Can we get some 3s to pay respects.

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>When she doesn't notice your hole, but that you're whole

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Nice try, millenial.

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I was so into it I did not even chuckle when he talked about being inside her.

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>he died
why am I not surprised

Well, dead is still up in the air.

I'm stupid so the joke went over my head

Will the well boss rush continue or will they stop somewhere to fight it out?

Can we talk about the open questions though?
- Why does Hijiriido have a full name and the other meitantei don't?
- Why was Asukai miscolored?
- Why did the director need a Mizuhanome device to enter Asukai's id well? I thought he's visited dreams often enough, so why bother now?
- How is "I've been in her subconscious often enough" an explanation as to how Uraido remembers himself?
- Why do Asukai's anime bullshit powers exist and how has she survived for this long with them?

>Why was Asukai miscolored?
>director frames Momoki
>deletes most of the data Momoki has collected
>photoshop Kiki so no one notices
Most likely scenario.


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>Can we get some 3s to pay respects.
>Thread ends in a 7
How poetic.

Left or right?

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I see you.

Left or right doesn't matter.
Enjoy yourself.
Season of Love.

Left and 3 is such a nice number.

Please tell me that there are still upcoming episodes left for this current season.

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Next one's the final one.

>Why does Hijirido have a full name
Seems to be because her hole was an intrinsic part of her while for Tomatsu it was just a means to getting the numbers to stop.
>Why was Asukai miscolored
>Why did the director need a Mizuhanome device to enter Asukai's id well? I thought he's visited dreams often enough so why bother now?
He probably used it back then as well user, those dives were before the bureau was set up weren't they?
> How is "I've been in her subconscious often enough" an explanation as to how Uraido remembers himself?
Haven't the foggiest
>Why do Asukai's anime bullshit powers exist and how has she survived for this long with them?
No idea why they exist but she seems to have been imprisoned for most of the time.

What do you guys think Nari would do if he founds out that this guy have killed Kiki while he was inside the well?

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Find a way to make him off himself. Man has an MO to uphold.

Nari has probably already bled to death. So that's probably not an issue.

Don't say sad things like that. Akihito will come and save her no matter what.

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My guess is hell be a ghost in the machine like John Walker wanted to be, but hell just hang out in his fake reality with his family instead of being some sort of serial killer catching demigod like JW wants.

Final battle is going to happen in Fukuda's well. John Walker is weakened in it and Hondomachi has her hole hax. Plus Fukuda foreshadowing it. Also Sakaido's stretchy arms lends itself to a sweet fight scene.

>Nari has probably already bled to death.
Kiki and Akihito being transported into some cross dimensional well slash parallel universe after death would still be a nice ending.

He won't do anything, maybe question him for his reason.

>Why do Asukai's anime bullshit powers exist
They're basically the foundational scifi element of the show. Maybe they'll explain in e13, otherwise is just a premise of the speculative fiction like cognition particles and such.
>and how has she survived for this long with them?
When the Director was observing Kiki Coma people he seems surprised by how powerful she was. My guess is being in the Mizuhanome and having Kura do stuff has strengthened her powers significantly. This matches with her interactions in the "past" with Narihisago in the inner well where they seemed much weaker.

>only sees things as whole
>gets a full (whole) name

>- Why does Hijiriido have a full name and the other meitantei don't?
>- Why was Asukai miscolored?
No idea.
>- Why did the director need a Mizuhanome device to enter Asukai's id well? I thought he's visited dreams often enough, so why bother now?
Because those who dive using a chair get meitanteis status / boost and he wanted to stay meitantei forever.
Look at all the other plebs who just fell into coma for comparison.
>- How is "I've been in her subconscious often enough" an explanation as to how Uraido remembers himself?
It isn't. It was Kaeru's attempto to 'kill' him. This was actually spelled out by Uraido.
>Why do Asukai's anime bullshit powers exist
We wouldn't have this story otherwise.
>and how has she survived for this long with them?
You should have paid more attention.
She was 'only' transmitting her strong emotions. That's why she was loner / shunned her whole life.
People falling in coma and sharing her dream world happened much later, roughly 3 months after she was hospitalized and wasn't able to stay conscious anymore.

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Add a Romeo & Juliet twist to that and it would be a kino.

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He already knows that killing Kiki was a solution to avoid this entire mess. Kiki told him herself in the well within the well.

I'm only on episode 7 but it's so obvious this big gay fag is John Walker it's almost comical. I'm just waiting for the reveal and reason now.

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He only died in the well. Narihisago is dead in reality.

>Kiki told him herself in the well within the well.
Yeah but Nari is determined to save Kiki. He does not give a fuck about the world because he has nothing to live for anymore there. He is just riding with all of this because he is obsessed with JW. Kiki is the only anchor he has left and if she is not there, he would probably just end his life so he can be with Kiki & his family on the other side.

Did you miss the episode where Momoki asked Narihisago if he still considered him as a friend and his response to that? Momoki is his anchor in the real world.

