100 girlfriends/kanojo

Chapter 10 is out!
Fifth girlfriend is out!
Everyone is cute!

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>it's out

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Finally a megane!

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So Rentarou decided to meet the new soulmate, but the one he actually found is...?

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...a loli that speaks with -nanoda suffix? Her name is Yakuzen Kusuri.

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Kusuri : "Potion that turns human into magnet!"
Rentarou : "You can aim Nobel prize for that!"

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Which is the original form?

She actually fed him a love potion.

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Quick confession from Kusuri. But Rentarou seems troubled...

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Quick first kiss too. She fed an antidote to remove the love potion effect.

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But Rentarou's heart still went dokidoki when he saw her.

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>he knows what's up

Second confession.
Kusuri : "Please pretty please. Please go out with me!"
Rentarou : "Kneeling Confession!?"
Kusuri : "I really love you! Super love you! Like how I love medicine! I will do anything for you! Please! PLEASE!"

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The big one is the original

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I think i liked her better as the loli

Don't like lolis in harem but this one was a cute dork
It's fine either way


eh, this was a bit weak

That's all guys! I can't read a kanji for the next chapter but it's something like "Next thing is also happy overdose~

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Did the love potion worked or not? because if she's his soulmate then he should've fallen in love with her no matter how she looked.

I doubt there's a chance we ever see any of them try that.

>Nano nano da

I hope she at least spends plenty of time like that. Transforming like this does seem to make other less normal girls a possibility too.

Next chapter should deal with that

Covered nipples are better than nothing.

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>I don't want to accept your love confession while being affected by love potion, I want to accept your love with my true feelings.

I liked it since the author try to put a lot of fetishes in this chapter. Boobsleeve, condom in mouth, ponytail.

It worked. Rentarou thought that she is another person when he saw the loli form, so he tried to justify his falling in love as a mere "whoa that girl is cute". That's why he rejects her first confession since he wants to meet the other girl.

But when he recovered, he still think that Kusuri is something special.

Also she drunk something like youth potion before so the loli form was also dispelled.

>I liked it since the author try to put a lot of fetishes in this chapter.
You forgot diaper.

Ok, so we into crazy antics already I think this properly sets path to supernatural stuff later

Yeah I didn't expect the last line from her either kek.

10th chapter and Rentarou already got an alchemist. At this rate on the 100th chapter she will meet a demon lord.

TL when

Isekai arc soon

I wonder if that god has a daughter or granddaughter that could be taken and make the god unhappy.

Maybe someone reverse isekai, though personally Im more curious towards a token rich girl

One of those is needed and that can let them all live together.

Tomorrow, I suppose.

>referred herself as third person
>in that sex bomb body

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New girl reminds me of Futaba Rio of Bunny Girl Sempai

Big tits> Loli.

I love how he mashed up those as generally the professor type is either loli or onee-san, now both are in the pack (somehow like Tenchi Muyo´s Washu, though she didnt play up the loli part)

It's the generic
>hot girl who does science stuff with a labcoat
Rikka from haganai for example.

If dubs Rentarou let megane dies

So far the autistic blonde is the best girl


She said that she preferred to work in loli body so let's believe in author.

Fertility potion arc please

Actually wait. Weight Gain arc that is long enough to get me to cum, but fixed by weight loss potion when?

What if she's the Volutpuous Girl Who's Jealous of Petite Girls character
>already says she likes working as the loli
>might have a complex about her body
>built in jokes about complaining of the legitimate detriments of having bigger boobs or bring taller while Shizuka/Karane is in earshot

Hopefully she likes having fun in that form too.

its a no for me chief

I bet you eat well done steaks too, tasteless faggot.

>drinking in the lab
As a former chemist this triggers my autism

WHOA WHOA WHOA! Let's not say things we don't mean here.

What happened you get exposed to chemicals and now you're a mutant?

Wait so her real form is the tall one right? Or the loli one? I'm confused

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