Watamote Thread

Everyone! It's Monday and so that means it's time for our Thursday Watamote thread.

Question of the month. Is Nico ok and will the next chapter be ready in time?

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Apparently the fever's subsiding, chapter should still be at the normal time.

I hope Yuri becomes good friends with the Ucchi gang after this arc.

Who will she break next?

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my wife Yuri is so cute

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What if she corrupts one of the boys?

Would Yuri be friends with Yuuri from Girls Last Tour?
(Yuurifag, your input is appreciated too!)

Also, would Yuuri make a good T800 from Terminator 2?

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probably, since this Yuri is, as paradoxically as it sounds, a more Chito Yuri than a Yuuri Yuri

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They probably have a few buffer chapters ready in case something happens. As for whether they'll be okay COVID-19 is only deadly if you have a weak immune system or are elderly, so if one of them got it they'll probably be fine.
Yuri would probably think that Yuuri is an annoying shit if her interactions with Nemo are any indication.

the only right answer

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Nemo's been trying to be friends with her for a while and yet now these girls come out of nowhere and Yuri's happy to be friendly and go to the hot spring with them.

I think Yuri is trying to be more open with people, this could be a good sign

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When will the anime get another season?


never ever

>I'm coming Tomoko

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Yuri just doesn't like the color pink, she's instinctively repulsed by it.

Best ship coming through.

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fuck off emoji freak

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Reminder that introverts have a right to refuse extroverts annoying attempts at small talk. Extroverts rule the outside world. Their convenience is the only law that matters out there. The least they could do is to leave us alone for a few moments in the only place left to hide from them. But no. They have to ruin our last sanctuary, our sacred alone time, because they have to satisfy their lust for small talk. They must chit-chat a little. Talk about meaningless things in a trite way, only for their sake, to allow them to recharge their mental energy. But make no mistake, they are not just recovering their own. They are also draining ours. They are social vampires. Despicable creatures that seemingly only exist to annoy us into exhaustion. "Would it kill you to talk with me a little?" Yes it would! You are annoying and tiresome. I'm staying in my head. And no. This is my place and you are staying outside. Don't force me to talk when I want to be left alone with my thoughts!

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When is Wada going to take his rightful spot as Mokocchi's girlfriend?

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They just think you're lonely and want you to have fun with everyone

Yuri, extroverts are living in you head rent free and they are eternally draining your energy.

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it's nearly time

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yes brother

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for what?

Reminder of the what is true endgame

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the time for more lewd nemoto

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Isn't that all the time?

No girl is lewder or pinker than Nemo

Who's this Nemoto you guys talk about. No character with such name on the series.

we don't like talk about THAT

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No one. I have no knowledge about a character with such a name.
Don't tell anyone, but here was a character named Hina Nemoto in Watamote before the vixen erased her presence. She spirited her away without a trace. It's like she ceased existing. Spooky stuff.

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When he defeats the vixen.

The fox can't even beat the emoji or the autist, she's a non-issue.

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Motherly types like her are vulnerable to cute shotas.

thread must reach wednesday wathever the cost

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what if it becomes a yuri shipper thread

I ship Yuri with Yuri.

that is a good ship

hit me with your biggest crackships

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I want Dark-chan to secretly be in love with Anna

imae x her dog

Ogino and Asuka's mom.

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Komi and Akari once they realize they have no chance with Tomoki and only have each other.

Katou x Tomoko

that's not a crack ship that's a cancer ship

Which Katou?

>As for whether they'll be okay COVID-19 is only deadly if you have a weak immune system or are elderly, so if one of them got it they'll probably be fine.
How do you know they don't both have lupus or whatever? they're very secretive people, we don't know much about them. And besides the sickness the quarantine might be a big problem for them, since Watamote is as far as I know a 100% traditionally drawn 1980s ass comic--pencils, ink, screentone, the whole thing--and that may become very impractical if they can't meet up in person anymore.

not bad user

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Simple, quarantine them together in the same room.

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that's the author's plan. they'll finally be alone together

>How do you know they don't both have lupus or whatever?
I don't. Which is why I didn't bring it up.

Let's see it become real

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Is the new chapter this week? In 2 days?

yuri is so cute

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This dumb broad will sleep with you if you tell her all the other girls are doing it.

God I wish I could shove my cock into her autistic mouth right this instant.

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the cutest

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She does comes off as a hentai lead that is easily corrupted into debauchery

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