
I'm sure she's violating terms of services at this point

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I'd violate her terms of services with MY point.


>Maple is not a villain

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I still want to know if the animator for this show animated the good episodes of DBS, the style is VERY similar.

When you see it...

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>playing the game and doing everything as intended since it's possible and doesn't exploit any glitches
>violating ToS
MMOfags these days are so sad.

Terms of service for a game are just a weakass contact since you don't even sign it, just agree verbally after buying the product.
It's basically only applicable if it doesn't contradict any laws (I can write that you become my slave for playing all I want, it's still illegal) and if the judge doesn't decide the conditions are retarded. Most of it is redundant and is a "just in case it works" thing, or to scare people off.
Also, they could ban her any moment they want anyway, since pretty much every game company leaves itself the right to do that at its own discretion and it's not seen as weird. They would just have to face the consequences of banning one of the most prominent players for no reason. And the general shift in management philosophy it would imply.

The Major

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Fuck Payne
That is all.

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More like fuck Maple.

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>Buy game
>Have someone else do the ToS bit
>No profit because ToS aren't legally binding anyway

Anywho, what was with maple's skills being interrupted? Was it in-game or is she out-of-game startled by loud noises and bright lights so she stops casting?
And why didn't she use meditate in the fire prison? You know, for laughs
Why is she pushed back by some player's non-pierce attacks but others' just bounce off her? Neither seem to penetrate her defense.

>it was a salestard all along
My fucking sides

Why are the devs of this game so retarded they allow you to max defence while having one-shot skills?

also why was fire lady missing all her shots on purpose? I mean they're standing still ffs.

What a fucking episode

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Maple has a belly like that? No wonder Sally is trying so hard to bed her.

>this Maple
It's The Maple

It sounds perfectly reasonable to me.
>total build freedom which can get further enhanced with skills
>if you focus too much on defense, you can get pets and skills for minions and transformations to deal damage for you

Can't blame Sally at all, I love tummies so much and Maple's is just too good.

Mii sucks.

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maple a shit

>Kouji Itou
>Gundam SEED Destiny
Directors were Silver Link regulars Kazuyuki Yamayoshi and Kazuya Hirata.

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multi peace sign

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Thank you Machine God form, showing off Maple's perfect tummy ever since it first appeared.

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I think user was referring to how the gun looks like a futa cock in that image.

The music when she transformed was just perfect.

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>everything is multi
Now I wonder about her orgasms

multi penetration
multi blowjob
multi handjob


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Her last stance was cool

Imagine the amounts of group sex she did to acquire those skills.

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armpit creampie

After a direct assault by the Order of the Holy Sword on Maple Tree, their plan to reserve Atrocity until later was scrapped. Before other guilds learned of Maple's skill, she was sent out on a violent offensive. Maple went around the map causing confusion and destruction as she collected several orbs which she later took back to her guilds' base. After a failed attempt to retrieve their orbs back, those guilds quickly realized their only option was to take orbs from other guilds, and chaos ensued.

Excuse me how the fuck is maple even remotely fair? Also why didn't payne and co. just attack maple again after their first assault?

I thought her mech skill was one of her weakest. Why was she told to refrain from showing that one off? Also, the one where she actually morphs into a demon thing was meant to be really powerful but with a long cooldown. When will she use it again?

its not explained in the anime
[Empty Shell] is an skill you get by getting to lv 35 without receiving any damage, Sally and Dread, have it.
the skill is similar to [Stout Guard] that you survive in case of being killed, but is different to 1HP survive.
If you receive an attack that will reduce all you HP from MAX to Zero, all the damage gets nullified AND you get a 50% + AGI boost
thats why after hitting the wall, the anime shows that he moves soooo fast twins could not even react

Mii is cool and reliable!

how does maple learn that one?

5% stats reduction penalty (10% to Dread), they are now under powered to take on Maple

Maple's nipples

Sally's and Dread's super speed buff "just" give them +50 to their agi stat. Does that mean that everyone that spends enough on agi can eventually move that quick?

They don't know the limits of Atrocity and need more information on how it works before attacking her again

Also they've all lost at least 5% of their stats from this death. Dread is down 15% since this is his second death, so they're in no shape to attack Maple Tree again

How would you stop this demon?

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if maple wins this fight the show is going straight in the trash.

Plays around in an NPCs bakery
Much like Wooly and wool, Maple Tree now has infinite cream-pies
It was meant to be a gag for clownish characters, but the cream-pies have Maple's VIT stat so it's like throwing something harder than steel at someone's face.

Maple's metal dick.

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The stat reduction stacks with each death

By death 3 you're down like 30%

I doubt 5% would make them unable for payne to actually oneshot her this time.

Those are big hammers.

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oh, it stacks? I thought it was a progression. lol. even worst chances of a rematch then

Wow, you will drop the show on the last episode. What a decisive act to show your anger.

Join her guild. It's the only way. You get free armor will get powerleveled by maple and co. and everyone in their guild seems to get OP skills just by hanging around with them.

I'd probably search around the third layer for something to fight machines

Knowing this game there's probably some secret enclave of anti-Machine ludites who can teach you a rust attack

>It isn't gonna suck itself

no longer Element of surprise either and maple will have Gross Eater renewed by the next day

Bofuri deez nuts

The guy oneshots her. If only there was a skill they have already shown that can somehow prevent her from dying now.

>destroy her machine god transform
>"This isn't even my final form"
>goes abomination on your ass.

bullying this dork!

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>element of suprise

Talk with maple and co. for 3 minutes before payne runs in like a madman.

Maple must obtain a pair of wheel chock.

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How many skills can Maple have active at once?
Do transformations block eachother out?
Can she use Abomination + Wooly

>pvpme autist versus minmax autist

Also by the next day she regains all of her attacks, so it's just furtile. If you attempt to oneshot her again she'll just devout the attack.

Abomination locks out Equipment and skills slotted in equipment so it can't be used concurrently with Machine God or Hydra. Not sure if she can even control Syrup in that form

But that should still leave Abomination + Wooly + Loving Sacrifice

Someone post SCP maple.

Maple aside I think we all forget that Sally blocked attacks from the best agi skill ingame just because of her instinct. And don't forget she has not one but two skills that increase her str by 1% up to a 100% for each attack she does without taking damage. Oh and another passive skill that just casually doubles the effect of any item.

imagine pushing Mii into a corner so she has to hug you and self-destruct

Mii getting revenge when?

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Keep hitting her with knockback until she falls out of the map.

Sallys face says it all.

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>Maple has yet to use her poison filled wooly to roll straight into a guild
what a fucking waste

Why are Mii's thighs so fat anyway?

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Jesus christ. The dev's are just saying fuck it at this point right?

>Pain's group overestimated her did an all out attack
>when in reality Maple's HP was like lower than 100 due to % of Angel skill cost

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Basically, yeah.

I would hug her back.

Why doesn't maple just use all the money she got or force her crafter friend into making her health potions 24/7?

>Group of level 60s picking on a group of lvl 30-s

Or craft her a thornmail what the fuck

I'm just finding myself sympathising with everyone else more and more right now.
Fuck Maple Tree!