ITT: The best kiss scenes

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hibari would be better if she didn't refer to herself in the third person

Mou ichido

This never stops touching my heart. Tsugumi had the best romantic development and should've had more meaningful chapters.

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Tsugumi was a 10/10 girl when she wasn't dressed like a dude

It'll be a harem end 100 %.those girls deserve that.

its either yuuna or harem for sure

im fine with either of those endings

Me and OP, but that's private.

Me too,but porbably the second one because yuuna wants the whole harem to be happy.She's not selfish, she just want to be happy.

Sagiri's was better.

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Wonderful kiss, hope they kiss again

I dropped this ages ago. Is hibari still best girl?

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you must have been reading something else because hibari was never the best

Insanely cute.

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Best kiss of the best girl androssi

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lol no

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Yes, but quite the distance


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Campione Spider-Man kiss.

the guy initiating the kiss is generally better, yes


>the side stories start from this point

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that's a blast from the past

Feel sorry for all the people that didn't watch this while airing.
You really had to be there.

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>harem series
>actually doing harem

Tsugumi was a 11/10 girl when she was dressed like a dude

WA1 is better.

Like it should be

Bottom right panel made me COOOOOOMMM

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I actually like how even enemies treat MC with respect,that's an alpha male for you.

Nice and somewhat adorable

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seconding campione

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imagine the smell

Yuuna is literally Lala.

Maybe slightly less retarded though


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Of lips???

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Lala is a supergenius alien princess, she doesn't conform to human definitions of intelligence.

It's not a kiss if a panda licks your face.

the others in the cast disagree
don't underestimate the Licky-lick

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When is this ending already?

Himari's was better. Himari best

So is it really happening? Is Yuragi actually going to get a harem ending? Or is this one of those dream realities that fucked up Chisaki?

Author is little by little building up the harem end but first he wants to delive a happy ending with the rest of the girls.

all the main girls are getting a dream sequence where they end up with the MC right now

Another year tops.

It's something that porgress the plot and at the same time you see what would happend with each girl.In last chapter is stated that in all the possibilities that could happend in the series, MC will end up dating the girls in the main harem.

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Harem end hype!

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>parallel stories which Urunigger's is also part of

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>autist mangaka thinking the girl ever kisses the guy this aggressively
Listen underages, imma level with you - if you ever think a girl will kiss you first ya still gonna be standin there like a dope 10 years later like some dumbass cuck herb ya feel me?