Have Chainsaw Man underages become the most annoying posters of the board yet? Can anyone compete?

Have Chainsaw Man underages become the most annoying posters of the board yet? Can anyone compete?

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Excuse me?

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Are you a retard? It's shitposting
Same thing happened with hunter hunter
Stop taking it seriously

We even had to ignore the rawdumper of that in hope of preventing the spread.
Looking at that shit coming back after time is a proof of our failure..
We should had kyonani'd the author instead.

This, the obnoxious wojakpunch faggots are the worst.

It's on par with wojakposting, you guys are autistic if you find this forced meme funny.

Hunterfags are still ahead.

They're the biggest normalfags on here, what did you expect?

>look ma i posted le epic funny reaction image again

Tbh HxH and SnK posters still outrank anyone on this board.

Oh damn since when did desu stop being word filtered?

The more moefags that get filtered, the better

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At least Hunterfags put effort in the shitposting and baiting other shonentards instead of just spamming the same image over and over again.

It still is desu

more like, at least hxh is a good series

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Right now fire punch shitposters are S tier after the massive dump, just followed by the rise of Bnha cuck posters and Naruto larpers.

Also for some reason NTRfags are being very vocal.
Hunterfags are getting quieter for now due to lack of chapter for so long.
Onepiecetards have always being contained on their generals unless provoquen, also jojohomos are surprissingly quiet.
You may have notice a pattern here, in conclusion fuck shonen.

Still mad about that get retard?
Stay mad.

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Chainsaw/fire fisting and HiatusxHiatus fags are insufferable

they're just reddit tourists. They'll get bullied and go back to their hugbox in a few weeks

A weekly manga? in a few weeks? Ok retard.

Seasonal fags are worse than all of them. Nowadays that stupid reviewers porn garbage stirs up the shit.

Chainsaw Man has great threads. Nice fanart, good discussions, awesome memes. I think the Fire Punch fags are unintentionally trying to ruin comfy CSM threads with their degenerate faggotry.

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Never forget

>Chainsaw Man has great threads
And that's when I stopped reading

Good because your opinion is worthless

You can whine as much as you want, but you will never be able to stop people from enjoying something they like.


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This. HxH and SnKfags are insufferable faggots.

>moe boogeyman
>too new to realize CSM is drenched in it
Fuck off immigrant

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found the dbspic
careful, if the cartel finds you on the internet they'll cut your arms off!

How would a thread filled with underaged, redditors and Yas Forumsirgins ever be good?

Exactly. At least Chainsaw Man you can get, since it's ongoing.

>chainsawfags lashing out this hard
Kek, you got em mad this time op
CSM and to a lesser extent firepunch are still battle shounen at the end of the day, on par with naruto and dragon ball with the exact same readership, though the former has deaths done for the fun of it so it attracts more edgy 13 year olds instead of 8 year olds. HxH attracts the intellectual midwits from reddit, but at least they're older at 16 to 18, and wanpiss gets a pass for being old enough that the kids who grew up on it are now mostly oldfags

God I hope none of these niggers end up in JJK threads. It's the only shonen I know of that doesn't have shit posters. Probably the only threads I can find enjoyable now. Hxh, SnK, JoJo, bnha, Naruto Fire punch all of these threads are shit.

Start reporting mate.
Someone spams firepunch wojak faces like just tell mods someone is spamming and the problem will go away for good.

>God I hope none of these niggers end up in JJK threads
Then don't say that. You're just giving them incentive into shitting up those threads.

>Fire Punch

Yeah you're right I just thought I'd bring it up cause we we're discussing good and bad threads.

It's literally for kids

Kill yourself

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>Chainsaw Manbros are reaching one of the most hated people out there
It was good while it lasted, but I'm still enjoying myself.

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People have been crying about CSM for months now. Nothing new.

>All this asshurt
Literally why though? Why now?
Don't use my daughter to whinge

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The best one was the guy that went on a 3day falseflagging shitposting spree after he was btfo in a ToC thread, around new years.

I like all manga and anime
Provided that the content is engaging and memorable

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You're a good bean

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Fire Punch makes Berserk look like Pokemon at times. The average person would never recommend Fire Punch to teenage boys. Shonen is just a tag and Fujimoto has enough power to overstep his boundaries.

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And this is why people see you niggers as the next hunterfags.

You say that like it's an impressive feat, but it really isn't. Berserk has been awful and childish for much longer than it has been good

I liked Chainsawman until the current arc started. It's boring at the moment. Fire Punch was better.

Reminder that this page is quite literally a work of art

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Yes and? Never read HxH but since you keep saying this I guess it's worth a read.

Nah, despite it ending, it still belongs to Toubun fans.

They have toned it down since the ending though.

Berserk's quality doesn't matter. What matters is that it is targeted at a much older audience than young teenagers.
If Fire Punch contains similar or more extreme themes than Berserk then it makes sense to be aimed at a similar audience. My point is that the shonen and seinen tags are not absolute terms. There are shonen that are more suitable for older audiences than seinen, and vice versa.

Nope. Hunterfags do stuff like this just to stroke their dick. All I'm doing is showing that to group all shonen under one giant umbrella is misleading.

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I don't know who is forcing it or why
it's just annoying, like all the others

So, who are these guys and why are they getting so mad about people having fun in csm threads? I've been there since the beggining and except a few cancerous threads I generally only see discussion, fanart and memes about the manga, what's so bad about that lol.

You will always get people angry that other people are enjoying themselves. Miserable people.

Not as annoying as someone starting an annoying thread complaining people are being annoying

Still not on remotely the same level as hunterfags

People who actually hooked on Fujimoto's work are okay. The CSM thread is pretty slow so I guess Fire Punch shitposters only want to continue wanking on one manga.

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That's because the only way hunterfags know to promote their own shit is to drag other franchises down, chainfags aren't interested in insulting other their compeitors

What was its not in the archives

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We're living in a time where people like things "ironically" because they're insecure about their tastes. Nu/a/ has been cucked by the reddit bogeyman into being afraid of having fun online and loving things unconditionally. For these guys seeing a 60 chapter manga getting this much love and attention this fast is painful. Notice how there's no criticism of the manga just complaining about the fans.


Chainsaw thread got it. Some guy was asking a honest question about a character.

Not even close.
>tfw they kept seething over the bans on /qa/ and proving why they should be completely banned from Yas Forums

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I forget the details but it was a post in a chainsaw man thread
199999999 was the OP to a dragon ball thread

A speedreader asking a question about a character in Chainsaw Man

I hoped the reddit phase was finally over. A few years ago any post or image(on a fucking imageboard) would be accused to be reddit and it was both annoying and pathetic

It was a good question though, we don't really know if he is a double or triple agent. Not enough information yet.

Repeating the ban message 5 times was incredibly juvenile, mods have always used public bans as a way to distract from how garbage they are but it is starting to fail as more people see through it so they are stepping it up in a desperate attempt to keep their positions.

You know what's also juvenile? Whining about GET's and whining about fans of other series.

>posting a picture of a manga with a face is wojak posting
when did nu/a/nons get so retarded?

The character explicitely told his motivation in a situation in which he had no reason to lie. We know which side he is on, what we don't know is how far he is willing to go to reach his goal, even if these last chapters suggest very far

One day your city will be nuked. Enjoy making others miserable until that joyful day.

He started falseflagging tower of god now.

BnHAcucks will never be topped