ITT: God tier artists, God awful writers

ITT: God tier artists, God awful writers
I'll start

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Murata, as far as I know, cannot write stories on his own.

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This is pretty boring. What about the opposite?

hiroya oku

Imagine needing a writer to create a generic sport manga. Murata truly is pathetic



sui ishida

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>God-tier writers
The other one relies on gimmicks while the other doesn't know what show don't tell is.


Post authors who are god-tier at both writing amd drawing. I'll start: Fujimoto

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>ITT: God tier artists, God awful writers
serious question: why do you say this about Tenjo Tenge? I kinda understand about Air Gear but I'm actually reading the TT manga right now and it's fucking good. one of my favorite martial arts shounen manga really.

>literally traces over CAD

Vagabond is better but kino taste tho

retard. fujimoto can't do either, especially the writing part

Ryoichi Ikegami

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And REAL is even better than either.

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Horikoshi has an amazing artstyle, he is great at character designing but Holy shit does his terrible writing skills show more and more often with each passing chapter

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It's also deader than either.

What has he written?

>REAL is still getting new chapters
>Vagabond is not
How is REAL more dead, user?

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Oh Great is pleb filter.

>he doesn't know

He's secretly also Bronson. Don't tell anyone though.

Fuck I actually did not know.

t. Huntard

Fuuuuuuck you OG! is based

Rent free, as always.

Once you get to the Giant Baby arc you’ll know.

not true retard


Shirow. He's got an amazing sense of aesthetics and an incredible talent for coming up with cool concepts, but a good writer he is not.

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How so?

OP is just a bulk-rate retard who probably writes reviews on MAL. Tenjo Tenge's story is actually pretty solid and does a good job planting seeds early on, later revealing that various key aspects were planned from the early stages. Brainlets find it hard to follow because they are stupid so they say the writing was bad.

Are you retarded? The golden age is one of the best written arcs of manga history

>well written

Awful bait.

>getting this insecure because of Guts of all people

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you could've atleast tried

Hina best girl

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Now? Yes. Before Conviction? No

yeah sure go back to r/anime you reddit retard.

More likely just a local /u/ tranny resident.

Vagabond finished didn't it?
I think we finally got scans pretty recently.

I really love Kotoyama's characters. His stories are soooo fucking dull tho.

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Didn't he write the final arc because the actual writer was gone by that point

You forgot getting cucked

>Vagabond finished didn't it?
>I think we finally got scans pretty recently.


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Has his new manga not gotten any better? I read the first like 12 chaps and didn’t like it, was gonna re read it once it got to maybe 40 or so to give it time to develop

Fujimoto is a frustrating artist because he CAN be good but often isn't. He's great at composition and picks interesting and dynamic poses but (especially with the poses) ends up with an ultimately stiff product. It sucks because you know he's shooting for the stars every time, he just doesn't quite get there.

Pic related is a good example. Interesting compositions for each panel but it doesn't quite come together the way it should. The bottom panel is especially stiff.

I have a lot to say about Fujimoto because everyone just calls him a genius or a hack and he's neither BUT he's more interesting because of that.

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Takahashi Tsutomu.

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Yoshihiro Togashi.

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His art in CSM is weaker than in Fire Punch because he doesn't have the same assistants.

Id argue that the character designs are the only redeeming factor of MHA.

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