>travel 5 days and 5 nights to meet the famous 10/10 whore
>she's fat
Travel 5 days and 5 nights to meet the famous 10/10 whore
>Wait 5 days and 5 nights to meet OP
>He's a faggot
she's legit overweight
retard tier thread
You're a legit faggot.
dunno who is more retarded OP or the faggot that thinks the archmage is a dude gulping sex change potions every hour
archmage not archmagess
question solved then, its you who is beyond retarded
Most legit 10s are. At least to most men.
10/10 doesn't exist
how so?
That's just the anime fattening her up
left > right
no contest
>Navel piercing
It also cleans her up nicely.
As much as all whiners are just monobrow faggot mutts, it's true that anime downgraded her. Even in opening.
Dunno if artist is a fetishists, shit, or used some shit reference.
Also I'm into fit, thin and petite so i'm biased as fuck, because of my patrician taste.
left is infinitely better overall
Still 10/10 genius whore for 3 days deal for price of 15 min quickie.
She's not fat unless her waist is wider than her hips
Prove me wrong
Gloves should have stayed black, but yeah
Bro what the fuck, she looks like a pear
better than a Goblina on the right
t.low test manlet
anime outclasses in lewdness and design the manga, this gotta be a first
oh yeah, recently read the manga, boy what a difference
Piercings are nasty you unwashed retard
Passione seems to have Uno Makoto on retainer for character design. If you're at all familiar with his work, this show is right up his alley.
>Uno Makoto
the curvy futa guy? not a fan of futa but yeah the thicc is really good
Yeah that's the one. He likes his girls plump and soft. I believe he's doing character design on this show as well.
>travel 5 days and 5 nights to meet the famous 10/10 whore
>she's perfect
Full slut gear including piercings only work in lolis.
Cry more faggot
the test in this post could not be any lower
Where's the 10/10 loli?
Again with this shit OP? Go out and get infected already
I feel like going on a journey all of a sudden
no such thing
I can't believe Yuno is such a pervert.
That whore is about to get irreparably WIDENED.
thats not what overweight is user
>gore and scat teased but not shown
What a bad episode.
Egg episode was literally a metaphor for scat
How the fuck is birthing a metaphor for scat, you dumb vanillafag?
You probably can't even pick that up, skelly.
>she's fat
Why add this OP? you said she was 10/10 so I expected that to already be part of the evaluation
It's not birthing if eggs aren't fetrtilized
Are you saying menstruation is scat?
female women have vagina and ass
birbs and reptiles have only a cloaca
Looks perfect to me, pal.
>Looks perfect to me, pal.
she has a beer gut.
>Crotch censor
There was nothing to censor there.
I'm in quarantine I'm not gonna risk a ban.
The girls in this show look so weird. What the hell are those vagina bones? The manga looks fine.
char designer is a futa artist.
Yes, and?
he clearly draws women expecting a huge dong to be there
>she's fat
you need a new pair of glasses
based architect posters
rarely are dubs granted to someone as gay as this
the only thing overweighted is her hips and tits
makes sense
nigga are you retarded