When will Robin be relevant in Wano? Back in Zou I recall Neko saying assassins from all over the world would be after her head because of her intel. I hope Orochi's ninja jobbers aren't the assassins because that would be a major disappointment for me, especially since she's pretty much been irrelevant since Water 7.
One Piece
Oda still cares about the strawhats?
She will be relevant at the end of Wano for the obligatory info dump chapter
But muh Oden flashback
Is the flashback still going??
Weird. The subject field of this thread says "One Piece". Don't you mean "Stockholm Syndrome"? Because we all know One Piece """fans""" in Yas Forums only care about complaining about One Piece and reminiscing about the "good old days" yet still read it and participate in its threads anyway.
woah...this edit changed my view on one piece...
It ended last chapter
>Could've been a cunning mastermind playing both sides so he could accomplish his own personal goals
>Is just a sychophant who went the extra mile for his idol
>Could've been a manipulative witch who used her feminine wiles to get ahead of everyone
>Was just a sheltered princess who took directions from said sychophant
These two are way less interesting now that we know their deal.
At least they smashed, right?
Fagots like (you) are the only ones getting upset over diverging opinions though
Damn, that's a impressive high desire to live.
Get back to r*ddit
cringe edgetard
You're in luck.
It's okay to have stockholm syndrome, user.
It's not okay to be a faggot, user
>Still in this thread
I thought you hate One Pie-I'm sorry, I mean Wan Piss. Do you have a certain syndrome?
stop fighting, we're all One Piece fans here
>If you don't like the way thigns has been handled these last years it means you hate the series!
Shut up r*ddit, unlike you I can have nuanced opinion
>we're all One Piece fans here
But the people posting in this thread hate the ever living fuck out of One Pie-I mean, Wan Piss, though.
Anyway, let's get to our daily routine of calling Oda a hack.
Stop the hate and spread love
>went the extra mile for his idol
I wouldn't call raising his lord's tomboy daughter as a whore as going the extra mile.
That's impossible. The sole purpose of One Pie-I mean Wan Piss threads are to hate on Wan Piss. You are not allowed to say anything positive about this series.
user, I don't hate One Piece. I hate faggots that want a safespace.
If you like One Piece and wants to tone down the complains then tell to us what you are liking about it
>we're all One Piece fans here
Spoilers when?
>That dickrider having a meltdown right now
Hey Hunteranon what about your spoilers
Oh... wait...
>I hate faggots that want a safespace.
Wow, how mean. Us Wan Piss haters only want to hate on Wan Piss in peace without anyone challenging our thoughts. These threads are our only safespace that allows us to freely shittalk about this abominable series.
OPbros if I don't find out whether Marco has joined the armada or not within the next 5 minutes I'll die...
Stop replying to him
I know, right? He should've known that it is not allowed around these parts to have positive opinions about One Pie-I mean, Wan Piss. Complaints are the only thing that hack Oda deserves, amirite fellow Wan Piss hater bro?
Let's all get F U N K Y!
Where's Yasu?
I liked Oden but the dance thing seemed out of character. He was a madman that bolted for the shogun's palace making mincemeat out of everyone and was ready to behead Orochi then and there.
I get he was a stalemate since Kaido protected Orochi, and they held hostages. Abd they fought in the palace to a halt, but he should have rallied the samurai and driven the pirates off. Instead he believed their lies for seemingly no reason, felt way out of character for an established madman like him
>luffy, kid, and law vs kaido
>the eventual kino scene where all the supernovas on wano bow down to Luffy
Don't forget Apoo, Hawkins and Drake, I doubt they'll stick with Kaido by the end of this arc
X-Drake is newer on Kaido´s side
Hawkins does what his cards tell him
Apoo stays til the bloody end.
what if I like the scabbards but also want the straw hats to shine during the battle since Wano is a culmination of everything that happened in the new world until now.
Kaido said that he mellowed down by sailing with WB and Roger. It was a shit excuse tho
Queen should have been a mind-broken Hiyori and Zoro's opponent for the arc.
>Exchanging the best character on this shithole for some cheap drama with a whore
Giving him blond hair was a mistake
Apoo is too sly to stick with Kaido when the boat will start sinking, he'll definitely flee and we'll see him again later
>implying Apoo isn't sending his resume as we speak to join the Buggy party.
>Implying Jack won't wash up on Buggy's deck too
Does SWORD existing as CP Aegis 0's counterpart imply that the Marines will far be more relevant than the Revolutionaries to the World Government's defeat?
>Caesar cover story where he joins his lost relative Buggy, born as Buggy D. Clown
I'm sure oda will revel that SWORD and the Revolutionaries are working together in some capacity just to keep the Revolutionaries relevant
Fuck, I can't decide between Nami or Carrot.
Carrot has a cool moveset and transformation, but Oda keeps on giving Nami more cool shit.
yep is heavily implied, thats why Law is definitely a SWORD operative.
I won't bet on it going by her post-ts track record, but I wonder if Nami will get a fight in Onigashima. Must be some point to her consecutive power up
Just fuck both of them
>nami accidently eats a monkey zoan fruit or smile
Stupid Big Meme, Oden's dead and your Pudding ain't no Oden!
Major spoiler just dropped
>On his feet are devices that accelerate him to the speed of light!
im gonna sleep and there better be fucking spoilers in the morning when i wake up or else...
Could he be the first character in the series with a 10 billion bounty? It's definitely 5+
Pudding will awaken
Space pirate Imu's bounty is 10 million galactic credits, which is only exceptional for the local sector.
Do you think that the reason Wang Zhi is missing is that he caught the coronavirus?
Choose Nami. No one would judge you then.
Bat is responsible for corona virus. Was the anime worth it?
if he had that high bounty he would kill all pirates by himself
im can only control WG and marines but his forces are not that great because if they were he would kill every pirate out there long time ago
im is immortal obviously but nothing more than that