Chainsaw Man
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Just caught up. You people need to shill this more.
Beta males can only be abused.
Is her hair supposed to be pink or blonde?
Hell chapter soon
fujimoto has colored it both ways, so who knows. it's kind of a really pale rose blonde in the dressup cutout, for what it's worth
Hey, maybe her hair changes color. She's not human, after all.
Go to sleep, Makima
>power's hair is constantly shifting color like na rgb gamer fan
We're hitting levels of cringe that shouldn't be possible
Where are you guys getting your scans? My usual sites haven't updated in forever.
Makima is perfect, she is a miracle. I will do anything for Makima, to protect her and her ideals. Makima is everything to me, I will follow her till my last breath without question. I will die for Makima.
user, if you are in danger and you need help press any number.
Okay, mr. president.
why does this thread keep getting deleted?
In which position would you fuck him?
I already shill it 24/7
Why Power is best girl
Why Power is best girl
>Upper average height for girls
>Will suck your blood when you sleep
>You'll have to force her to go to the shower with you
>Can be your BFF as much as your GF
>Will form a post-hardcore noise shoegaze experimental electronic post-rock band with you
>Will watch the Perseids in front of a lake with you
You meanie
I want Makima to rape me!
>will shit in your toilet without flushing
angel does not have thighs like that he's sticc
Bros...Denji will suffer...
all this means is that Power will absorb Makima somehow after Makima truly "dies" or she somehow has a loophole to bypass a contract with a Devil and merges with Power or something. that way Denji still has Makima. but only a little bit at a time. and he has to look at Power all the time.
Denji fucking/impregnating Power AND Makima at the same time? Just about the most based thing I've ever heard of.
Blonde. She's supposed to fit the 'dumb blonde' archetype. She's also clearly based off of the kind of person who goes to hot topic so a white chick.
Projecting much? I'm kidding. It's quite odd that both are naturally blonde Japanese. Especially Denjie with blue eyes even though Fujimoto seems to have went to a more "realistic" route. Hell, even the Murican pasta bros aren't blonde blue eyed aryans.
denji x power vanilla sex chapter when?
I mean Power's cute and all, but is she KINO enough?
now fire punch volume dump is over, firepunch bros will flooded csm's threads
how the hell you can come up with that idea?
how can sou come up w
I haven't started reading chainsaw man yet, though I intend to. First, I have a question for you guys: I've read through a couple threads and seen a few of the panels/pages going around, and everything I've gleaned suggests that Power is a disgusting, violent, degenerate asshole. Yas Forums seems to have a massive, throbbing boner for this character right now, so I'm wondering if she has some redeeming quality that I'm missing. Is my impression completely off-base, or is the appeal exactly because she's a huge cunt? Just curious.
Don't worry, now we have FirePower.
>Power is a disgusting, violent, degenerate asshole
Exactly right.
>some redeeming quality that I'm missing
She's hot, that's it.
Strawberry Blond
Power is extremely greedy and selfish who only has interest in whatever can only benefit her. So if she's ever in danger she wouldn't mind running away in a fight or flight situation. However, seeing her have a bettering relationship with the rest of the cast, especially the main character, is quite charming and hilarious.
>is the appeal exactly because she's a huge cunt?
She also gets along with Denji in a fun way and has some potential for growth
She cares for her cat.
Then they forget she's a corpse reanimated by a devil and turn her into a semen demon.
Okay I guess
best family
the redeeming quality is that her personality makes for lots of fun interactions with the rest of the cast, especially denji since he's practically just as immature
> Doujins already
We made it Chainsawbros.
There was already at least one Power doujin out there, afaik it hasn't been scanned though.
>he goes to hell and fights demons like washizu
checked. Power is abysmally outclassed in this fight.
Here's your C98 doujin, user. Byt the way, did C98 got cancelled after all?
I want Akagi to fuck Power
0 IQ
Do you mind spoonfeeding me a source please kind person?
they draw power with big tits though so it's trash
Is it the one that's bolded with GRAVITON? Is that being fully worked on?
fake power already more reliable than real power