Why isn't her show more popular? Why does Japan insist on having shit taste?

Why isn't her show more popular? Why does Japan insist on having shit taste?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Murenase! Seton Gakuen - 10 niko.jpg (1920x1080, 240.62K)

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This show isn't very good

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Murenase! Seton Gakuen - 10 [720p].mkv_snapshot_14.23_[2020.03.09_14.25.01].jpg (1280x720, 69.28K)

Well ist mayb e taste yourr shid

Then why do you still have it downloaded? Just delete the vid if you hate it so much

>below average haremshit with an unlikeable male MC
>haremshit where everyone but the main girl is fucking gay
This show never had a chance.

cause it's shit

>unlikeable male MC
I like his personality in some ways, it's just not useful in getting him to breed the animals like I also want.

I say that's a good thing, all the popular shows of this season are either bad or average, on the other hand all of the shows are not even watching are fucking great, GO FUCKING WATCH PET AND RIKEI KOI PEOPLE.

What is this a reference to?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Murenase! Seton Gakuen - 11 reference.jpg (1920x1080, 225.71K)

It's shit. Stop shilling it.


As a fan of the manga I can say the anime is really fucking bad.

Back to your generals, shounen-niggers.
This show is a solid 10/10 and you are filtered mongoloids too low IQ to appreciate the animal trivia based absurdist comedy. Second best show of the season after OshiBudo.

Why is he unlikeable? He's pretty based, and for someone that hates animals, he knows a lot about them and helps them a lot.

>Why isn't her show more popular?
Because it's shit
> Why does Japan insist on having shit taste?
It's you, user. Sorry.

Slice of life is good. Battle shit is stupid. I wanna suck hyena cock (female)

my're wife dog Rlanka

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holy shit based

If you can have shit taste why can't they?


>Battle shit is stupid
how can you say that?
jealous that Lions can become Super Saiyan but puny Humans can't?

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>t. bungoyama

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I agree with you...
it's +1 on the list of series that I was wanting an anime but had a poor execution...

I like it.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Murenase! Seton Gakuen - 11 [720p].mkv_snapshot_13.49_[2020.03.16_14.21.11].jpg (1280x720, 172.84K)

Terrible MC, laziest animal girl designs, wasting time on "shocking" animal facts everybody already knows, comedy show that isn't funny. It's like a terrible middle ground version of Monster Musume and Kemono Friends. Ranka is the only redeeming part of the show.

It's the best comedy this season.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Murenase! Seton Gakuen - 01 [720p].mkv_snapshot_14.32_[2020.01.06_18.47.53].jpg (1280x720, 75.97K)

Why do people like this useless cunt?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Murenase! Seton Gakuen - 11 kuso panda.jpg (1920x1080, 243.03K)

>Terrible MC
only a dog fuckers and yurifags thinks that Jin is a bad MC
so what are you?

You can't just say that the adaptation is bad just because it is bad.

So which changes bothered you the most exactly?
1. Jin's confession to Hitomi was removed.
2. The Seton Academy Miss Female contest is missing.
3. Kurumi showing up in arcs where she is not in based on the manga.
4. others ???

>Ranka is the only redeeming part of the show

>4. others ???
The violence was toned down. I want to see Jin kicking Ranka with all his might.

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Not them, but the visuals aren't that good (not like I was expecting much, but it gets worse due to the saturation of colors). They toned down Jin being an asshole, which was part of what made the manga good. The pacing and transition of scenes feel off at times, which might've impacted in some of the comedic timing (honestly I'm not intelligent enough to describe how).
While I like that they removed the confession stuff, Jin feels more desperate and delusional which brings down his character, in my opinion. For the good parts I was satisfied with: animal screams, changing some of the tools the chimpanzees used to less ludicrous stuff, mole rat and Hitomi fanservice, cameos, removing the boxing arc and giving King his due spotlight. I'm mostly indifferent to the rest.

There are some very good uses for her.

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>1. Jin's confession to Hitomi was removed.
That's probably coming later this season.

Jin is a real human, a real master of the earth, who puts all the inferior animals in their place. the otaku just can't self-insert into such an alpha male.

>removing the boxing arc
They are apparently merging that with the festival. The events are not really date specific. That is why they were able to freely shuffle and mix the events in the manga.

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yuriniggers mad it isn't an all girls show*

You do know this IS a shounen right?


I honestly can't decide if Pet is actually good or just pretentious garbage.

Not enough lewd scenes

Since when does popularity equal quality?
Since when do BD sales equal popularity?

That's almost always true, but even the ones we get in this aren't lewd enough and not enough people are making unofficial lewd art.

i enjoy the mindfuckery.

>a real master of the earth, who puts all the inferior animals in their place.
That is Kurumi though. She turned everyone in the cooking club into her slaves and they are even aware of it.

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*are not even


she's a popular okami blintzes

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No, it's haremshit
and I love it

I want more melty lankas

Because it a knock off of My Gym Partner's a Monkey.

Pretty much this for me too. I'd also like to mention that, or they have a very low budget, or the animation studio is shit because they couldn't even put effort in the ecchi aspect of the show. I was very disappointed with this scene I mean, it's not something really important, but I really like the manga page.

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Breast sizes and appearances aren't always great in this, and some of the rest of their bodies in those parts could use more work too. At least the BDs are making water a little easier to see through, but it's not enough.

Worse crimes have been committed.

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thank god its flopping

This chapter killed all the "harem" dynamic.
>the bonobo chapter
>the shit in the snowy mountain with Lanca's dad
>the underground maze
>the cute bat
Nothing matters because Jin is a dogfucker at heart.

Any new source about the sales? All I know is some data from like a month ago.

And that's a good thing.

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YOU are the one with shit taste, furryfag.

I prefer Ferryl tho.

Hey, Japan took it well enough that they made an hour block of both shows back to back

There's nothing(except the singularity) stopping you from going after Big Awoo.

A man of taste