BGS > Monogaytari

Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai is a masterfully crafted story filled to brim with witty dialogue performed by compelling, realistic and relatable characters, a beautiful set of stories brought together by coherence and challenging thoughts: a modern classic.
Meanwhile Monogatary is a mediocre work that tries to investigate intellectual matters, but fails to do so in a meaningful fashion because of its numerous problematic elements: its unapologetic pedophilia pollutes the series along with the constant, worrying amount of rape culture that makes this work infuriatingly difficult to suggest to the anime club of which by the way I am vice-president.

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Boldest contrarian post I've seen this year, without a doubt.
If only you meant it sincerely.

It's rare to see taste this good on Yas Forums.

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There are Better ways to come out as retarded


SEETHING monogatarifag detected

>random girl knows how to solve every problem
>the mc knows her and does everything right
>girl who can create time loops traps the mc whitout reason
>nobody in the world cares or knows about the powers but the mc and his friends
yeah sure

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>random girl knows how to solve every problem
she's a mad scientist
>the mc knows her and does everything right
because he's cool son of a bitch
>girl who can create time loops traps the mc whitout reason
because she likes him and thinks that trapping him in a time loop will eventually make him develop feelings
>nobody in the world cares or knows about the powers but the mc and his friends
that's because everyone is pleb filtered

Based Fuck monogatari
Eeh, Hello? Cringe department?

And a lot of less words.

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hard agree with this op!!!!!!!

hard disagree with this op

jesus you sound like a child

Just let the thread die anons

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Shitty bait, but comparing with the derivative trash in OP is actually pretty good at highlighting everything that makes Monogatari an ambitious piece of fiction.
>moeblob time-filler sister that is helped and forgotten about vs 2 extremely sexy sisters that the protagonist has a sexual relationship with
>no lolis vs lolis are some of the most important heroines and love interest in the series
>non-threatening eccentric beauty girlfriend vs psychotic bitch girlfriend
>generic moralfag normalfag protag vs terrible person who just happens to have supernatural powers
>solves girls' problems vs you can only solve your own problems
>beats bully in a straight fight vs gets beaten into actual pulp by pretty much every opponent (including his own sickly little sister)
I'm sure there's more but really, who the fuck remembers that much about this derivative trash anyway.

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Everything > Monogatari. Even shounenshits. Monogatari is the most overrated garbage in tbe world. Everyone watch it because of the vampire bitch and then they pretend its an intellectual story lmao

>realistic and relatable characters
>coherence and challenging thoughts
I've never seen Monogatari but you're giving BGS too much credit here. It's completely inconsistent on every level and still tries to look smart which is laughable. It tries way too hard to be the new Haruhi and fails.

you need to watch more anime

Both are the most reddit shows in existence

I've seen monogatari and can't even remember most of what went on in it. So it depends on the person. Monogatari is the better show, but the two shows are shit anyway.

Watching monogatari as an EOP is getting less than like 10% of actual monogatari.

Senjougahara and Arararagi are cool names.

Sure thing, turbo autist.

too much anime bullshit in BG while monogatari had weird shit

hello, based department?

Is Hitagi a unique name? I keep looking that name up but I can't seem to find anyone else (whether it be a character or a IRL person) with that name.

it is if you're 13 and simple minded

Relatable? B.G.S. is super surreal, and that's one of the nice things about it.
It feels like it takes place in some alternate world where everyone is a bit off and interacts in a bit of a surreal and strange way, but that's nice.

I mean come on, it opens with Sakuta just minding his own business in the library, seeing someone who seems to be invisible for everyone else, who then introduces himself being a famous actor with Sakuta replying dryly "Yes, I know.", and then Sakuta just goes about his business thinking very little of the fact that he just talked to a seemingly invisible man and doesn't demand a further explanation for this weirdness.

It's surreal as fuck.

Someone post the webm.
You know the one.

Hey guys I think you should check out Bunny Girl Senpai. Don't mind the name it's actually a really smart intellectual anime! The main character is not like your typical dense anime protagonist, he's actually suuuper relatable. Anyway I hope you guys check this show out. It might not appeal to everyone because it's so unique and thought provoking, but I'm sure the intellectuals among you will appreciate it.

