
>training arc
Is there anything worse?

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>asspull power up

>any school event
>arc which involves some new and temporary enemy they could easily deal with, but are having trouble with for some reason


>school play episode

>tournament arc

tournament arc

>arc which involves some new and temporary enemy they could easily deal with, but are having trouble with for some reason
That's my favorite. Hey the last arc's villain was incredibly powerful but I'm glad we got by the skin of our teeth - and with new powerful abilities to boot.
Next arc begins and they're getting their ass handed to them by the first villain that pops up.


OP and anons

>the best arc is the shortest

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>bitches about characters training
>bitches about characters getting power ups
There’s no wining with you people

trainings are good when they are short, asspull power ups are always bad

MC has two kids with the son looking like the mom and the daughter looking like the dad.

Nothing wrong with anime-only fillers, the matter is... how well the script is written.

>Tournament arc
Feels good not to have to come up with any actual plot for the next 2 years

>school festival arc
>school summer trip
>onsen episode
>umi da

>edo arc
>war arc
>japanese bathhouse episode
>beach episode
>japanese traditional festivities episode
>tournament arc
>hiatus arc

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There's nothing wrong with timeskips

>time skip
>nothing is explained but characters reference what happened there constantly

The worst has to be
>world building episode/arc
>it's the most generic back story possible

>MC has easy way to win or kill baddy
>half way through MC beats the shit out of him to an inch of his life
>"No I must not go about it this way, he may have killed everyone I love but this is wrong"
>let's the dickhead go
>end battle is an ass pull of doing what he could have done mid season anyways

>MC fights villain
>The fight starts going in the MC's favor
>Villain:"I guess it's time for me to start getting serious" or "Don't get cocky, I'm only using 30% of my full power"
The only time when shit like this is acceptable is if the villain needs to fill certain requirements to meet full potential. Otherwise just fight at full strength from the beginning.

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>Disliking training arcs

"Character development"

>male MC
>male characters
>non-lesbian characters

Time skips are my biggest pet peeve. It' just feels like a way to avoid exploring your character more.


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Those are all better than training arcs

>that katanagatari episode

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Nothing worse than a timeskip

>new arc
>villain makes a flashy entrance
>oh, those guys you were struggling with ?
>they were just small fry in our organization
>proceeds to smash our heroes so they need to get stronger
it basically guarantees training arcs, random powerups and other shenanigans. Villains might also depower.

>Villain joins the heroes
>jobs every single battle

That's exactly what I'm expecting with the first arc villain in Dr Stone now that he's joined Senku

>henchman tries to stop villain's evil plans well after it's too late

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>character has a speed form
>somehow isn't fast anymore next arc

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Tell that to basically every manga that gets worse after one.

This is honestly BECAUSE the arcs are short. when authors are forced to condense things a bit for a short arc, they generally end up pacing things better. when they have "breathing room" and can run an arc for three fucking years, things start to drag.

>tournament arc
>the main character and main antagonist obviously will make it to the final round

>Speed character
>loses a fight because of something they should have been fast enough to avoid

>Strength Character
>loses a fight because of something they should have been strong enough to over come

>etc. etc. etc.

Contrivances to take down OP characters just really highlight the existing flaws in a story.

Training arcs are good when they are used as an exposition dump about the power system and the MC exploring it

>training arc happens
>character never uses any of the things he learned the whole time outside one move he never uses again

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>secondary character curbstomping the villain but their power wears out/villain pulls something out their was that barely saves them

I really want a story where MC/Group enters a tourney and gets their shit pushed in first round. Could be used to illustrate that the characters are just big fish in a small pond and they still have a long journey ahead of them.

>training arc for side characters
>still doesn't win any battles

>Implied training arc
>2-3 arcs later
>Fight against villain
>flashback to some skill learned in implied training
>suddenly MC can win fight

Inuyasha does this every new enemy

Unironically Cardfight vanguard did this in one of the early arcs, where the main group decide to branch out from their locals and hit a regional tournament and they quickly get shit on, I don't think anyone made it past round 2

>mentor character goes against main villain

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Interrupting an action sequence with pointless narration.

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Hiatus arc

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>characters acknowledge and ignore it only to take advantage of the situation

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>their hair colours and genders are swapped

Gurren Lagann?

>characters reveal the secret to their powers/abilities mid fight

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Otherwise perfectly fine story suddenly gets a training arc composed of several time skips purely because the writer has no idea how to transition between points.

>It's a misunderstanding
>On top of another misunderstanding

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Something that has always bothered me in anime and manga is characters coming up with very precise percentages on the fly to describe something
>I'm only using 15% of my power!
>My attack has a 40% chance to work
>The odds of X being the killer is 3.5% right now...
Is this a japanese culture thing?

For the first two I just think that they are a way of trying to build hype.
>The villain is using only a fraction of his power! How will our heroes defeat him?!
>Despite the odds my attack worked! With luck like this I might just win!

>mc is a colossal faggot without balls