Does anyone even care about Promised Neverland anymore?

Does anyone even care about Promised Neverland anymore?

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Yes, now that Leuvis is back.

I dropped it when I realized that the author can't write smart characters despite choosing to make the entire cast super smart people.

drop it after the whole " do not kill demons"
But it was boring since way before


Only in a way one looks at a catastrophic fire, with awe of the scale of the disaster and as a precaution
I keep thinking SURELY it will end in a month, been on it for like a year now


I care about Emma destroying Norman's asshole.

Admit it people, only the first arc is actually good, everything after that is mediocre at best.
I've been following it weekly since goldy pond was starting and it's never reached a peak as high as the first arc again.

Pretty much this. The only reason to keep reading was to just get all your answers on the world it's self.

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Why is Norman so sexy?

I'm honestly still reading it just because i want to know what promise Emma made.
I guess seeing Isabella again was neat but that was it.

Emma will turn her children into the Ratri equivalent and have them uphold the promise and be the peace keepers for generations or something.

I've gotten to a point where I just scroll really fast the new chapter on mangaplus just to see what's going on, but barely read it anymore.
They run out of ideas after the 1st arc, Goldy Pond was pretty ok too but from there is just nothing interesting or worth reading.
They should have made an entire arc about Norman escaping from Lambda at this point, that could have been cool, but they offscreened it.

Emma has a decent chest for a 13 year old. You think she'll reach Isabella tier someday?

She'll be bigger.

this should fucking end last year. fuck it

Kimetsu no yaiba stole all the hype. Sad. I liked TPN

It's kinda weird seeing all the "it should end already". What's the point? It's got like a volume left, what's the sperging for.

nah. If the story stay ok for most of the time, that's not gonna affect. SxF is doing fine despite releasing during Kimetsu hype so there's no excuse for Neverland. it still sells well but "I don't want to kill demons" turn the whole thing into an absolute joke.

That's the least of TPN's problems.

I just want to know how it ends.
Like Fairy Tail or Bleach, I'm just trying to see this through

why do nips not understand what trigger discipline is? just looking at that gives me a heart attack.

it went to shit around the time emma turned into a moralfaggot. you can pinpoint the exact moment the series became a waste of potential.

The only reason people pretended to like TPN after the first arc was either because they were shota/ loli fags or they just follow trends. Hanako took the pedo bait crowd and KNY + other popular anime stole the trend hopping crowd. If it was genuinely interesting maybe people would have continued but it stopped being good after the first arc.

Yes, I still love reading it weekly
Just because the first part is objectively a masterpiece, it doesn't mean that the rest of the manga has to be automatically crap

I only care about Ray.

t. no one


Reminder it's outselling MHA and that has a current anime and movie

So how would Emma try to kill a hotel room full of three demons?

Gracefields Emma would analyse the layout of the room, figure out all escape exits, formulate a plan with Norman and Ray, use herself as bait, lock them demons in, help everyone escape, and burn down the room while looking over her shoulder from a safe distance.
Current Emma would take Norman, hug the demons and smile at them. And Ray would be somewhere in view.

You're forgetting the guns.

>Current Emma would take Norman, hug the demons and smile at them.
You have fucking abysmal reading comprehension if you think this makes any sense. Current Emma would not hesitate to kill a demon if she had to. The "I don't want to kill the demons" scene was completely in her character, and came about from new knowledge, a new tactical vantage point, and a desire to find a solution that didn't involve outright genocide. Emma has always been the most empathetic character in the group, so it makes complete sense that she would want to find a peaceful solution once she knew that one was possible. But she still carries a gun and doesn't hesitate to kill in defense, of herself or others. So enough with the dumbass "bleeding heart Emma" bullshit. You have the mind of a child if you can't understand her motivations.

I mean, I agree with most of this post but if the spoilers floating around are true, she literally asks Peter to live with them.

Nobody said the demons in the hotel room were trying to kill her

>Talk no jutsu Peter
I mean come the fuck on Shirai you faggot.

I-it's gonna fail, right?

No way, there's gotta be a limit to the power of Talk no Jutsu in this series.

Posuka tries so hard to make Norman look good, but god damn is he ugly

It's obviously gonna work smoothly.

SHIT taste. GODman is hot.

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user, you are gay.

See and pic related. Emma has a really bad case of shonen protagonities and you've gave the plot way more dept than it actually has.
>Let's live together and be friends, mr. Hitler Ratri

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for fuck sake

Lewis didn't even got TnJ'ed. Just got shot in the face then joined the party.

Those were different times.

The manga was at its best when the kids were at a severe disadvantage and had to rely purely on their cunning. Norman escaping Lambda without being able to rely on the help of Ray and Emma would have been tense and kino. The setting is cool but it also feels pretty small now that they’ve annihilated the royal family, it was more interesting when the demon world was a frightening unknown.

Emma tried (with a subtle threat) but actually decided killing him was more worth it like 2 minutes into the discussion. If only she'd do the same to Peter.

I don't know why Peter is even listening to her, he wrested down a mama not long ago and Emma is a 13 years old all by herself. Also he has a machine gun.

Didn't his gun disappear into thin air?

Fuck off, 3DPD.

I only care about my wife Anna. Every page she's in is so worth it

Besto tasto.

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I want to have loving passionate and consensual sex with Emma that ends in impregnation and me taking responsibility by marrying and loving her forever.

I dropped it after the "I don't want to kill the demons." chapter.

>faint scent of penis on each man's breath.

Why does Emma look like a boy in that panel?

years of weekly schedule

She don't

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I stopped caring after this bullshit