What are your honest thoughts on this movie?

What are your honest thoughts on this movie?

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I thought it was genuinely great.

Bretty gud I guess. It's popular with normies though so I hate it on principle alone, just like everyone else on Yas Forums

better than A Silent Voice
Now give me (You)'s you faggots


Flawed as fuck with a rather poor script but charming and a fun watch.


No until you explain me why did you hate A Silent Voice as it was a garbage shit at you

Hina doesn't run enough.

Better than Stinki no Ko. At first I thought Knnw's insert songs were annoying. Then I watched Stinki no Ko and was baffled by the staff's utter incompetence. Stinki no Ko helped me appreciate Knnw for the gooodpiece it is.

What did you think if Hina while she was on Mitsuha's body and she was on her body instead of just with Taki?

Loved it. Just a lot of fun, looks nice and sound nice, not really deep or thought provoking but it's just an enjoyable watch

the movie was really good, so obviously Yas Forums is going to hate it

5/10 meh

It was alright. I don't really watch anime.

I'd say they were equally great.

The bit where he drank the sake made of Mitsuha's spit was almost as hot as that scene from Princess Mononoke where she chews the guy's food for him.
Good movie.

Why are you doing here, then?

I make coomer threads

A masterpiece.

Saw it 5 times in theaters.

Okay, good.

Kinda boring. Koe no Katachi was so much better it's not even funny. I guess in the end normalfags just can't relate to bullying and depression that much

great visuals, stupid characters and plot and weak romance. overall completely forgettable and pointless

Good but overrated.

Pretty good

Really good. Not much to say. Shinkai will never top it. Not even tenki no ko toped it

anime cliches the movie

It scratched an itch I didn't know I had.

>It's popular with normies though so I hate it on principle alone
Yas Forums in a nutshell

Overrated. It's a 6/10, worth a watch.

I really liked it, but it's overrated. I think it would be really good if they didn't make the body swapping into a montage and focused on how the protagonists handled the changes to their daily lives instead of the whole meteor thing.


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I liked it.
I also made some spit rice wine, it was gross.

Really good. Teasing the 5cm/s ending like that had me damn near burst a vein, though. I've been through that once, I do not need it again.

It's bullshit but it's still good, kind of like the BGS movie.
It's overhyped to death by normalfags tho. I feel like anything show released in the 2010 decade that has time travel in it is WOW SUPER SMART according to MAL and reddit. Which is fun when you consider the fact that time travel was only ever done well once in anime, being Haruhi, which normalfags hate.

Enjoyable movie made by someone who obviously cares about the details in the animation. Not really much beyond that.

You have to fucking go back
Why do I keep seeing this word used unironically more and more in threads
Yas Forums isn't your designated shitting board, fuck off

Great music.
Very gorgeous animation.
Story is a 7/10 at best.
Definitely deserves all the plaudits it gets but Shinkai can definitely produce better.

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>if they didn't make the body swapping into a montage and focused on how the protagonists handled the changes to their daily lives
This, we don't see much of their blossoming relationship, they kinda just skip to "And they fell madly in love".

Best anime movie ever.

>you can't shit on anything you have to be nice!
Go back to /reddit/

Absolute garbage. So garbage in fact that the creator himself was shocked anyone liked it and was extremely embarrassed by it

how many have you seen

Pure trash

It's simple emotional fun,i admit i cried when Mitsuha read her hand


>I cried
You need help

>Didn't get it
Nobody tell him. I don't care where you came from, go backc there.

>he didn't get it
Just flew over your head huh? Lurk more before responding

Here's a better question: Have you seen EoE and Disappearance? Because they're quite literally objectively better.

No I just watch whatever my anime club puts on.

Another mystery solved

Yes, I have seen them, there are many movies with a better plot, art, characters, etc. than Your Name, but I still like that movie better, so it's the best one for me.

I still haven't watched it because it doesn't look interesting. I guees I'll probably get around to watching sometime once my backlog starts to run low.

Gorgeous animation, bad writing. Would be a charming yet flawed movie if it wasn't because of it's excessive commercial success.

My dad is an extremely critical moviegoer, having worked in the industry most of his life. Usually he just sleeps through everything. This is the only time I can remember where we left the theater and he said "that was great!"

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some dudes just stay plebs forever no matter how much they watch

Your dad secretly wants to be a Japanese school girl. I bet if you ask him his opinion on Ice Angel he would call it a great movie as well.

Unironically show him more anime movies. Western stuff has become SJW garbage now.

But my dad is a SJW