
>Ayu tried to kill herself
>Misaki tried to kill herself
>Mikoto tried to kill herself
>Othinus tried to kill herself
When will Index kill herself?

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>t. didn't even read ot1

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Misaki a pile of shit



OT1. Touma needs to find another suicidal girl.

>>Othinus tried to kill herself
She didn't just try. She succeeded.
And I wish the others didn't fail either, but without the MG asspull plot to save their asses.

Will Oriana show up in the Agnese SS?

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>Touma tried to kill himself
>Touma killed himself
>Aleister committed Aleistercide
Suicide is a hot thing in toaru.

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>Reminder that goddesses are retarded.

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Reminder that keikaku doori

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OT1 dude.

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>aniplex got 86
NT too please whenevr

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Othinus is useful though, she is portable magic exposition and has fairy kicks

Railgun T episode 9 will be delayed until April 24th


dude trust me



He's saying Aniplex got a hold of 86 Anime which was announced yesterday by Dengeki Bunko and hopes NT will be acquired by them.


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When will Kamachi make the AAA into a loli like Aine?

Salome and feet are disgusting

Salome and feet are delicious

Unironically this but with LO and every Misaka by extension instead

>in a cradle

Oh I see, thanks.

Even Tabigake?

No chance of that happening. NT will be adapted by JC again.

JC is off the committee as of Railgun T so I'm not sure about it anymore.

It was the first one

Fairy kicks are undoubtedly retarded.

Will we see MH implied sex in DM manga?

Kakine isn't convinced it seems

>Toudou Riho.
>Age at Death: 13 (Born April 13). Sex: Female.

>Based on the circumstances, she likely had her throat slit in a single attack, giving her no time to resist. She must have lost all strength and died before she could activate her Crystal Magic or even scream.

>Killing the JC by having her throat tore open by alien bug.
Holy shit, Kamachi

Kuro Kamachi.

Yeah, I'm thinking he's based.

>all these girls tried to kill themselves
>TOUMA Backwards is AMOUT
>AMOUT is Arabic for "I want to die/kill myself"
Kamachi's symbolism in Index is nothing short of amazing

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Fake news, Noukan likes St Bernards not humans

Yuiitsu fucking wishes.

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I'd love for it to be a constant gag that a character mentions that she is out sucking off some old fucks everytime she is on a solo mission.

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academy city is full of degenerates

When will she appear?

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Ocean is full of water.

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Index as a snappy kuudere would have been so much better than the shit we got

GT2 or 3, depending on how fast Touma goes apeshit.

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we can only hope

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It is a Catholic side story involving a magic item so it'd make sense for her to show up

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Hopefully not. Garbage character from the worst arc in the series.

How is that?

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She's not from ice boats.

Absurdly based.
Fuck hags

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I want her superior sisters

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This, that volume sucked ass so fucking hard.

Ice boats was shorter, had less pointless filler, and had Wakamoto. Literally the only thing Oriana has is her tits, and you can tell because even her one fan who keeps spamming her and parroting the exact same shit over and over again only asks if she's going to show up so he can fap over her tits again.

I want rikuri to use leech seed on me

Oh, I'm thinking about the novels too. The ice boats volume was the most painful to read. The daihaseisai ones at least had some fun interactions with other cast members. I didn't find anything redeemable about ice boats.

Daihasesai was twice as long as Ice boats, it was far more painful to read than ice boats was and I legitmately dropped the series while reading it for weeks while catching up because it was just so fucking boring and pointless.

>muh fun interactions with characters
Why is it that no matter what shit book you bring up people scramble to say this like every single book in the entire series doesn't have some scene or other that you could subjectively say was fun to you? NT2, Dahasesai, Ice Boats, NT3, no matter what book you say was shit and no matter how much on an objective level you toss criticisms at it it seems there's always at least one retard who takes it personally and HAS to run up and say "Wait! There was that one funny moment in the volume so clearly it wasn't *completely* garbage!"

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that's not true. oriana isn't just tits. she's also drills, exposed navel, sexy voice, and fun loving big sister type personality.

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t. Clearly has no idea what a big sister personality means and just noticed she called herself "onee san"

I'm not taking it personally it all. I thought my post was pretty clearly stating my subjective opinion. I don't think you should be so quick to project your frustrations from past disagreements.