Why is there so many age-gap romances in anime? Is there really a high demand for older men...

Why is there so many age-gap romances in anime? Is there really a high demand for older men, younger girls with anime audiences getting older?

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Blame Murasaki Shikibu for The Tale of Genji.

>is there a really a high demand for younger girls
You really had to ask this? On this fucking board of all places?

>with anime audiences getting older?
You are mentally retarded, not surprisingly since you seem to be a Narutard.

Yeah, it's crazy, my husband Madara is 400 and I am in my 20s

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Naruto Shippuuden - 425 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_08.54_[2020.03.17_01.58.18].png (972x1080, 1.35M)

On average men tend to prefer women younger than themselves. On average women tend to prefer men around their own age or older than themselves.

It's just basic biology, man. It'd be nice if we could get over this weird stigma about age gaps that society possesses.

based Madaraposter

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What? Naruto is cheating hinata with his friends minor daughter? Arrest him

Based, the best shipping ever

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The true canon is the best canon

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This must be legal in the ninja world right?

Naruto is just strengthening his linage. The Hyuga already had plenty of Uzumaki DNA pumped into them, now it's time for the Uchiha's turn


Sarada is old enough to kill
Sarada is old enough to breed

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>Implying that isn't all sauce wanted by having a daughter

Clan revival with the Uzumaki DNA

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The love don't have age

You're right user. He's 400 but looks 25. Scientists hate him!

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Why would Naruto fuck salad when he already has literal perfection as his wife?

I know that back image

Canon Hinata don't have boobs anymore, anime and manga + young ones are pure

But that's illegal

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Post the unedited one.

I want Hanabi x Boruto femdom.

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Is it just me or have the Madarafags been far more tolerable lately?

Except Naruto wants Sasuke not Sarada

You're starting to like it, user

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Naruto Shippuuden - 425 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_09.31_[2020.03.17_02.00.12].png (1244x1080, 1M)

i dont see the problem. age gap relationships happen all the time irl. my dads older than my mom

Is there any art of Madara fucking Hinata?


Not that I know of. And I've seen a lot. Mostly there is art of him with Sakura (intolerable), Mizukage (intolerable), Tsunade (semi-tolerable) or Kaguya (tolerable). But he only should be fucking his wife (me) anyway.

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Old Naruto, yes.
Dadruto have eyes only for Salad

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I found and there's some art of him fucking Sarada too


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Have you? I didn't, probably because I don't look for it or because it isn't Rikudo Madara. Where though? On paheal?

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google images

Madara is around 120 years old.

Remarkable. Depths of google images only lead me to pinterest or some arabian basket weaving forums

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Does it matter? 150 or 400, he's ancient

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Wow there is a disturbing amount of art featuring Hinata fucking dogs

Because he can fuck both.

Ah, the miracles of kage bunshin

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I miss the Gaiden

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I actually really like the idea of Naruto teaching Sarada and for them to be master and student, Naruto teaching her how to be a toad sage would be cool unfortunately I'm surrounded by people who want Naruto to bang Sasuke's kid.

Why not both master and lover?

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For this exact reaction retard, ignore them

Kys narutard

He's happier now

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More single adult women are buying anime and manga than ever before.
This is their fantasy.

Do you honestly think Hinata wouldn’t be wiling to share, especially with the child of a close friend?

Didn't Hinata literally threaten to murder Sasuke at one point?

Non-canon novel.

Too bad, that would have been based

Is naruto, nothing can be based

It's the natural state of things. You're not supposed to marry and bed old rotten roasties

Isnt that where the samurai fucks the little boy?

Yes, but he also raises a little girl to be his wife

Sounds like hes really fucking enviable

why not both?

he is considered the ideal Japanese man

Fuck off.
We do not tolerate pedophiles in Yas Forums.

If only

i have this book in my read list for years, is actually good? should i start it now?

That should be the ideal for all of us. Shota AND loli? And hes a samurai so that means he gets a shota to be his underling. What a lucky bastard.

Tell me, do the fates conspire against such a lucky man?

Hinata is Raikage's meat toilet


Mutts law once again

nice headcanon.

checked trips, amerimutts on suicide watch.

because he need his uchiha pussy.