How will Kaido react to everyone escaping his hostage plan?
One Piece
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Yonko tier
>yfw Jack is taken hostage by the alliance
Is a tranny.
No fightfagging, characterfagging, or hornyposting allowed
I hope he enjoys it while Queen freaks out.
>Yas Forums during Oden flashback
>calm waters, people bitching about it being too long, nothing much
>chapter when we return to the present comes out
>shipperfaggery, console wars tier fighting, >ZOLO shitposting, powerlevelfags, waifu/husbandofaggery
What the fuck...
post yfw the hostages escape
yfw he did indeed have a plan to take a hostage but pretended he didn't to make him seem cooler.
Eat my ass, hornyposting is all I have in life.
don't forget about me, user
There was a bunch of seething about the quality just two chapters after "he laughed".
Then stop living
Robin is love.
He will use his final ability
>If i cannot reign over Wano
>I must thank you Joker, your bird cage gave me the idea to create the ultimate jail!
>Mugiwara!!! Have you even tried to break dragon shit!?!
Watch Orochi capture her and Tama together, and use the hostage technique against the alliance, Kaidou then kills Orochi as it reminded him of last time with Oden.
I’ll never forget you, Toko
>has litteral the most OP power against Kaido army
>is never brought back into the story
Remind me why she is in the story and couldn't be replaced with Toko
Wtf that's terrifying
zoro won't fight king. marco will.
sanji is fighting queen.
zoro is fighting smoothie.
both leave wano at second commander level, while luffy leaves wano a bit higher than first commander level but not yonko level.
Do you think the word "chance" has any particular meaning to the overall theme of One Piece? They always say and emphasize the word "chance" in the Japanese language version of the anime and it seems somehow significant
>Ah, the hostages are free? Well, it's about time we got into the action... I'll take on Kaido as planned then, scary!
Nah, It'd just be Momo instead. He's always getting kidnapped.
>Remind me why she is in the story and couldn't be replaced with Toko
Fulfill her grandfather's wishes.
Those fucking eyebrows wtf
>Implying CHADyoshiro didn't put Tama-dango in the banquet making sure all the zoan users will eat some and turning Kaido's forces against BM
5D chess
Heh, I had a shit eating grin on my face while listening to this
Why did he let Yasuie die?
Bros I miss seeing both of Zoro's eyes open...
Because FUCK adults
Where is Toko now? Robin was mothering her last time I remember
Wouldn't that have made sense if he didn't know there was a traitor?
>Story condemns the idea of birth determining one's worth and fate
>Joyboy prophecy proves that nobles have the right idea, they were just wrong about who was born special and who was born trash
The ultimate gigachad is the one who likes Law AND Carrot
They left her with Tenguyama didn't they?
Best friends
Oh cool that's me.
Kill the Kozukis and all those loyal to them?
Great grandfather*
Denjiro, for fucks sake, you're 50 years old. It's time to drop this Peter Pan syndrome Witching Hour "Boy" bullshit,.
this theme is going to continually reinforced throughout the manga. it's being used right now in wano in regards to the kurozumis.
the twist is going to be that, in the case of the D clan, whether or not that a particular D follows joyboy's will is mostly up to that particular person's individual desires and goals. we see this in the story already. there are plenty of D's who don't care to follow joyboy's will. garp, saul, teach, law arguably. xebec certainly won't. assuming joyboy is very similar to luffy in terms of goals and ideals, there are only a few D's who fit this bill.
luffy isn't going to be special because he's related to joyboy, but rather because he's caring out joyboy's will by choice. the entire concept of inherited will does feel a little bit at odds with the "birth determining one's worth and fate" role though. it depends on what we want inherited to mean though, whether by birth or by some other means.
>excellent vassals
You mean Kanjuro is her grandpa? Possible if unlikely. Still, he's dedicated to eradication of Kozuki all the same.
What you're writing would be thematically fitting... however it's not what manga is pointing to. It's hinted since Loguetown that Luffy's some kind of gods' favorite.
Enter Kurozumi Tama!
>xebec certainly won't. assuming joyboy is very similar to luffy in terms of goals and ideals, there are only a few D's who fit this bill.
I don't know about that, I feel like Rocks might have been like Blackbeard in the sense that they may both be trying to follow the "D." but in a more nefarious way
Ever since it was said that "D. in some countries is called the natural enemy of god" I couldn't help but think it is related to the world nobles and possibly Im, Rocks knew the full deal and the battle at God Valley had something to do with all this. Blackbeard is being hinted at being Rocks' successor as well
Cant break his cover
the thunder in loguetown was absolutely dragon. it wasn't any god.
i think there's going to be a subversion at the end of the story in which luffy's journey is going to be proven to be a result of his own will and qualities rather than any destiny. as of late the story is talking plenty about destiny (especially in the flashback, that sea kings page started off this whole discussion months back) but it seems very unlikely to me that oda will choose to say "luffy is successful because of his lineage" when as said there is a continual reinforcement of the "birth shouldn't determine one's worth and fate" theme, done most poignantly with ace and being echoed in wano right now.
