Why do people like this again?

Why do people like this again?

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because it's GYOZA SAIKYO!!!!!! IMAI!!!!!!

and muscle girls

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I'm in it for the cute shark

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It's a wholesome manga with a bit of plot and it's just fun to read.

i'm really liking the anime even if the CG can look pretty bad at times

Its entertaining but its no masterpiece and its kind of a mess, people just like its uniqueness? Maybe

It's one of the best action mangas ever, has great SOL moments, humour, creativity, a good plot, mystery, what exactly is it lacking ? I don't know

it’s stylish, cute, and fun. the world building has a lot of appeal because it’s a totally unique setting.

doesnt set itself up to be something very serious. manages to balance its elements well

Because they have better taste than you do OP

>and muscle girls

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it's fun but kinda confusing towards the end
I liked it

I'm in it for the dirty artstyle. Dorohedoro feels punk, and that's really all I read it for.

The plot is delirious, swinging wildly between terror and comedy, and there are so many characters you're probably going to need a wiki to remember the names of them all.

Despite being CG, the plot, characters and style are good enough to carry it

It is fun to watch the story while absolutely off the rails it goes off the rails in a good way which is really hard to do properly.


Because every character has insane drip

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> they will skip pie contest they said

can't wait for some lizard baseball tits

I don't want the doctor to die, bro.

>I'm in it for the dirty artstyle. Dorohedoro feels punk
Yeah, that's the main draw, besides the character writing.
You don't get a lot of that stuff from japan, the dirty punk grunge type of stuff. Yankee manga scratch that itch only superficially.

What's not to like? It's a unique manga with great characters, setting, art and plot filled with lots of heart warming moments and ass kicking. Sure there's a sharp decline in quality during the central department store arc but the last arc wraps things nicely and it actually manages to get a good ending unlike lots of long running series. It's top 5 manga contender for sure (atleast for me).

Because Tetsujo is cute

Interesting mistery, lovable characters, creative world and great dark humor

>Interesting mistery
fall flat after reveal Kai reveal
the hamfist "dual personality" drag on for 20-30 chapter does not helping

I like it because it’s like grimy cyberpunk but with magic instead of complex technology speculation. Nikaido and Kaiman pull off the we’re close friends without sex so well. I love Shin’s mask and outfit. Great guys and girls all around the story. The only thing I don’t like is how the Kaufman’s identity plays out in the second half of the manga. Oh and the OP/EDs are fucking balling.

His VA is going to be Yuki Kaji isn't it

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No Kaji already voices 13.

Oh wait I am retarded.

Then probably the guy that voice Sasuke.

because its edgy convoluted shit.

good job doing surface level observation

This. There is no good plot, no good characters, nothing really catching. It's obvious teenagers like it because muh grim atmosphere, muh random gore moments for comedic purposes.

Don't think it will happen. The dude is pretty old now.

Fag and Faggier.

cuz it's fucking dope. Recommend reading while listening to dub

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Yeah I really hope he doesn't get killed

> Dorohedoro
I do not understand either, I do not criticize the style of the main story in Manga, it is very good and interesting but it is very difficult to take real interest in that plot.

norman's first weird animu + meme characters

I honestly hope you die.

>a giant cockroach called Johnson
definition of a meme character

You are mentally ill. The internet has made you retarded. You are no longer able to form coherent thoughts. Put yourself out of your misery.

To feel unique and special.


>It's top 5 manga contender for sure

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>haha gyoza obsession so funny
>gyoza ends up saving the world

I love dark comedy, almost all the characters are incredibly likable even the "antagonists", has a unique and dirty setting and it's fun slowly figuring out all the mysteries as the story goes along.

Where can I watch this?

this honestly. I mean look at all these fucking NPCS just rushing to give their one sentence explanation that hold no fucking value at all
he writes that a lone should tell you to stay away.
>good plot!

Name your top 5 faggot.

Nice job outing yourselves to have never the manga or watched the anime. Why do you even bother posting?

cringe shit that Yas Forumstards are latched onto. They've seen sub 300 anime and think they're unique watching this seasonal carttoon

I started it because the art really stood out to me.

i started it and it looked like garbage with all the cg so i turned it off.

It's one of the few genuinely punk manga out there that has a great art-style to back it up. The cast bounces off of each incredibly well with a unique setting that is explored nicely.
It's why the anime is such a letdown because they cut all of that in service of advancing the mediocre mystery plot with it's mediocre characters. It's backgrounds are still good so at least it has that going for it.

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>likeable characters
>unique setting
>unique asthetic
>funny humour
>fun SoL
>fantastic art
The plot is kinda mediocre honestly

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Very based

Oh ffs not one of THESE Doro threads.

>I mean look at all these fucking NPCS
Found the NPC

Yet you reply like a generic NPC because I'm not defending this shitty anime. Irony

How did you get past the captcha, robo-kun?

Go back to watching your shitty gatcha idol madoka crap before you decided to shit up these threads sperg-kun

>Two NPCs attack at once
It's too fucking easy lol.

>retards keep responding to the same shitposter
It's like you never learned anything the last few weeks.

Thanks I forgot

>be me
>download all 8 episodes at once
>drop it on the 2nd
Never again.

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I want to fuck Noi

You two NPC's literally replied one second apart.
Don't try to run away now and save face like a retarded with your bullshit cop out.

>1 second apart
How can you say your not a fucking NPC?

This shit wouldn't have started if you retarded fucks just ignored the easy bait for the start. Take responsibility and stop replying forever.