I think people vastly overestimate how much Narihisago cares for Kiki.
He tried to give her the talk no jutsu himself.

>Momoki is his anchor in the real world.
That sounds pretty gay.

it's going to shit itself, isn't it?

>He does not give a fuck about the world because he has nothing to live for anymore there.
He already accepted his loss.
He also didn't try to stay with his family in lightning well, even after he remembered his 'outside' self.
Yes he wants to hunt JW but that's also his job.

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Well, he did cried like a baby and grieved on how much he wanted to save her before he even knew that she was a real person.

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>he wants to hunt JW but that's also his job.
Remember how he led the would be criminals to off themselves just so Kiki can sleep better at night. That was no way part of his job description.

Name a more kino scene then the trains coming down to crush people to death and John Walker watching with this track playing

Best part of ep. As weeb as it sounds that song in now on my Spotify

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If you do that, Hondo's hole will get infected and she will die.

Why do you fags keep saying this? Nothing about the way it's written suggests anything of the kind.

>just so Kiki can sleep better at night.
Except that was only his excuse when he couldn't accept reality.
She herself explained after he offed Facelifter that she still suffers their attacks and that it will all continue even if they are all dead because of her memories and dreams.
Asked him to kill her. Nari obviously refused and cut all contact with her.
Also large part of affection Nari shown towards Kiki was his guilt for not being able to save his family - see aftermath of sniper well when Kaerui in his dream changed into Muku and berated him for not being with them.

>ido is the was nips pronounce Id
>it's also the word for well

>dubfags catching up to stuff that was explained in episode 1

Welcome to three months ago when that was explicitly stated in the show?

It is a definite maybe coma or not as 70% of nurses in the original incident are still in a coma.

I dunno they already set them selves up for a dream battle with a side of police officer is about to kill the dreamer in real space so who gets it done first. So I don't really see how they can shit itself other than going for the unlikely ending that the guy finds kiki and says BANG and it cuts to black with nothing being resolved with the after credits being aliens descend to earth to hold an inter-galatic assisted suicide conference randomly with no relation to the plot before.

Pretty sure it is a race to kill or save kiki is basically the conclusion. Kiki seems pretty suicidal in double dream space so the chances she will pass up getting shot to death are slim in real space. But the fact he got shot and is very likely bleeding out if she dies then he would cease to exist as his body is likely already or very close to being dead. Which would fit into the director saying people might not like the ending as he basically dies but could live on as a murder hobo inside kiki's brain spaces for as long as she lives. Unlike BANGabalyon the stakes are high and the foundation is pretty good for the finale.

>large part of affection Nari shown towards Kiki was his guilt for not being able to save his family That was before he was aware that she was a real person. He went neglecting his family in the inner-well as soon as he got had the opportunity to help Kaeru/Kiki.
>Asked him to kill her. Nari obviously refused and cut all contact with her.
He refused to fulfill her request because he does not want to kill her no matter how abominable she becomes. When Kiki disappeared from the hospital, he still covered up his relationship with Kiki even though a lot of people got hurt because of her. He was calm because his gut is telling him the Kiki is fine and is alive somewhere. He does not give a fuck about the casualties. In the same way, Kiki does not really give a fuck about other people except Nari. It was kinda cute that she apologize to him whenever she does him harm.

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>so the chances she will pass up getting shot to death are slim in real space.
That decision is not really up to her though.
Momoki asked Matsuoka for some drugs, possibly sedatives for a reason.
He also said she might only live in Mizuhanome so his goal is to re-insert her into machine.
Gun is just a fail safe when things go really screwy.

Damn, that insert song hits the sweet spot so hard.
Going to miss the meitantei when this is over.
I hope Maijo Otaro brings back some of the characters as cameos in his next work.

>He went neglecting his family in the inner-well
Never happened.
He did go on a mass murderer killing spree but the whole time when he was in denial he stayed that way because his family was there

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This one?

>Gun is just a fail safe when things go really screwy.
Does Kiki even have psychokinesis?! From what we've seen so far, she is just physically fragile girl without her psychic mumbo jumbo. It is not like she can crush Momoki's suit & headgear using just her mind.

I'm also pretty sure that the name of the song, Butterfly, is an allusion to the parable of the dream of the butterfly by that chinese philosopher.

>He was calm because his gut is telling him the Kiki is fine and is alive somewhere
Unlikely, he saw her state deteriorating and Momoki also told him how bad her condition was.

No. But he doesn't know what she can do, or whether the drugs will work, or how well the helmet will work.

>or how well the helmet will work.
Helmet is pretty much confirmed working well.
How else would someone be able to abduct Kiki from hospital if he fell into coma the moment he entered her room.

>Momoki also told him how bad her condition was.
Remember that Kiki reassured him beforehand that she will not die or anything. Nari did not suddenly stopped caring about Kiki. If he felt that she was in danger in any way, he would have panicked in an instant.