We can all agree on this.
We can all agree on this
Previous years for reference.
Accurate choice.
imma let u finish, but...
I think we all know whats taking next season
Funny way to spell ID: Invaded
Who is the third cutest girl of the season behind Maple and Syrup?
I just want to fuck the turtle man
Syrup a cute. A CUTE!
>endro over wataten
This isn't official then.
>isekaishit chosen as AOTS twice in a row
What happened to this board? I thought Yas Forums loved slice of life.
Just a reminder to ignore the VEG fag making this chart.
Koisuru Asteroid is best left forgotten.
Bofuri is a CGDCT slice of life set in a video game user
Reminder this is bait and has always been bait.
Bofuri is not isekai, and Noukin was basically CGDCT. The past two seasons have lacked a great pure CGDCT.
>I thought Yas Forums loved slice of life.
This is true, but Yas Forums, more than anything, loves cute anime girls.
OP is a faggot.
Reminder that you cannot communicate with this guy, he's been doing this autistically for years (sage goes in all fields)
>but it's technically not an isekai because it doesn't literally take place in a parallel world
And he did 90+% good job, so should continue.
It's literally, factually and objectively not an isekai because it literally, factually and objectively doesn't take place in a parallel world.
Slice of life shows focus on the mundane, everyday lives of their characters.
Playing a video game is a mundane, everyday life activity.
Bofuri is a SoL.
Gookshit is not anime.
At least this time Bofuri is actually one of the most popular anime on Yas Forums this season.
Yeah, SAO is such a classic SOL anime.
They are literally playing a VR game.
It's a shitty SoL because it has a male main character.
This. Male characters should be relegated to background characters at best
>official & objective
>OP is a faggot
Pick two.
Alternative had female main characters.
Patrician opinion.
ID: Invaded has 1 episode and hasn't shit the bed yet, and Bofuri has 2 with an LN to follow. So given the relative difficulty of making a good Anime original compared to adapting an LN i'm going to call it for ID: Invaded so far but.... again we won't know the winner till next Wednesday.
It's crazy how some random user has been getting me unnecessarily butthurt for years now.
No, it have always been about what Yas Forums likes the most each season, the first 3 ones are very clear on this aspect, the problem is that the original user just disappeared after 2015, 2016 and 2017 were handled by someone else but it was still being handled accordingly to what Yas Forums likes, but you can see in 2018 where it just stopped being about what Yas Forums likes, all the shows with the exception of the Cute Ladies were shows liked by outsiders, and even the Cute Ladies were wrong given that Zombieland Saga won undoubtedly.
>2/3 MCs are male
Get drilled user. You'll know the truth.
Wonderful chart. You probably can nitpick here and there, but overall if you want to watch something form every season it is close to perfect.
inb4 bait thread gets purged
To be fair Hondomachi is the cutest thing this season.
Is this real?
100% good taste
It's the lack of shame
It's always had a heavy cgdct bias and is obviously not objective. Definitely more apparent in the last few years though.
bofuri is shit
The only alternative is ID: Invaded. Railgun could have been at least decent but corona-chan hurt it
This guy just chooses his favorite show and says its Yas Forums's favorite. He's literally been doing this every season for years.
>mfw bofuri is the current AOTD
feels good man
Objectively wrong
It's real and it's spectacular.
>objectively wrong
Objectively wrong, desu wa.
So bros, when is the next masterpiece coming out? Was Madoka truly the last one? Is Haruhi somehow getting a new season the only thing that can save us now considering the Madoka and NGE franchises went full retard?
this user here speaks the truth
>Orange rat
>Hitori Floppi
pick one