Why does Tsutsui like bullying Uruka so much?
If he wanted to bully Uruka he would have made a rejection scene. He's being as respectable as possible. In fact he's kinda showing that Rizu end happens because Uruka end didn't.
Because she's shit.
I kinda would like to see the fallout of her confession happening but Nariyuki choosing another girl.
Take your meds, senseiturd.
>The parallel stories start from this chapter
what did tsutsui mean by this?
Because she's a mistake
That by the end of the series he will actually deliver an ending his fanbase wants to read.
and black
>only other heroine appearing this chapter
>shows her winning competition, speaking volumes about her state of mind
>handwaving hard rejection entirely
He did the complete opposite though.
Yeah I know you fapped to this in your wildest dreams shitposter but that's not gonna happen so keep on reading and spamming le abo kangaroo
We can finally look at UruNamek as a bad dream.
I love Rizu
That he can't say out loud that Uruka was the intended ending but he can say it low key
are you Sawako or a squirrelbro?
Were you dropped as a child?
>Rizu's route is actually about her ending up with Sawako and Nariyuki is just a side character
Uruka was a mistake
I'm not Sawako or a squirrel, I'm a human being
>Rizu's route is actually about Sawako ending up with Nariyuki and Rizu is just a side character
sawako is for...
Straight facts in pic related
>Sawako : look at me, look at me, I'm the heroine now
Anyone else feel like Rizu's arc is more of an "extra" fanservice arc instead of a proper one? The jump from festival to this is way huge. I hope 22ui does it better for the next girls.
We only had the first chapter, it's too early to judge
Indeed. This chapter looks like something we'd have between actual arcs and so does sound the next one.
1-the purpose of the routes is fanservice in general
2-the only diference from the festival to the end of uruka route is who held nariyuki hand and that uruka didn't confess, everything else is exactly the same, no point in going over it again.
3-is literally the first chapter of the route, is way too soon to judge if the route is bad or not
He’s too lazy to write real love conflict in this story. If anything he spared her having to get rejected. Every route will be zero effort from Nariyuki as the other girls will disappear from the plot or get turned into willing helpers. I doubt he’ll know more than one girl likes him at a time. He could do it with Sensei if he isn’t a coward though.
>it's too early to judge
How so? We literally speedran through how Nariyuki somehow fell in love with rizu. At least uruka had that OH SHE WAS ALWAYS BY MY SIDE thing.
>leave moeyuki to ME!
to be fair, nariyuki will love anyone who tells him that she loves him, in the series every girl already had the foundation for them tobe in love with him and everytime something happend nariyuki would think about it for days, he though about uruka and the supposed boyfriend, the pictures she send, that time she kissed him, he thought about those time he slept with fumino, he thought about those times rizu tried to kiss him, those are all moments that indicates that he has feeling for all the girls so its now question of who confesses and who doesn't
> to be fair, nariyuki will love anyone who tells him that she loves him
Way to ruin the MC.
Uruka leaves and bokuben is funny and good again, really makes you think
i don't see how its an issue
please stop bullying my wife, i know her arc is shit but stop it already
> i don't see how its an issue
Sasuga waifufag. You're okay with the MC going to shit as long as your waifu wins.
Yeah but those aren't reasons for which he should love them
>In fact he's kinda showing that Rizu end happens because Uruka end didn't.
Now if every other if Route has a scene like that all off them are equally irrelevant. I wonder if he really will do it, or will he shake things up a bit.
now THIS is 4th wall shits
well, you saw the same in 1/5, uruka confessed, and the rest lose by default
and you will call it shit if yours doesn't win, atleast try to offer arguments, i said that its not an issue because what matters is the execution, not the concept or the idea, sure i am not saying that tsutsui is a genius with no flaw because of course not, in execution there are tons of things that he could improve, in concepts of the sotry and characters it is pretty good which is why so many people like bokuben, could be better but is not so bad
What the fuck was her problem?
