Small, soft and cuddly characters give you an incredibly high urge to

Small, soft and cuddly characters give you an incredibly high urge to

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Sex with renge

pat them on the head.

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When is the 3rd season?

help her grow up into a fine woman (little girl)

What kind of sex?

read bedtime stories, cuddle and fall asleep

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Protect and raise properly into a fine woman.

but that's not what you wanted to hear, did you pedofag?

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Surely you're talking about doing that with the intention of marrying them?


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don't lewd my waifu you shithead

How can I be more like Tomaru Sawagoe?

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God those thighs drive me wild

Anal sex with Renge and Komari

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There isn't really much you can do with these kinds of girls...

All kinds.

headpatting, cuddles, eating icecream, listening to classic rock

and mating press

femdom or anything that doesn't involve penetration.

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Your friend looks very sleepy

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>only two of you? i think i know where this is going

They can sit on your face.

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pound their tiny vagainas



Your just too much of a pussy and moral fag to take lewding; lewd all girls and don't be of the same tier as ironic weebs.

I don't know why people care at all about old music. People put it on a pedestal when really japan produces way better music. Turboautism has been recently uploading 'classic' western pop music and they're way worse than anime and 'otaku' music.

Lolis smell bad.

t. hasn't been near lolis

which fucking subreddit is this from, normalfag?

You mean cute and funny little girls that I want to give my cock to

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Autistic retard rutting sosunsaa sex


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Oh no!

Surely you mean cunnylingus


What's it taste like?

One can only dream of such pleasures.

>Small, soft and cuddly characters give you an incredibly high urge to

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I did this.

So cute

Protect from pedos


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On the one hand I would enjoy having a small kid crawl into my bed wanting to snuggle for the night.

On the other hand I don't want to be a single father that cannot offer his daughter anything.

That's where you are wrong, my friend.

I feel you man
>Corona hits I can't go to work for 2 weeks
>Visit my mom and dad for a few days
>They tell me to take care of my little sister (7) because they can finally visit some friends
>Go to bed
>At around 9:30 PM my sister opens the door and asks if she can sleep with me because there is a storm outside and she can't sleep
>The first thing that goes through my degenerate mind are doujins that are exactly like that
>She crawls into my bed and grabs my arm, which is about half her body size
>The moment she does it my mind suddenly switches from pervert to "must protect and keep her happy"
>Turn off phone and pat her head till she falls asleep

Never ever in my life did I feel happier.

Her chairbuddy Satoko is for anlingus.

>The moment she does it my mind suddenly switches from pervert to "must protect and keep her happy"
When did you realize you have the gay?

Kiss your sister you flagrant homosexual.

>wake up
>she's sucking your dick
>"hooh oa-in ohii-an"

my pregnant wife Chika is so beautiful

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...become a father

you lucky son of a bitch