ITT: 10/10 episodes

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Every episode was literally the same though

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All 10/10?

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The Kyoto trip was 10/10

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this and the first episode of ping pong the animation

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>ping pong
The ending pushed it from generic shounen to masterpiece

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the non non biyori episode with the tadpoles


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>It's a train episode

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so-so show
great episode

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Episode 1 is also pretty good.

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It was literally perfect

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*Bolero intensifies*

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really good one

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The best.
7.5 is up there in fun value too.

I'd love to imagine they do these whenever they're alone. It hurts ;_;

The show peaked here for me.

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Sakura-san is so precious.

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Hotpot episode was pure kino

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I didn't expect a dandy episode to hit me in the feels like this did. Also obviously the alien loli episode

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>posts Ass: The Guitar Show

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>7 Elves

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Based Trigger and Cloverworks for making this board implode with this one twist

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I still don't know how the fuck she did that.

Bitch teleported.

Futurama did it.

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>She sings the nursery from the beginning, making you learn that one detail she didnt lie about and is now bawling her heart out.

I don't know that I could pick one, they were all good for different reasons.

oh god oh fuck

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Kemono friends ep 11

You can't run
You can't fly
You can't swim
What good are you?

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Legendary episode. I also really like the last episode of Medusa where Kaiki saves Nadeko

Hitagi End*

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Yup definitely. Also this

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You already know

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also this
gridman was great

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The double transformation scene was heavy kino

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