You're right. What a fucking hack.
Or actually make sensei's route memorable by having all other girls confess and nariyuki rejecting them. THAT would be a god tier arc and I'll concede that sensei's arc is the true arc.
Sawacchin best girl
that's what the routes are for, in every route the girl will have to do something to make sure that he loves her, with uruka even though her arc was shit there was that thing were she helped him and his sister wich made him intrested in her and all that
her problem is to have the BEST route
Nariyuki told her he didn't have time for a girlfriend otherwise she would have confessed and lived a comfy year with her boyfriend
>atleast try to offer arguments
Don't pussy out and give 5 winnings to please the fans. Extra route fine, but call one canon.
> what matters is the execution
It's shit.
>one canon.
What difference does that make? They're all canon so you choose yours. I'm assuming your preferred the uruka ending so accept that as your canon like 22i said. What other people choose is irrelevant to what you choose. I know youd like a definitive canon but that isnt happening now, not now that hes said to the nips and everyone else that we can choose ours.
>Don't pussy out and give 5 winnings to please the fans. Extra route fine, but call one canon.
not the problem here user, for now it doesn't really matter if one is the true end, if there is a true end that should only be said once all routes are done, if he said that uruka is the true end for example, most people would drop the series or only pick it up to see their waifu route and that would affect sales, not a smart move to do it from the beggining
>its shit
i already said that
>They're all canon
When everything is canon, nothing is. I don't see how hard it is to grasp that concept.
Cope Urucuck, her ending was forced as fuck.
*fucks a kangaroo*
>forced ending
What's next, native ending or soft ending?
>MC going to shit
Nariyuki was always a bland self-insert.
*Blocks your path* What would you do?
Read slower literal nigger. Actually learn to read.
smash pussy
atleast rizu with 1 chapter has a moment with nariyuki ulike uruka:
> 1/5
> confessed
> do nothing
> MC spends 6 chapters to realize the obvious + asspull
> I love you
> timeskip with the MC with a ring
> 1/5 end
imagine waiting two months for this, it was a nightmare, the routes for the other hand, revived the fanbase
>When everything is canon, nothing is. I don't see how hard it is to grasp that concept.
and we don't care, how is that any harder to understand?
> and we don't care
So basically a blindwaifufag. Good of you to admit that.
how old is she now in human age?
Sensei end being the last one makes it more canon.
Redpill me on Moeboy. What's his endgame?
sure whatever makes you feel better
post your face when asumi is the last one based on how she is the least relevant girl
would you seethe is sawako ended up as a secret route after 5/5/?
Non-stop manwhoring in every timeline
user that doesn't mean anything. This is a filler chapter, it's like saying a random chapter in Bokuben has the girl doing things with Nariyuki. Had this been in Uruka arc it would have been called pointless filler.
about 20 years old maybe, she looks arround 5 but that guy said that nobody liived in that apartment for 15 years or something
>In fact he's kinda showing that Rizu end happens because Uruka end didn't.
Is this gonna be the setup for every other route? Uruka route diverges into Rizu if Uruka misses a critical moment, and then Fumika route will diverge from Rizu once Rizu does the same, then so on and so forth. Sensei is the last route because it literally requires every other heroine to fuck up their chances.
I would fap furiously but it's not gonna happen
A secret harem route is more likely
He's only a lucky guy
They've been fucking up all manga long, it's easier to believe that they all continue to fuck up than suddenly making progress out of the blue.
Manwhored so hard he split the timeline into five
sound about right to me.
It would have made more sense to just do the Sensei route from the beginning. The others are mostly unpopular, she’s favored by the author anyway making things very unequal and readers wouldn’t have to wait for ages to deal with what most will consider filler. It’s the finale anyway making it the end of the series. Could have saved time by going straight to it.
I hate it.
The biggest problem so far is that this chapter feels too much like 22i just rehashed a bunch of older chapters without bringing anything new.