't focus on both the text and the scene at the same time.

School Rumble.

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I like the Cromartie dub.

>The only way around this is to machine translate each word individually
Why do you retards always go for this strawman? That's not what (direct) translation is, nor is it what people are asking for. Read the following sentences and get the hint:

Japanese: I went to the temple and ate some rice balls.
Translation: I went to the temple and ate some rice balls.
Localization: I went to the beach and ate some jelly donuts.

No, I can hear the nip audio as well and I recognize enough words that a quick glance is enough to read two lines of text without missing anything, if it is three lines which happens very rarely, then takes me around a second longer
Localization can change the entire tone of a scene, making words sound proper grammatically is fine
I want accurate subs even if they sound "cringe" and dub voice acting is too shit so I'm not going to put up with it

This too

>Hey, you know that based on your logic, you should also be opposed to basically all translation, right?
You're a faggot, that's not a strawman.

Cowboy Bebop is the only one

>Translation: I went to the temple and ate some rice balls.
>Localization: I went to the beach and ate some jelly donuts.
An event that 98% of japanese do once a year and solely for something to do on new years, with only ~5% doing so specifically for shinto purposes. The beach seems like an apt analog to me.
If this is essential to the story and not just food, then you have a point to objecting to it being localized, if it isn't relevant to the story, then you are a faggot. You are a faggot.

Not him but if you say:
>The beach seems like an apt analog to me
even though that is not what was being said then you are just a baiting shitposter, KYS troll

I see the problem. You don't live near the coast. People who live near the coast often go to the beach during summer for something to do.
Learn to swim faggot.

Goku isn't meant to be masculine. When will dubfaggots finally understand that.

Yeah you are a fucking troll
If you don't care if the translation is accurate then you don't care about anime or the discussion and are just here to farm (You)s. KSY

I don't mind Goku's nip voice at all, the dub voice sounds better but the dub translation is shit so I always watch it subbed

All anime is is entertainment for me, bro. So I choose which entertains me the best. I don't limit myself to dub or sub

These three, the rest is garbage and those but in spanish

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The only reason that hiroki yasumoto isn't goku is because he was around 7 or 8 when Dragon Ball first aired.

go to bed amerimutts

Rent free

>literal accuracy is more important than meaning
The langauge and cultural barriers already alter perception, when not use them to lessen the altered perception?
As much as you circlejerk about original/author intent, you don't actually care. If you did, you would be advocating for localization in order to more closely align with the original/author's intent.

Same here, but I'm content with either.