Edit: Thanks for gold kind stranger!

I prefer bgs too, but I haven't seen all bakemonogatari series yet

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> bgs
> intellectual matters
it once again fails to understand schrödingers cat

the fucking thumbnail never fails to make me smile

reddit users would call lolis distracting or problematic

I disagree

Neither o.p. nor anyone else really ever said that B.G.S. is "intellectual" because it isn't.
The appeal is the surreal atmosphære, emotional moments; and that we finally got a high school love story without an annoyingly dense self-insert protagonist — the Sakuta–Mai relationship develops at a credible pace with both being realistically aware of each others' feelings and the development. It's weird how that's apparently something that makes it good, but it's fucking rare.

>implying sakuta isnt a self insert for the japanese doomer

Who cares whether he's a self-insert for a super specific demographic; if that be so then he lacks the problems of self-insert characters.
The problem with "self inserts" for no specific demographic is that they only have lowest-common denominator traits; they have no character design, no opinion on anything, and and no agency.

If a character supposedly be a "self insert" for a hyper specific demographic with specific views, then that problem is solved.

tell me one of sakutas opinions

>Schrödinger's cat
It used Laplace's demon to justify an endless eight ripoff and it somehow managed to get TELEPORTATION wrong, and that's what bothers you?
Literally every concept BGS namedrops is misused, even the most basic ones. It's to a point where I was legit wondering if it was doing this on purpose when I watched it, before i realize it didn't and the author was just that dumb.
And then in the movie time travel stepped in and I just knew we would be in for a nonsensical array of random happenings from there. I was right. Unironically the Rick & Morty time travel episode made more sense.

it's just a haruhi ripoff. the time travel was done in the movie just like in haruhi

Obviously his fatalistic doomer beliefs: he believes that once a mass has made up an opinion, nothing one says can change it anymore; he believes that one doesn't need many friends, only a few close one's; he believes in being brutally honest even if that hurt the feelings of others, which obviously makes him an outcast in Japanese culture.

both of their scripts are pretentious light novel pseudo heady trash. monogatari is good because of oishi's directing and the visual style. theres nothing good about the scripts everyone who says thats why they like it is lying to themselves, meanwhile bunny just has nothing going for it and looks generic af

so basically a 8man ripoff

It tries to be the next Haruhi and fails hard. Haruhi's time travel is consistent and makes sense. It's even "realistic" in the context of how our laws of physics would handle a cause having a retroactive effect on the timeline. Haruhi also has a way better in-universe representation of the concept of Laplace's demon without needing to namedrop it. And Laplace's demon applying actually makes sense in Haruhi, unlike BGS where the past is changed multiple times, which goes against determinism.
BGS really has no idea where it's going.

No one claimed that fataalistic doomer beliefs are original, just that he's not the typical self-insert but has character, which makes him more interesting.

What B.G.S. does is taking the best parts of harem, comedy, incest, surreal mystery, and tragœdy, and combines them whilst leaving out most of the flaws.

so the best part of incest is no incest?

>t. seething bunnytard who will never appreciate bat

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Enjoy your corona

This honestly reminds me of the smash rosterfag threads on Yas Forums

It matters not, for I shall enjoy everything that comes from her

Even cleaning up her vagoo after getting gangbanged by n*****s and getting AIDS?

reddit loves monogatari though

I trust her

Cuck simp

This bait would've worked better if not for the fact that BGS is literal ripoff of Monogatari with basically every single story beat copypasted word-for-word, except incorrectly because the author is so retarded, he couldn't even steal right.

i watch it because of the monkey bitch

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just devoted, a simp is not devoted

post the retard run
I audibly laugh every time

Monogatari is a masterfully crafted story filled to brim with witty dialogue performed by compelling, realistic and relatable characters, a beautiful set of stories brought together by coherence and challenging thoughts: a modern classic.
Meanwhile Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai is a mediocre work that tries to investigate intellectual matters, but fails to do so in a meaningful fashion because of its numerous problematic elements: its unapologetic pedophilia pollutes the series along with the constant, worrying amount of rape culture that makes this work infuriatingly difficult to suggest to the anime club of which by the way I am vice-president.

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