So, will anime go for months of no-Luffy too? I mean, even if they were to switch to 1 chapter per episode that would still mean 3 months without him showing up, full cour. Or will they decide to go for decent pacing for once? They do have a lot of distance to the manga they could burn through.
marco is going to job to hype king
zorro will defeat hyped king with eye technique and wearing his signature bandana
screencap this
>"Yes, it was I who controlled Kaido the entire time with the power of my kibidango!""
>"Why would you do such a thing!?"
>"My name.... is Kurozumi Tama. Need I say more?"
Denjiro is just Ryuji from persona 5
>implying they won't shove 3 min filler training montages in those episodes
>Mmm loli
Why'd he go from animal character to mc donalds toy looking thing with ts
If there was no "supernatural" destiny stuff involved, there wouldn't be any exact date. And it's not just the thunder, you also have stuff like Hawkins noticing Luffy's chance of survival simply cannot drop to 0, Nyoron noting how convenient everything is for him and wondering what kind of fate did the gods prepare for him, Shyarly's prophecy. A lot of stuff. Naruto had exactly the same theme mix up, by the way. And to find a faraway examaple, even A:TLA did. It's really not uncommon.
In case people seem to have forgotten, Big mom will be fighting on Kaidous side, I cant wait for this clash again, but Luffy not only blocks her attack, but sends her flying instead.
>Zoans are such a jobber tier of fruit theres a fucking paramecia that controls them
Because the people caring for him are mostly little girls, so Oda acted accordingly.
>Hmm, yes. This man seems trustworthy enough to be one of my samurai
Also people keep confusing heredity and fate and they're sometimes intertwined but not really the same concepts. The story has always said that Luffy's extremely lucky, that's as consistent as the theme that your birth doesn't determine your worth.
None of the scabbards were invited. They all followed him of their own volition like Kin'emon said.
>"It was actually insane the lengths this man would go to serve me...My fruit empowered his latent power to become as strong as a [Yonkou] I believe you call them, but his cowardly fighting style of taking hostages was so deep-rooted he rarely exerted such power!"
Flying might be too rough, I'd say he forces her fist and posture back however
Oden is like an ex-con that takes gives other outcasts a second chance.
>Oden was an idiot who made lots of bad decisions: more on this story as it develops.
Oden should have asked him his last name.
Sorry but Toko is for my use only
i agree. the D clan is most likely going to be a bunch of multifaceted characters with their own ideas of justice and their own dreams/wills to enact. rocks and teach will most definitely echo one of the members of the D clan, garp/saul will echo another, rogue another, dragon another, etc. the wills of these D's will be passed on through history to our present day D initial holders. and it will be important to show that some D's were passed on to current day individuals but their wills were NOT inherited or acted upon in any way, to cement the "birth is not deterministic" theme we are discussing. some characters in the D clan will have their wills more directly inherited, others will not.
the exact date is in reference to shirahoshi's coming of age. to actually do whatever needs to be done on laugh tale you need all 3 ancient weapons, and only poseidon is timegated by the fishman island princess (and whether or not she has her powers). it's true that in the sea kings page there was a reference to a second sovereign other than shirahoshi, and that second sovereign is going to be the person who forms a bond with shirahoshi like joyboy did with the poseidon of 800 years ago. and this bond will contain the condition of freedom for the fishman island inhabitants, as well as poseidon's loyalty to joyboy when it's necessary to "do what needs to be done" on laugh tale. and what this thing that needs to be done is is almost certainly the final war against the world government and the destruction of the red line.
i guess the point i'm trying to make is that first sovereign is definitely shirahoshi, but that second sovereign could've been anyone, even someone nefarious like teach, who might've used the ancient weapons for world conquest rather than destroying the world government and allowing freedom for the one piece world.
All that shot was going on during the flashback
I think it's weird how we saw Kanjuro's devil fruit given to him, but we still don't actually know its name.
D stands for Determine
Ds are determined in the face of death, determine their own philosophies and ideas of right and wrong, and determine the course the world takes through their grand actions
Next episode we see another member of the beast pirates get shit on. Next is Queen.
Can someone ITT please explain to me why Law is now wearing glasses??
Why did Oda redesign him or was he wearing contacts this whole time???
I’m just helping her train to be an oiran. Nothing wrong with it
That's a domino mask you retard.
Honestly, Kanjuro's backstory is less creepy than Raizou's. They were all freaks and weirdos.
>Can someone ITT please explain to me why Law is now wearing glasses??
I have a feeling you're trolling, but that's just shading. It's the shadow of laws hat.
Maybe the first three weeks of the flashback. People got more and more pissed off as it dragged on. Then we had delay after delay before finally getting back to the present a month late