Movie showings in the USA have been cancelled
Made In Abyss
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it's only natural to be scared
Do we know when the home release is coming out so we can get our quarantine fix?
6 months at the least
Theres a possibility that canceled movie showings means the movie will be out on BD earlier than usual.
I don't think it'll affect it that much
I love my wife Nanachi!
>was finally going to be my first time to go see an anime in theaters
> CoroNNAAAvirus
Imagine you're the publisher and you know public gatherings are DONE for your movies theatrical runs duration.
Now if you sell the bd/stream it you can start getting your money back without issues.
>got cucked by retarded distributors who only booked two showings on the other side of the country
>God unleashes a plague so everyone else gets cucked as well
thx God
I asked the theater chain directly if they're planning on rescheduling
I doubt they are though
>only booked two showings on the other side of the country
I hate this so much
Source? There's nothing on the Sentai site or twitter.
AMC refunded everyone's ticket if you preordered
I'm not seeing it with AMC. I'm in Dallas and seeing it at the Angelica Film Center. Maybe it's just an AMC thing?
fuck me
meant to reply to
it looks like it is just AMC
we're saved
Their site says otherwise, user. My condolences.
it looks like it completely depends on the theater
The only one showing near me is Studio Movie Grill, have they canceled their showings? I'm in California, what're the odds they're gonna cancel if they haven't already?
The true purpose of the coronavirus was revealed.
Silly americain. Dawn of the Deep Soul belong to our theaters.
Thread in abyss.
i wanted to see the movie, but it makes me happy that many of you cannot
i push the button
yeah but atleast we get a new chapter on friday.
Maybe, just maybe they will follow Universal's suite and make the stuff available for home at an earlier date. Hopefully this sets the trend and spells the end for the dated tradition that is the cinema in the age of streaming.
Theaters couldn't hurry up and die faster.
Coronavirus will kill me.
Ausfag here, I can't wait for Australia cinema showing announcements, really want to see bunny and Prushka on the big screen very soon. It will be a wonderful experience and I'll go there come rain or shine.
Too bad, people who feel the need to go out to watch anime in public deserve the virus.
So the virus is a curse from the abyss all along
Movie was good
Next chapter when though?
Are we finally get the fuck out of the village?
5 minutes(3 days)
I already watched the shitty camrip, I can wait for BD release
I will die from the corona b4 I get to watch the movie................
Is that the one in Rocklin? I haven’t gotten any notification from them yet either
Oh well. There'll be other viruses.
Hey, if it makes you feel better, in a few years we'll probably be able to get our viruses custom-made and you can order one that just infects anime fans
Please have mercy
I love my wife Moogie
nnaaa I don't wanna die
why not?
>white people ruin everything
Nigger this time it's the god damn chinks.
Fuck China.
China keeps breeding new viruses with their wildlife markets.
Maybe it's better to just nuke them and be done with it so we can get our anime movies.
Just make sure your amerifat army knows two nukes will not be enough.
What was going through Reg's mind at this exact moment?
Now that china is dealt with whats the course of action with rest of asia, africa and SA?
Mers comes from camels in middle east so do we need to nuke them too
How the fuck did you evade the spam filter
>Idofront finally gets adapted into a fantastic film
>US dates finally get announced
>Bought my ticket for it two weeks ago, best seat in the house
>Will now most likely be cancelled and my chances of seeing it on the big screen are now zero
>Showings cancelled
>Star String OVA never
I wish I was as cool as Lyza
Why are there so many arts with gopnik Nanachi?
Is there any possibility that it will be sooner because of corona-chan?