
Episode 23

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>rejection and rape in one episode
Based Madhouse.

HS is early this week.

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Fucking kek at how fast the episode's mood changed.

Being Taichi is suffering.

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It's only going to get worse.

great episode

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and picked back up

one more episode

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I don't like Taichi, but getting rejected sucks.

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you knew it was coming

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>huh? Men have feelings too?
why are they like this?

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This is what you get when you fall in love with a retard.

Only Chihaya.

>this episode

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So, was it rape? I'm serious, did Taichi's lips touched Chihaya's lips? I always thought he didn't kissed her (being a coward and stuff) but everyone says they did kiss.

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Forced kiss at the side?

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Near rape.

Ok, maybe I'm not so dumb. Near rape makes sense to me.

Was the live action not terrible?

It's okay for a high school club type of show. As an adaption it changes too many thing in the timeline and emphasis the high school team when it's not that important in the grand scheme of things.

fuck me this anime is torture

Chihaya is indeed very selfish.

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>when it's not that important in the grand scheme of things
The second season had a heavy focus on it. Next season will have more club stuff again. Technically the first season too had a lot of club action, though a lot of it was the forming itself.

It isn't though. Chihaya wants to be Queen which has nothing to do with setting up a club in high school and even if she didn't she would still play karuta. High school is just three years, she played karuta before that and will continue play after that.

I have been saying this for years and I will never stop saying it. The best thing for Taichi is for him to stop chasing that dumb pussy and go his own way.

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But his fangirls want him to ''win'' and remain a beta-orbiter.

You are one dumb nigger.

This manga is about getting japanese kids into karuta with their friends, and it worked. The "sport" popularity grew thanks to the manga.

Who cares about even more dumb broads. True Taichi bros know what's up.

Yes but the high school club isn't important in the grand scheme of thing as in the main goal of the MC. She will still aim for the Queen title with or without the school club.

Wasn't it Chihaya who got the most points in the Taichi tournament? So technically she won the kiss. I guess he only half-kissed her to see her reaction hoping she would kiss him back.

But alas being Taichi is suffering.

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oh come on, it's not THAT big of a deal

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Taichi should go ahead and fuck that other girl in the club that's lusting for his dick.

Taichi is going to Todai, becoming a doctor, and fucking model bitches for the rest of his life.

Yeah, who gives a shit about how much she wanted to created and how hard she tried or the people that have supported her so that she reaches her dream. Most of the actual story just doesn't matter, am I right? Should have cut those nobodies and have 3 seasons of just Chihaya, Taichi and Arata's love triangle.

we just want him to be happy but it looks like he'll neither get chihaya or become meijin, only suffering

>taichi moving on with his life in the manga with his feelings fading
>nooo taichi will win because he's more popular
RIP Taichi

A kiss is not rape, nor near rape, nor anything of the sort. Jesus Christ.

It's current year though

See much obsessed she is with Shinobu and the Queen title in the manga and you know it's true.

Taichi should have learned a real sport like shogi. Karuta is for losers. No wonder you can't even be a pro at it.

You know she's part of the Shiranami Karuta Society with Harada as her teacher right? With or without the high school club she's good.

It's still sexual assault.

Snowmaru > Taichi. Snowmaru would never leave Shinobu no matter what.

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He'll be one of those guys who always cheats because no woman can compare to the girl he idealized in high school.

>you can't even be a pro at it.
Don't make Shinobu sad.

Chihaya tried to auction off a kiss from Taichi without his permission so if that's true then they're both rapists.

Taichi should end up with Shinobu. I bet her grandmother would see he's fit for a family of their stature. His mom would be ecstatic too, although those moms will be pretty nasty to each other.

The could would have just been switched out for more society activities and friendships and you know it. To begin with Chihaya is not the solitary person/player. The contrast between solitary and non-solitary characters is one of the main themes.
You have to be a huge retard or meme contrarian to sit down here and protest how the vast cast of colourful personalities is totally not important to the appeal of the story. Sometimes they spend the whole manga/anime building.

She didn't commit any assault while he acted on it.

>willing to stand up to his mother
>pays attention to his emotional state
>loves him
>good cook
Taichi really would be better off with her.

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Go get fucked by a pitbull.

And you're the one getting upset over the fact a high school club isn't the important to the MC reaching her goal. It's part of the 3yrs of her life but it's not the main goal and it's not like she started playing karuta because of the school club. The high school club is just a setting and for the MC to start up and take part in the high school matches as she reach her real goal of being Queen.

Didn't she say she's only good at making Valentine themed treats and not actual cooking?

When's the last time Chitose saw Taichi? I bet she'd be all over his dick.

>You'll never get to protect her smile

>be selfless and encourage your crush to confess
>he gets brutally rejected, leaves the club and everything's ruined for everyone