
Here be Chapter 56 of Nagatoro. Apologies for the delay. 16 pages this time.
As always, requesting proofreading for my terrible English and grammar.
Chapter 56: 'Senpai? What's wrong~?'

Sen: The school-wide marathon competition is tomorrow...

Sen: I have to try and show her my good side

Sen: or else she'll bully me again...!!

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>Sen: I have to try and show her my good side
>Sen: or else she'll bully me again...!!
She'd still do it anyway.

o-oh fuck..


>senpai is thinkin about that ass


Teach: So, you all memorized the route?
Stu: Ye~s!
Teach: You'll be outside of school, so don't go crazy now.
Stu: Ye~s!

Sen: My leg seems fine.

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nagatoro's ass is what motivates him to improve, huh?

Sen: Oh yeah, where's Nagatoro...?

Sen: Well, I guess there's no way we'd find each other in a crowd like this...

Teach: Ok...
Teach: Start!

Sen: They're really going for it...

Sen: I'll just take my time...

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>My leg seems fine.
(x) doubt


Swiggity swooty

Nagatoro strikes again

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>Sen: My leg seems fine.
Inb4 faceplant onto the washing board


Naga: Senpa~i!!
Sen: Uwah!

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Nagatoro will cripple Senpai


> ass is what motivates him
That's also what's mocking him.

Dynamic entry!

>You gain brouzouf.

Naga: Let's race!!

Sen: N-Nagatoro...!!

Friends: Race!!
Sen: And the Friends too...!?

Sen: N-no way...
Sen: I'm going to run at my own pace...
Naga: Come on~ let's have a race~

Naga: Even a dull, slow turtle like you~
Naga: Might manage to win if you try really hard~

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Look at this dork, just look at her.

Yes yes yes!
Thanks Stalker~

This is why Nagataro is destined to win because senpai is an ass man not a tits man.

Shes so cool

naga becoming a dork to rival senpai, how cute

Top tier version

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The president has a bigger ass tho

Oh. Senpai’s ankle is kill and he needs the Naga carry.

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Sakura: Just like the tortoise and the Hare~
Gamo: We can't let our guard down~ who knows what could happen~
Yoshi: Nap!?
Naga: Just like the hare~?

Sen: W-well, you girls are less hares...
Sen: A-and more cats, right...?

Sakura: "You girls" he said!!
Gamo: But that's true.
Naga: A cat?
Yoshi: Torocaaat!!

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user accepts it. But any girl is better than Flattoro

Uh oh

Here she comes

Oh no.

Ufffff thanks bro

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It begins.

The hare...


Oh God it's coming

I wonder if the next page is going to contain the inevitable Stalker edit.

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will Stalker have nerfed the honkers again?

don't give him ideas

Yoshi is a dumb fuck.

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maybe he'll 4d chess us?


Here comes the reason why I still reading this shit

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Naga: It's the hare!!
Tsh. Well I bet you guys can't tell what I did.

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Oh noooo

god bless this manga

This is exactly what I came here for

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The hare took a nap at the finish line you simpleton


Oh shit!

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Fast as fuck boyyyyyyyy!!?


You nudged Toro's eyeball

You made all their eyes dot eyes? Pretty cheeky move there Stalker-San.

Nagatoro literals can't compete in any way against her. If this wasn't her manga she'd have lost already.

her future is saggy

You removed Gamo's boobs. You fiend.

s-sweaty buchou titties....

NPC friends

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She can't defeat her

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Nagatoro is cuter. That's what makes her better.

> a wild pervert appears

What's wrong with her?

Will 774 ever bring up the manga Senpai made that's obviously a release towards his feelings for President? Manga really needs to up the stakes somewhat, and that could do it.

Yoshi: Cosplay!
Gamo: Oh yeah, they said cosplaying was ok.
Sakura: But I didn't expect anyone to do it~
Sen: T-the President must be using this as a form of artistic expression... probably...

Gamo: I guess now's not the time to be fighting Paisen.

Noodle Squad: Let's beat that whore!!
Noodle Squad: Oh~!!

Sen: W-well, good luck...
Sen: The President is an amazing athlete too, so you'll have a hard time beating her...

Naga: What are you talking about...?
Sen: Huh...?

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Paisen looks like such a chad on this page, he’s really come far since the first chaoter

>fanservice shit
>the same shit is repeated without any fun
Reminder that the new watered down Nagatoro appeals to normalfags

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>as a form of artistic expression...

Uhh, Sakura?

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I guess it appeals to actual fags too since you’re here.

>responding with "cat" bantz
Damn, Senpai really is developing as a character. Balls are growing healthily, I'd say.

I don't think that's what they said..

senpai no

The question is did Stalker edit this the first time around but his laptop dying nuked it?

congrats you have depression

>Sakura's expression

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STALKER please, do a fair translation.

they say rabbit/hare

El presidente is not a whore

it is now


is she blushing or angry?

Are you enjoying your time in quarantine, looking at walls?


She has perfect genetics and will age like wine, no sag

Hey Gamo's Bazookas are back

Naga: The tortoise has to fight the hare!!
Sen: What!?

Sen: No way! I can't!
Sen: Did you see how fast she was going!?
Sen: I don't stand a chance against her...

Naga: You sure can!!
Naga: If we pour our power into you!!
Oh whoops, I meant to write
>Let's beat that hare!!
Totally just a slip of the fingers. My brain's a bit addled while sleep. Not intentional at all.

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Stalker pls...

bunny? like bunny girl?

not the first time

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I suspected it

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They're going to injure his already fucked up foot and they'll feel bad about it probably

>Literal power of friendship

She really is gay for prez, isn't she?

I want to pour my power inside Prez

Cute conga line, gives us a good sense of their heights too. Not only does this serve to help Senpai grow as a person, Naga herself can't compete so she's using Senpai to vicariously beat El Presidente.

There was a leak, we know what happens next.

She’s super gay isnt she

I didn't see the leak so I guess I'm in for a surprise.

Sakura: We got separated.
Gamo: You totally could've crossed...
Yoshi: But it was all blinky...

Naga: The booster...
Sen: The light here takes a while too...

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> by our powers combined you're Captain Dork

This panel has so much potential

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>it's the hare
More like breeding sow.

Good Yoshi. Don't start crossing if it's blinking.

>looking at walls
I only see quality material unlike you who are looking at a fucking manga

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>varying degrees of want

> someone could've been isekaied by that car
Missed chance.

Continuing off the "tortoise vs hare" comparison plus the cat/rabbit theme of Nagatoro and Prez from the culture festival.

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Yoshi almost got iseaki'd.

>they see your dick
>various degrees of want

>he says as he wastes his time on Yas Forums

>better athlete.
>Far far superior body.
>Talented artist.
>Hot but also dorky.
How can the niglet even compete with la presidente?

What board are you on?

Next chapter: Nagatoro in isekailand.

that could be used as an edit for this

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Sakura: Keep going!! We'll be fine!
Gamo: Go!!
GAmo: We'll definitely catch up with you!!
Yoshi: Death flag!!

Naga: Y-you guys......

Naga: Leave it to me!!

Sen: D-don't push me...
Sen: I'll try and run...
Naga: Oh fine~

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> I only see quality material unlike you
> browsing Yas Forums

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It only works if it's Truck-Kun. A standard car just fucking kills you.

>Yoshi: Death flag!!

But why would she want Paisen?