BEASTARS early short summary chapter 169

169 leak:
Legosi and Kyuu stand training
It'll hit anyone who comes by, but too hard to stop them
(they're training, and the training is too excited so they'd hit passerby by accident, somebody need to stop them?)

"I think the second sentence of leak is more like: "Someone is got attacked so (Legosi) is asked to show trying hard to stop it. It make more sense that Kyuu ask Legosi to show what he got in training by stopping the attack."

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Lmao trash

who gives a shit about this training jesus CHRIST
how is that supposed to help with Melon pulling out a gun and shooting Legosi in the face

Once he sees Legosis imaginary chimera he will instinctively shoot it until his gun is empty.

Even if Paru continues with the battle shounen way, this arc needs to end asap


>even if
The battle shounen is the only thing bad about it, nigger.

Legosi has literally already dodged bullets


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O goddamn, Kyuu again...

When has Paru fallen out of love with Juno again?


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...yeah I'm drawing a blank here. Char from an au?

I sleep

Hell yeah, Kyuu again.

All of the characters still at the school are losing focus now that so much of the story is in the city now. I wonder if Cherryton will play any worthwhile role in the finale of all this.

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Cherryton providing the highest rate of Beastars that made it to sublime Beastars status surely is relevant.

Maybe Juno got a shot.

Or all the mixed clubs will form an army because the youths refuse the corrupt and bigoted way that the grown up world works mirroring the student riot communist scare that japan had in the 60's.

I'd be hyped.

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>Kyuu chapter
I sleep.

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Or maybe Melon will move the Meat Lovers Day to Cherryton to set the school as a very public example of his beliefs about herbivore and carnivore relations, and the carnivore students band together to protect their herbivore peers in defiance.

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Is this stand shit supposed to be a visual representation of how to fight with a style that isn't natural to your body type? For example a big burly dude doing capoeira? Feels like I'm reaching here but the stand thing is really fucking stupid.

Listen, user. The stand thing really is just fucking stupid.
Stands have always been stupid.
Baki is stupid for it. Jojo is stupid with it. Beastars is stupid.

Embrace it.

I just really wanna do capoeira

> Kyuu chapter
I coooom.

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For JoJo it actually kinda makes sense. The manga was about mental control since the beginning, and once the Stands were introduced, they've been there from the beginning of their respective arcs.

In Beastars it just fell a bit out of blue at point that feels well past the mid point of the story and never got proper explanations. If Paru makes some tie-in to the moth-visions in Riz arc, it could work in larger picture. Just make them appear as shared delusions rather than anything actually magical, though. There has been almost nothing in the manga that could be interpreted as explicitly magical, and introducing it now, would be just bloody messful writing.

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isn't homo leg sole unity a magical property of a consenting carnivorous herbivorous relationship

Louis is her last path to relevancy. The one true path.

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...what the fuck are you trying to write?

you know, the physical emotional link between louis and legosi's tachyons formed from the moment legosi consentually consumed louis' leg as a powerup after the second arc and thus since has had a magical soul bond where louis is able to feel when legosi is harmed via the magical property of homo crus consensu

really, have you read the manga?

She looks like a deformed jizo statue, how the fuck is anyone into that.

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I believe he's talking about the weird thing where Louis somehow felt Legosi being in danger after being shot/dropped off a cliff into the sea with Louis wondering if it's because he gave his leg to him. As the only egregiously canon example of "magic." The meme version is homo leg.

That's a spiritual connection, not a magical one.

>Stands are so strong they might hit bystanders.
Even Legosi's?

Kinda, but not really. It's the same difference and reason why people might be immersed in a ghost story, but get unimmersed if a wizards suddenly appears and starts combating the ghost with flashy spells.

No, you go back to Yas Forums.

>training chapter
Fucking dropped

What's his power level? Autism level?

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God dammit I thought this was furry garbage

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Power = 7/10
Autism = 69 /10

Paru could fix the chimeras impasse by presenting them as the old battle spirits/stances we already know. Think of the Tiger style, the Snake style or the Crane style. It would even make sense as they're animals.

That does sound better! But this is Paru we're taking about here.

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>inb4 we get DB fusions
>to defeat super-Melon (after he ate whoru) louis & legosi needs to become one to destroy him

Wolf/Deer fusion

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What kind of fighting style is rabbit?

shit self piss on enemy and scream

>the fucking test about common things in society
what the fuck why is this manga constantly a repeat of Legosi spilling his spaghetti for no reason other than the author enjoys watching him to do it, why would the author include these situations tailor-made to show how much of a retard legosi is and how all his ideals are fucking stupid?

Well, Paru did say that she didn't like her at first. It was only when Juno interacted with Louis that Paru started to find her interesting, so now that she's busy having Louis focusing on other stuff she's completely forgotten Juno.

the moral of the story is get fucked ry big dog

What an asspull.

Why is Paru doing this to us?

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I meeeeeeeean he only got 1 point for it or do mean the quiz in general

more like jizzo statue

>what an asspull
Have you started reading this manga just today?

Yeah, I just finished the chapter. There were a lot more asspulls. Him getting more points on "emotional" questions. Of course.... Him getting saved by Melon... WTF Paru?

And why the fuck did the rope rip anyways? Makes no sense.

No but I notice it more since coming here more often.

is this real?

Yes but it's not a wolf/deer, it's just a very long legged cute af demon.

>And why the fuck did the rope rip anyways? Makes no sense.
because the whole setup was old as shit and just now pulled out of storage

cute yes

IDK, use your legs or something.

Or Melon planned to kill him off there, but after Legosi displayed compassion to him again, he went off rails. I think he might have issue where he might respond irrationally to any form of compassion with extreme aggression. Like, incapability to let people close to him turned to 11.


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>not taking the melonpill

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do you ever eat eggs while reading or watching anime?

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